Palestine stans can't stop thinking about Jews :chadjewrentfree: at the Game Awards

Video games?


How about we focus on the games

The white guy in Israel wants us to stop talking about war crimes

I bet this “white guy in Israel” has more Arabic blood coursing through his veins than most people who signed that terrorist sympathizing letter ☺️

Talking down on literally every non-zionist person sure is a thing y'all like doing. It's like you think the people in your weird ethno-state are superior beings to everyone else...

Bruhh the self proclaimed SJW is complaining about the Jooz:marseychuddance:

I see a lot of people saying that politics have nothing to do with thegameawards Games are political. Saying otherwise is by itself a political statement. We game devs are human, it should be sufficient as an argument to denounce the loss of so many innocent lifes.

This will remain evergreen

Trvth bomb

i've seen folks ask why a video game awards show should have anything to say about Gaza. it's about legitimacy. a huge cultural institution backed with money and power saying "this is a real thing that is happening. we should demand safety and dignity for Palestinians"

Lol, lmao

As they should. The whole show will, otherwise, be an embarrassment to an industry that's usually so well spoken on other important crises. Everyone that gets on that stage, and gets in front of the mic, has a responsibility.


Imagine committing a terrorist attack killing thousands and getting near unfettered support from a whole group of people, that know nothing, across the world lol

it is a function of privilege to keep politics out of the things you enjoy, so you can immerse yourself fully. many don't have that privilege. And can't just put down a cause. It's life or death. The least we can do is stand together in demanding justice for Palestine.

Literally the opposite of reality

will you nerds shut up i think it's a great idea that a class is trying to bring awareness to the conflict happening and the fact that everyone is like “we should just focus on games” let's focus on the thousands of people dying actually


all of the "keep politics out of my games" shitters in the comments are the reason why no one takes g*mers seriously

Such an inflated sense of self-importance

"Hey guys, Hamas hot dropped into our Marshmello concert and downed all the unarmed innocent players. That was not very poggers of them, so let's hope Team IDF gets that Victory Royale in Gaza and makes it back to Tomato Town in time for Dino Nuggies n Choccy Milk! GG EZ NO RE"

Trying to imagine the scenario where historians later recall how a statement at a videogame awards show contributed to peace in Israel/Palestine. It's tricky, but perhaps I'm just lacking imagination.

Everyone pretending they care know this is rage bait, right? Platforms like Polygon are going defunct left and right and this is a desperate attempt at staying relevant. Try that "critical thinking" that's constantly boasted about.

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This stuff is so annoying. "I actually need the thing i consume to recognize the highly politicized world news that has been dominating the newsfeed of everyone for the past month."

I have blacklisted anything relating to the middle east on twitter and it's much better. Call me privileged if you want but just because it's a matter of life and death to you doesn't mean it is to me and i've stopped caring what right wingers half the planet away from me are doing.

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It's a privilege to be able to dig into every single political issue and have the time, energy, and access to info to be able to form opinions, listen to debates, and then constantly nag every organization you don't control into doing what you want.

Btw which catastrophe are they being awareness to? The one in Ethiopia right?

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