divers... we won :marseytwerking: :marseywereback: :marseysuperearthflag:

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oh no /r/gamingcirclejerk is now doing a complete 180 lmao https://old.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/1clarww/i_am_so_astounded_that_this_resolved_the_way_it/

after deepthroating snoy for 3 fricking days straight! !g*mers

Morherfrickers completed an IRL major order god bless our helldivers 🫡

Remember that no matter what, it is always the morally correct choice to bully a multibillion dollar corporation

Bullying works. Also, it's Monday. Social media teams may work over weekends, but people making decisions probably have worker rights.

/uj Weren't there a lot of people on here clowning on people being rightfully upset and shilling for a multibillion dollar corporation? To all those people, is it a good thing or a bad thing that Sony backtracked their initial, anticonsumer decision?

Sometimes people get caught up in the jerk and being contrarian. This was an extremely rare situation where g*mers were justified in both their motives and their execution. Congrats Helldivers, y'all earned this win.

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[On one hand, this is the correct decision and Sony (and possibly Valve) handled things incredibly poorly by not making the PSN requirement far more noticeable before purchase and by not restricting sales in countries without PSN access from the get go.

On the other hand, this is simply going to embolden dipshit grifters like that pissbaby Kern with whatever moronic complaint they have every week. Because they'll take this as a sign they can bully a company into submission. (Again, not counting this specific situation, where the anger was actually understandable).](https://old.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/1clarww/i_am_so_astounded_that_this_resolved_the_way_it/l2slay4/?context=8)

Can libs not embarrass themselves every time they tough guy talk

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what fricking r-slurs, steam handled it perfectly

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You have it the wrong way. It's a massive win for steam that other companies have to be forced to follow their lead.

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"We have always been on the side of the g*mers" :marsey1984:

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“Rare situation where the consumer was right and i shouldnt kick the feet of billionaires” is such an L from self-described commies

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We're still learning what is best for PC player


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What's best has been established. They took a risk they shouldn't have lol

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We will find ways of getting a psn subscription out of you r-slurs eventually.


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Next time, Gadget!

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Free skin if you connect your psn account. Bam done! Ez psn connect from everyone. Snoy is so r-slurred lol

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What advantages does a PSN subscription even have?

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It made it easier for the game's jannies to ban you, as proudly mentioned by one of them.

It also meant more data for Sony to sell.

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Also sony has a quarterly report coming up in like 10 days so a lot of speculation was about them wanting to pump up PSN account growth numbers

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lmao I'd love to see that meeting

>So that's it for our PSN numbers, we can pat ourselves on the back gentlemen, a 10% YoY increase! :marseybrainletclapping:

>Now let's see the sales of our latest hit! :marseyexcited:

>Uhhhhh :marseysweating:

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Doesn't matter, hit my KPI.

Give me my bonus.

I'm going to Ubisoft.

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Yes to the lol, but it's also important to remind these companies which groups you piss off but it won't matter, versus which ones will effect the bottom line if you drive them away.

Though this is hardly a test case, considering they were stipulating something that would make the game illegal or impossible to play in a great many places, including for people that had already bought the game. Even with refunds that's an incredibly poor choice, and I'm glad the pushback was severe enough to prevent it.

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they literally bought the game. it's just reviews dude lmao

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I know, but they also had the chance to refund it even with more than two hours played. It's less of an empty gesture when you can get your money back and then join the review bombing.

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It's a live service game. They want to milk these people for as long as they can.

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Won't they simply delete them for being spam?

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They capitulated, so some of them will be deleted anyway.

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Are they really that stupid that they didn't realize that they were cuttting off a couple dozen countries?

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G*mers on average are insanely dumb, so gaming companies can get away with being wildly inept. I assume this is the relationship at least.

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Oh no, how will snoy ever recover from losing the precious revenue streams of the French Mariana, Guyana, Grenada, and Afghanistan??? :soycry:

The list of the 10 gorillion countries PSN doesn't support was exclusively irrelevant French micro islands with 8 people living on them

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You forgot a bunch of Baltic shitholes where extraction shooter players spawn from at high rates.

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Venezuela PUTO!!!!

:#marseycomradecry: :#marseyredguard:

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Here is my Theroy:

We know Sony is working on a PlayStation launcher for all their pc releases and helldivers 2 was a testing ground for mandatory psn sign in.

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I guess blocking half of your playerbase from playing your game was not exactly a good idea, after all.

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now about those neighbors who got refunded :mjlol:

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Literally all it was for was to pump up PS user numbers for the next shareholder meeting and some light data farming…

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Total thirdie victory


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:donkeykongk: :donkeykongo: :donkeykongs: :donkeykongh: :donkeykonge: :donkeykongr: :#donkeykongbeholdcarp: :#baronkroolenstein: :#dkcharmingchestbeat: :#donkeykongrainbowhop: :#rattly: :#funkykong2: :#chunkykong:

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The most important victory to ever be achieved on this day.

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kill groomercordcels, behead groomercordcels, roundhouse kick groomercordcel into the concrete, slam dunk a groomercordcel baby into the trash can, crucify filthy groomercordcels, defecate into groomercordcels food, launch groomercordcels into the sun, stir fry groomercordcels in a wok, toss groomercordcels into active volcanoes, urinate into groomercordcel's gas tank, Judo throw groomercordcels into a wood chipper, twist groomercordcels heads off, report groomercordcels to the IRS, karate chop groomercordcels in half, curb stomp pregnant groomercordcels, trap groomercordcels in quicksand, Crush groomercordcels in the trash compactor, liquify groomercordcels in a vat of acid, eat groomercordcels, dissect groomercordcels, exterminate groomercordcels in the gas chamber, stomp groomercordcel skulls with steel-toed boots, cremate groomercordcels in the oven, lobotomized groomercordcels, mandatory abortions for groomercordcels, grind groomercordcel fetuses in the garbage disposal, drown groomercordcels in fried chicken grease, vaporize groomercordcels with a raygun, kick old groomercordcels down the stairs, feed groomercordcels to alligators, slice groomercordcels with a katana, in minecraft.



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