Beautiful black qween in Hades 2 :marseyblm: :#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove::#marseyloonalove:

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I'm just so fricking tired, man. :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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How did the greeks feel about black people? Even if they tolerated them idk if they loved them enough to worship...

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The "Ethiopans" (probably from what's now Sudan) play a prominent role in the Iliad.

In the 1990s there was a controversy about the "Black Athena" book that claimed the Greek gods were black. Which is r-slurred. But there was an equally r-slurred pushback by chud academics claiming the Greek gods were Greek. Really they were from Anatolia, Mesopotamia, maybe Egypt. They could have been black, the Greeks would have had no problem with that. It just happens they weren't.

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Well, Aphrodite was Mesopotamian. Don't know about the rest. Never met them.

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>Dysfunctional family of minorities


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I don't see what's wrong with this. Doesn't it make sense one of the most syncretist pantheons in world includes different races? What historical authenticity is lost when (omg) they made a 3000 year old god no one believes in brown?

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Gods reflect the society that worships them. Its just weird to have gods look different from the society that created them. I wouldnt expect african bush gods to be mayoid, or jap ghosts to know how to drive.

Tbh i cant bring myself to care the slightest bit about this. Its ahit that they force this dicersity for political reasons and admit it, but you cant seethe about everything. :marseytabletired2:

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So Hindus have blue skin color?

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Gods reflect the society that worships them. Its just weird to have gods look different from the society that created them.

tbf i would expect the only people that worship Greek gods today to look exactly like that. but the people that "created" them are dead by a thousand years, so who cares

I wouldnt expect african bush gods to be mayoid, or jap ghosts to know how to drive

the greeks were hugely syncretist, especially into the roman period. they also worshiped isis, an Egyptian god. now Egyptian KANGS and what not, yt egyptians are not. or manicheanism etc.

they force this dicersity for political reasons and admit it

its an indie studio with like 20 people in it. i cannot get upset at these few people re-imagining old stories in new ways. plus, these stories and characters are so old, why not make some of them brownoids? race is such a non-factor so nothing is lost and its more appealing to the brownoids that make and play it. its like saying it would be weird for non-yts to play anything but othello in Shakespeare. maybe but why would i seethe if i saw someone doing it?

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I think it's just bad just because you Just Know.

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Gay BIPOCS from...underground?

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You Just Know. That it's on purpose.

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It definitely a result of lib POC worship but that doesn't mean it's inherently bad.

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Playing the first game I just pretended these gods were dimly lit to avoid :marseynoooticer: :marseywrongthonk:

:marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseytabletired2:

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Every greek I talk to tells me that they aren't white, so if they are mentally black then why can't they be depicted as such?

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I thought they were just doing the Disney Hercules thing.

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>dysfunctional fricked up family

>clearly theyre black

Actually :based: tbh. I dont get the sneeding

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So I can make African Gods white?

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Ok so we're gonna be replacing Black people with whites now? We're gonna be ethnically cleansing POC? Is that what we're doing?

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I always fondly think back to that white black panther image. The hypocrisy of leftoids is unreal.

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Reddit the game.

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Wait until they find out that there were some nubians worshipping the ancient egyptian gods...

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Lmao real diversity is not having to represent any culture other than black people even when stealing from a specific culture, purely because you view it as β€œwhite-passing”

I love how too that big dysfunctional family immediately gave them the epiphany of make them not white

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  • doombro : Her pronouns are she/they :marseythumbsup:

Holy shit, ofcourse it has vitiligo. It must have a high ESG rating, cause suddenly that condition is in every other game.

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She's doesn't have vitiligo. She's just covered in soot.

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so in this case you really can wash the Ethiopian white

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It's like the homeopathy of skin color inclusion

The lower their prevalence in reality, the more likely they are to be included in media.

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Umm vitiligo people EXIST chud? Try going outside for once.

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Haven't seen a black person in months, let alone one with vitiligo. :marseyshrug:

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That's because you are a racist incel chud who gets scared when you see a POC just EXISTING, no one want you

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True, but I also live in a 99.9% white country. :marseysipping:

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Racist. They should open their borders to the POGMAIP

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I'm pretty sure you just made that acronym up. :marseyindignant:

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It's real and it's funny because it's a direct mirror of chud rhetoric about whites being the "global minority."

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Not for long crakker

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Saw some ad on Netflix (they're all pharma ads lol) for vitiligo or whatever. I bet fewer people have it than people of gender

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For some reason I don't mind that they made the goddess who's the housekeeper of the gods and who got stepped on by Dionysus the reincarnation of Mammy. It just seems fitting. I mean we can't have a white woman in that position.

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thank you sweetbaby inc!! :marseywholesome:

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Why are video games in particular so absurdly woke?

Even Hollywood movies aren't as bad as video games these days in terms of wokeness?

Is it just the sheer amount of :!marseytrain:s working in game development?

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It's because the nerds who make them are so desperate for a crumb of kitty they'll do anything a white woman says.

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!commenters when you buy something at the store she expresses disbelief that you have to pay for things and requests gibs :marseydarkxd:

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>they made the mammy a welfaremaxxer

what did they mean by this?

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>when you buy something at the store she expresses disbelief that you have to pay for things and requests gibs :marseydarkxd:

And that's why I support Diversity in video games. The people making them sure act like it lol

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see, this shit is hilarious. of course I'm buying it

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There is no way...

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Hades is a roguelite, not a roguelike.

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It identifies as a roguelike, also roguelites are just upscaled arcade games with added lore.

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This is somewhat incorrect

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I never said it was a real roguelike (I personally think that a roguelike requires many characteristics, including permadeath, procedural generation, non-deterministic combat, identification, turn-based combat, an inventory, interactions between items, and being forced to eventually make a decision that harms you in some way to progress), but it's advertised as one, and the definition of roguelite in 2024 is just "game where you get powerups" (turn-basedness, procedural generation, or even permadeath are not used in many of the most popular roguelites, many of them do not even have an inventory and replace identification with pure randomization of available items). Notice that most arcade games, if remade with the processing power and graphics of a modern computer in mind, would fit in the definition of roguelite.

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It's soft even by roguelite standards.

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!soyteens Literally coal.

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  • doombro : Bigotry will not be tolerated under any circumstances.

Me when BIPOCs in my video game

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Chuds freaking out over the very idea of blacks in their games that they overlook the hearth keeper is covered in soot. Wingcucks are ngmi :marseylaughpoundfist:

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They were using a placeholder for her portrait in all of the early access test art. Wonder if this is why. This is Supergiant Games though, so it is equally as unsurprising as Hephaestus being a butterball in a wheelchair.

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He is suppose to be a cripple, but that's pretty funny :marseyxd:

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He is lame, club-footed, not American...

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The cripple part is fine but Blacksmiths aren't fat.

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They have to be strongfat at least.

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He's literally supposed to be crippled and ugly. What did you expect?

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My understanding is he is not ugly, just lame.

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Wasn't he an incel?

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Married to Athena, she was cheating with Ares, he caught them in a net and drug them naked in front of Olympus to be ridiculed, divorced the whore, then married the muse of grace?

Alpha behavior.

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I've never gotten around to playing the first game because of the straggy artstyle. Apparently it's the greatest thing in the world, but I wouldn't know because all the art is tumblr-core to the max.

"THEY MADE ALL THE CHARACTERS HOTTTTT" shut up b-word, no they didn't, you should've consulted a straight man.

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Same honestly, I think I tried playing bastion once, played a few levels but didn't really understand what the hype was all about.

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Bastion was pretty sweet, although I guess it's disappeared from public consciousness slowly. Back then it was one of the like 10 indie darlings everyone was talking about. I guess Supergiant is still technically "indie", although the label doesn't have the impact it did ~12 years ago.

I played Transistor for less than an hour, it just didn't grab me. I also think G*mergate had made me an r-slured chud and it bothered me that the black voice actor played the love interest.


I want to kick my own butt.

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Yes, I remember this. I've only heard of Transistor from that one rdrama analysis on how it was about internet janny drama or something.

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Sorry, remember what exactly?

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why does every character in every form of media have to be a fricking BIPOC

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Because chuds will give it free publicity.

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It's gonna sell still

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Why can't they just draw black people normally?

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Ugly hearts make ugly art

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It's literally a soulless AI drawing. Can't make it look any better.

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>God of the hearth is covered in soot


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they fricking ruined hestia. Everyone knows she looks like this

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Black covered in ash or White covered in soot? :marseygigathonk:

The real answer is I don't care I'm still buying it when it gets out of Early Access.

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I'll probably buy it on sale somewhere down the line. I'm n-n-not saying that Black people are worth less or anything so that I wouldn't buy them full price :marseyveryworried: N-n-not that I would ever buy a Black person :marseyveryworried:

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Don't buy it

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"Bruh stfu racist butt crakkka"

:#dasrite: :

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That's a fat white grandma covered in soot aka blackface.


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Meh. This will not affect whether I buy this game or not

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She looks like she was drawn by the guy who made the Biden "you ain't black" comic.

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hades gods all have wacky skin and hair colours

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The only rogueish game I've played is Darkest Dungeon. Is this similar? Funner? Worse?

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LOL that's hestia? B-word what

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Leftioids: Soyjaks are so ugly!

Also leftoids:

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Is that a pile of coal on her head? :marseyconfused:

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i loved hades 1. i hope they don't frick this up

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I can't fricking take it anymore. I see an image of a random reformist and then I see it, I fricking see it. It started as "Oh that looks kinda like the Deng guy, that's funny, that's a cool reference." But it kept going, I'd see a policy that looked like Dengism, I'd see an act that looked like Dengism, I'd see a bill that looked like Dengism. And every time I'd burst into an insane, breath deprived laugh staring at the image as the words DENGIST ran through my head. It's torment, psychological torture, I am being conditioned to laugh manically any time I see a reform in an manifesto. I can't fricking live like this... I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't! And don't get me fricking started on the words! I'll never hear the word suspicious again without thinking of Dengism. Someone does something good and I can't say anything other than "Deng." I could watch a man tear down everything I love and all I would be able to say is "Dengism" and laugh like a fricking insane person. And the word "Reform" is ruined. The phrase "reformist ideology" is ruined. I can't live anymore. Dengism has destroyed my fricking life. I want to reform myself from this plane of existence. MAKE IT STOP! GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Supergiant has a cute asian foid who is the art director named Jen Zee. Look how reddit everyone is

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wtf they even have a pregnant man :marseypreg:

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