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:marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: eat dirt wokes and corpos!

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Unironically suits fricking :marseytom: ruin everything they touch. Unless it's manipulating the stock :marseywallst: market :marseystocksup: or running :marseychaser: a bank, they don't know how to run a fricking :marseytom: company lmao

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who looks at the industry for the past decade and deems 3 digit million dollar live service shooter is the way to go.

i know these games take like a bajillion years to make and its hard to course correct mid way through, but come on now.

i could have told them in 2016 that this idea wouldn't pay off. at least you can tell they scrapped the lootboxes after those became an international controversy.

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Games executives are total morons, they see one thing make money and they immediately think "if we make that thing we'll make just as much money". This is how every games company tried to make world of warcraft and all lost their shirts over it, and it is why they are now all trying to make live service games and all losing their shirts over it. Despite ostensibly going to business school they do not understand the concept of a saturated market

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All media companies are like this. After Marvel took off, every single movie studio in the world tried to make their own Oppenheimer Cinematic Universe

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What was that one that tried to include Dracula, the Mummy, Frankestein etc? The Dark World cinematic universe but the mummy, Dracula Untold, and I Frankenstein sucked so hard it died in it's crib?

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>implying they know how to run a bank


Trust me, there's nothing they know how to do well. It's part of the job requirement.

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Palworld won

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Nobody wants to make $20 million dollar games anymore. Instead we only get four new releases a year with $300 million production budget. And the games suck anyways because they've curated the entire writing and development team to consist of only blue-haired lesbians.


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development team to consist of only blue-haired lesbians.

False. They also have thousands of :marseytunaktunak: jeets on the payroll doing the needful and ensuring that sars do not redeem.

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In the 1980s if your game was a failure it's cause it costed 50k to produce but only sold 5 copies so you buried the rest in the desert.

Nowadays, these games gross $50m, but it doesn't matter cause they're putting insane movie theater budgets into this shit so it's a huge failure.

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Has that gotten any significant updates?

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Honestly not really lol. While there have been some updates and needed qol improvements, it feels like they're focusing too much on patching server exploits/cheats instead of like, developing the game more lol. Don't see it going anywhere a year later.

With that being said it was still fun to watch it mog every other AAA January release. Not to mention the pokemon seethe ofc lol.

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Tragic :marseychimera:

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They focused hard on server stability, QOL, and fixing broken shit. They've added raid bosses. They have just teased a map expansion/new island with new pals.

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They recently added like raid bosses of some kind that are intended for multiplayer. Haven't checked up on it though.

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Reception should be a metric for success. It's a step to building audience investment.

This redditor is right. Every AAA developer wants every new first IP to be a huge hit or they shuttle it entirely. Nobody wants to take the From Software approach of steadily improving and refining a concept or IP while increasing their core fans along continuous installments.


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steadily improving and refining a concept or IP while increasing their core fans along continuous installments

That doesn't generate the kind of returns that american shareholders like. Most US CEOs have like a 5 year horizon, at best. Japanese company presidents serve practically for life

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No doubt. But a $200 million loss can't be good for shareholders either. Chasing whales 24/7 is just a stupid business strategy.


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It's a fine business strategy if you never have to think further than the next quarter. If it blows up, you get a golden parachute and fail over to another company to do it again, meanwhile it's someone else's problem.

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>Most US CEOs have like a 5 year horizon

C-suites are masters of stepping on their own peepee and this is why.

Literally, all they care about is hitting a KPI. I've seen incredible acts of r-sluration committed for the sake of bumping numbers last-minute.

You can afford to be short-sighted when you have no intention of sticking around for the long run.

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I also read somewhere that they just keep their staff so you got the same people working on the sequels.

But of course the work culture in Japan would make an American vomit blood so you gotta take the bad with the good.

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Double-edged sword. In Japan if you reach a certain number of years or seniority with at least one or two good projects (or hit games for vidya) you are practically unfireable AND are basically given leadership OR just employed to sit in the breakroom (if your track record starts to be less than stellar).

E.g. Nomura from Squeenix did character design for FF, then KH (which started well with 1, CoM, and 2 but has gone horribly off rails with all the sidestories culminating in underwhelming 3), and given SO MUCH power in FF7 Remake/Rebirth despite his inability to not write an overtly obtuse story (also Nojima who was apparently the real problem). He's one of their most senior guys but I wouldn't be surprised that FF7 has put him on notice and if KH can't recover, he's probably going to be relegated to office potplant that occassionally doodles.

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I wonder if Disney is being a huge fricking b-word in the deal with kingdom hearts and that's why they are starting to suck. Those japanese can cook up a good game when they want to but with the lack of FF characters in 3, I gotta wonder if it'a someone else demanding the spotlight and $$$$

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Actually I think when asked about it, it was Nomura's decision to not feature the KH characters in 3 and focus more on the OCs. He basically said something like he didn't think KH1 would get popular without the FF characters but now that they have a hooked neurodivergent fanbase, that they no longer need them.

THOUGH there are some rumours that Disney, since their acquisitions and changes in leadership have limited what / how properties can be used. Specifically they tend to just be retellings of the stories wholesale rather than integrating into LH lore e.g. Shot-for-shot of Let it Go and the Frozen Team allegedly vetoing the original plan for Elsa to be corrupted and become the Ice Wolf world boss, instead making it an until-that-moment unseen Hans. Non-sensical decisions like these seem to be related to newer Disney properties that are being especially protected due to their money-maker status. Additionally it's why a leftover map for Treasure Planet was in BBS (or was it 3?) - with the general view among the fans being that if it's not liable to promote an upcoming or popular property, then Disney doesn't seem to want it in KH.

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Live service RWBY game :#marseyfluffy:

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Also in retrospect Gotham Knights doesn't look so bad. Thoughts !comicshitters !g*mers?

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I've only played the first Arkham


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The moral of Ed Edd and Eddy is that Double D is always wrong :marseyindignant:

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The moral of Ed Edd and Eddy


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>The moral of Ed Edd and Eddy


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This is Double D :marseysmug2:

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Arkham City and knight are also good.

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Nah it fricking sucked lmao :marseylaugh:

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sometimes i play it when im aboutta go to bed its good for sleep times :#platysleeping:

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No, it is still shit.

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i avoided that game for ages cause the internet said it sucked. then last year i saw it was on sale for like $5 and figured what the heck and bought it.

it's no where near as bad as the internet made it out to be. it's actually not really bad at all. if you like the batman games and find this one cheap, it's worth playing. it's not quite as "arcadey" as batman but it's still a similar game.

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Id say SSKTJL is better overall. the story at least made me feel a couple things, unlike GK thats like anesthetics in vidya form.

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Can't stand that single-player nonsense.


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What do you mean by that? :marseyclueless:

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Just make it Left for Dead but with :marseyjwby: :carpyangxiaolong: :wolfweissschnee: :capyblakebelladonna:

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Would actually be sick.

Especially if I can team kill :carpjaunearc: :marseyletsfuckinggo2:

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Daily Mission 1: Bumblebee - "Win 3 battles online with a friend where your team combination only contains Blake and Yang. Must have long boring conversations in the middle of action in order to unlock 'totally legit relationship' command for this achievement to proc."

Daily Mission 2: Typical Weiss - "Use Weiss and lose every one of her solo missions after having unlocked her full OP skillset"

Daily Mission 3: Ruby mein Fuhrer - "In online versus, defeat a Blake player who has the Bumblebee Daily Mission complete. Must use a homophobic slur in voice chat during results screen to unlock this achievement"

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Daily Mission 4: Jauney Boy - Kill Jaune as Cardin and then have s*x with bunny girl :cardinwinchester:


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Daily Mission 5: Main Character - "As Ruby, self-KO in first mission of story mode and upon retry select Jaune as playable character. Finish story mode." *Note must donate to Miles Luna patreon and link account via provided code and spit on Monty's grave ingame with Jaune.

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Daily Mission 6: "RWBY was a show?" - "Go into the character selection screen and goon to every mom. Then quit the game."


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Daily Mission 7: A Goon too far? - "Fail at staying away from the game due to the call of the coom. Start getting off on the more obscure, fringe fetish content produced by the FNDM. Attempt to quit again - log in again in another month. Realise you are irreparably broken".


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get transformed into a Rooster Teeth male and serve your Warner Bros superiors :marseykink:

deadass hot pic if you remove team rwby. I believe in FAUNA MOM supremacy

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That's a lot of words for 'uncritcally consoom what ever RWBY shit is produced'.

Also I get you. I'm a cute twink but stumbling upon that shit while looking for RWBY gay porn left an mark. Like it's not my thing but it's so absurd with TF, Incest, and Cucking of Blakes Dad. Like a fetish smoothie for the FNDM that wants it all.

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i prefer a chastity cage when it doesnt have sentience yknow

searches for hairy older men award^

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More comments


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These companies dump hundreds of millions into shit that nobody wants, and then are surprised when they lose money.

I would be happy if I never had to see Ryan Reynolds' face ever again, but he knows what the fans want.

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Ryan Reynolds is also a billionaire who got there by investing his movie salaries. Man only acts because he likes it

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Wikipedia says 350m

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I would :marseywood: be happy :marseynugget: if I never :marseyitsover: had to see Ryan Reynolds' face ever again, but he knows what the fans want.

He knows they want cheap :marseypiggybank: phone :marseygossipretard: plans :marseythebuilder: and bussy


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We did it g*mers. !g*mers

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I love corporate cultture

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Holy shit, he said it! You don't know how many times I've wanted to say that. I love corporate culture.


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say the line bussy boy

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Corporate culture is so back baby. :#marseycool2:

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Corps are for jewish chads

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:#marseymerchantsoytalking: :#marseyshooting:

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Total corporate culture death

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:#marseytransavengertalking: :#marseyshooting:

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They keep trying to make those B- tier WB super heroes a thing and they'll never be a thing because they're shitty and stupid characters compared to Marvel stuff. Keep Super-man, Batman and Wonder Woman and let the rest of that slop die literally nobody gives a shit about Suicide Squad.

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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I HATE that the attempted girl-bossing of Harley Quinn. Really ruins her character arc as an extreme representative of an abusive relationship. By all accounts she is fairly intelligent (in most cannons, othertimes she cheated her degree), but emotionally vulnerable and therefore susceptible to the Joker's manipulation. He slowly turns up the abuse so she never notices and then lovebombs her to acclimatise. It's actually really interesting. But now it's all 'I've always been strong and independent and I do crimes because I like it and I don't need no Joker because also I'm kind of lesbians with Poison Ivy who definitely didn't have an entire character arc about being sad that she couldn't have babies etc'.

New 52 was a mistake, but New 52 Harley was the biggest of those tragedies. Counterpoint though, Injustice Poison Ivy is a thicc girlboss and she knows it.

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Live service is a video game goldmine. If you know there is a gold mine underneath you don't give up on the first dozen tries.

Fortnite has raked in tens of billions of dollars total so far.

No single player game is going around doing that.

Fortnite has generated a revenue of over $26 billion to date.

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Lol trying to chase after the success of one game without being able to understand and replicate it is a gaming pitfall as old as time.

How many games fell on their face trying to be Zelda killers. Halo killers. COD killers. WOW killers.

And now Fortnite killers. :marseysmug2:

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yeah but Fortnite is extra special because I doubt any other game has ever made 26 billion USD in its lifetime. Even GTA five total earnings till date are far behind.

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Thats probably cause everyone just cheats their money in gta online

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To be fair, Fortnite kind of fluked into it with their REAL success being knowing they had something special and to capitalise on it.

Fortnite was originally the side multiplayer mode of a single-player development after all.

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did the 9 finger flash return yet? or will that be a couple more seasons?

(until they throw in the towel and release all seasons at once before pulling the plug on the servers)

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i was kind of excited for that game when i first heard about it. open world and batman arkham-like and shooting and stuff? sounds like my kind of thing!

then like 40 seconds later i learned what it really was and forgot it existed until today when i saw this story.

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Thats 200M settled. What about the rest of the 43 Billion you are in debt. Where the frick is that money. You will need to make 40 successes on the level of Hoglegs or Barbie and I just don't think you have it in you.

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Frick you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FRICK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.




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