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>it's another chuds take a single frame and cry woke

Goddarn I fricking hate the anti-woke crowd and their culture war bullshit so fricking much. !nonchuds hold me back. :marseyraging:


She's not ugly, nor le :marseytrain:. She just looks like a teenager now instead of a 40 year old woman. On top of that she's looks like Sato's concepct designs from the orginal game.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1717435359098904.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17174353591716008.webp

The only real debate here is if the original devs intended for her to look like a 40 year old to reflect her abuse.

I want everything single pinkname, woke ragebait youtuber, and every other poser who never played any of the orginal games to :marseyropeyourself:

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go off kween

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I just want them to stop remaking games. :marseyshrug:

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Fair point. :marseycheerup: The Silent Hill games could really do with some proper remasters.

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Check silent hill 2 remaster metacritic page and it explains why remaster exist

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But silent hill is one of few games that can't be remastered because of change in hardware and the game is 20+ year old.

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It can, its just cheaper to make everything again on unreal shitengine

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They couldn't make fog work on hd remaster

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LMAO just emulate PS2 and use a really good AI upscaler

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I honestly dont mind remakes as long as they are warranted and aren't shit. Resi 2's remake is probably the best remake we will see for a long while though, how capcom released that and the resident evil 3 remake is sincerely baffling.

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MGS3 remake will be better since it's relative modern and can use msg5 assets.

Silent hill 2 will be a hit or miss since og gameplay is ancient so will the new gameplay be good ?

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She was ugly before and after. Only real difference is they made her tits smaller

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Jesus why are they making her mew in the newest one. Just make it look like the original, these BIPOCs care too much about whether a fat ugly character should stay fat and ugly or whether a hot character should become fat and ugly but the new one is clearly in some angles more “made up” which in a horror game isnt as scary like the original is. Thats the weirdest thing about this culture war bs, they complain but coomerism is in EVERYTHING now to the point horror games cant have disheveled protags

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Yes and I posted about it already. Even in the book the protagonist first impression is she is 30+ year old.

Like why neighbors just don't check silent hill Wikipedia ? They have og dev quotes about making her look older because of r*pes and stress and of idea was that she looked the same but was 16

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So ur gay

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Darn straight.


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>She just looks like a teenager now instead of a 40 year old woman

So pedobait, and you're excited about it arent ya? :marseywoodchipper2:

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Reminder that designers did extra work to make the character of Aloy way uglier than the actual model who did the motion capture.

Not only that, but they used the extra power of the PS5 to make her extra ugly:


When I play a game with a moid in, I don't want an ugly moid. When I play a game with a foid in, I don't want an ugly foid.

Ugliness is disgusting in all forms and the fact there's a push from all media to celebrate and tolerate it has something to do with grooming and pedos. I just don't have all the pieces of the theory yet.

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You don't like ugly people in your game? Did you know that Crusader Kings also has ugly people in it?

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Historically accurate Brits?

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don't evade my point, chud

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Yes and I throw them in the oubliette in my kingdom.


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Crusader King's encourages eugenics to breed the uggos out of existence.

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Build a court of attractive seducers, marry them off to your enemy kingdom, watch them implode in an orgy of murder and lovers pox. :marseyagreefast:

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She doesn't look like that in the actual game, though. IIRC that's just a screencap from an alpha test or something. She looks fine in the game.

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The screen shot plays it up but she definitely got a little bit chubbier. The bigger issue is that they used all that new processing power to give her an awful complexion.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17174311456576803.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1717431146680422.webp

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Gingers often have flushed cheeks bc their skin is so light, especially if they're running around like Aloy always is. Seems reasonable to me.

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She still fat in the right side

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Her wife is a southpaw

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Wrong. I have played it and she looks disgusting at all times.

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:marseyconfused: I'm playing it right now and she looks great

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>can't tell a hot women from a uggo

Makes sense

>internet moid

>r-slurredly high standards for his vydia holes

Also makes sense.

idk who to side with

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She just looks like the first game with better graphics quality :marseyshrug:

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R u really telling me u do NOT see a difference between left and right side of that screen cap above?

If so u need glasses :marseynerd2:

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1. That's from an alpha not the actual game and 2. Yes I can tell the difference between lower and higher graphics quality

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I'm talking face fat not graphics quality

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Congratulations, you are attracted to uggos.

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Guess she doesn't share your opinion on what's ugly, b-word? :marseyconfused:

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when you're a cute butch that's called survival

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My girl was foraging a lot of berries. Like a bear going into hibernation.


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the one on the right looks like nikocado avocado

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I feel sorry for truly ugly people, only extensive surgery can help them.

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Wrong. The ugliness pervades our very souls. There is no escape for us.

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I can't get over the nikocado resemblance

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Because the average human is ugly. Most people aren't supermodels like portrayed in media. Go outside and see how many girls look like laura from tomb raider.

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I know that you fricking dimwit -- that's the whole point. Who the frick wants to play games or watch movies or any other form of escapism with average uggos after having probably stared at them all day in real life?

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I dont get why realism is used so sparingly in these culture war arguments but the wokies bother me more because the idea is so smug. “Oh chuds dont want to see a REAL woman” alright well a real 5”6 woman would get instantly killed and wouldnt be able to atomic blonde an entire room of 7” orcs

Shits ridiculous and then they complain black people arent in enough fantasyshit that they are like 1% of the audience for

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17174093265976665.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17174093266612554.webp

I remember Valve games back in the day were doing something new by creating characters that look like normal regular relatable people and everyone really liked it. The norm at that time for a female video game character was some r-slurred bimbo with tits spilling out of an armour bikini and it's not just a woke conspiracy that people were getting tired of that.

Unfortunately it seems that most people don't understand exactly why it's a good idea to have realistic looking characters and instead just equate ugly desexualisation as some kind of moral good. And so it turns into some thing where the uglier and less sexual the character, the more ethical that character feels and everyone misses the point of why we started doing that in the first place.

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There's a difference between a plain Jane and a deliberately fuglified character lol

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>deliberately fuglified character lol

What do you think western game devs look like, kaam-chan???

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Like the blobs in commiefornia - the source of all western evil.

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From Sony's hit new game.


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Making g*mers seethe is a moral good. :marseyembrace:

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Wuh you can have attractive female designs without oversexualizing them?!?! I don't know why this idea that something being attractive is bad.

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because it's marginalizing for uggos who make video games

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Foid uggos. When it was just butt ugly moids they were still making their characters Greek gods with huge peepees.

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I remember some drama by coomers around Alyx being a mulatto. This one old degen "fixed" her with a mod but it turned her into a complete frickin skank gutter slut

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yeah he turned her into Adriana Lima, and he also added a lot of ferns in the game for some reason

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he also added a lot of ferns in the game for some reason


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The technology wasn't there yet so you could pass disgusting races like flips and mulattos off as realistic looking

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not just a woke conspiracy that people were getting tired of that.


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Thin isnt normal anymore

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Already knew about this shitiness, but didn't know it was a self insert. Not at all surprised.

Here's a comparison with the original:


And here's the guy to show this agenda only targets good looking women:


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Self-inserting for vidya characters goes back over a decade now


Yes the new Angela is fat faced and fugly but she was never meant to be hot, nor was Trevor. She's 16 you p-do fricks.

The real issue is when you get rancid c*nts self-inserting in place of Marvel :soyjakwow: chicks


We're expected to believe that a delicious twink like Peter Parker in Spider Man 2 would hook up with a big chin b-word


It don't work that way sorry

Anyway this remake looks really average. It doesn't seem to improve the worst part of SH2 (the script writing) and is content with just presenting the original game with a third person view.

My opinion, go play the PS2 original and save the dough. This is not a game that ever had a half decent chance of being improved on with a remake. It was a product of its time that still stands tall and proud as frick today.

SH2 is one of only two games that had my eyes a bit wet by the end. I wish I could forget it and play it for the first time again.

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>Yes the new Angela is fat faced and fugly but she was never meant to be hot, nor was Trevor. She's 16 you p-do fricks.

Kids can still be genetically attractive / ugly you absolute mongoloid, it has nothing to do with wanting to frick them on the spot

People still like "kids that are going to grow up to be attractive" more than they like fat, ugly kids. They benefit from the halo effect that's simply meant to prefer superior genetics.

>nor was Trevor

Correct. The drama is about ugly digital women in video games. Men aren't women so you must be lost.

The drama exists because the venn diagram of women that get into game development work and ugly women frustrated at losing in life to attractive women is a circle.

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Frighten him with pictures of suburbs :#marsey57:

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No my alt is @isitrlythough but I forgot the password.

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I was talking in general terms, I hardly even read your original comment

Kids can still be genetically attractive / ugly you absolute mongoloid, it has nothing to do with wanting to frick them on the spot

Yes tell us more about how you definitely don't want to frick kids :marseyyikes:

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>your original comment

you definitely ate paint as a kid

I only made one comment on this thread

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Yes what an original quip, chin chin my good man, I shall see you on the subreddits :marseycheers:

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You're saying, you're not r-slurred, so paint your fricking butt up and start acting like it. :#marseyindignant:

black lives matter

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Literal super hero cute twink ends up with 4/10 black girl in actual canon, makes me laugh

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Honestly I find it hard to believe how somehow like @Spiderman wouldn't just go around and r*pe women. I don't see why he'd bother with the mask otherwise. It's not like anyone could punish him

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Yeah except trevor wasn't a remake of an existing character they just faithfully modeled him after the voice actor.

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He's also a man

Which makes measuring his attractiveness very different than observing if a woman is attractive, unless you're a cute twink

Not that Trevor IS attractive, just that it would look very different if media was being retconned to make men unattractive. That would mean making them newly short broke losers, not busting their face up.

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Yeah and they're faithfully modelling these quadruple-chin fatties after their voice actors too, what's your point?

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They used to model the characters after attractive people which was better because displaying beautiful people is objectively good.

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Self inserts are fine when it's a new character without an established look, such as Trevor. But Angela already has an established look. So does Mary Jane, Velma, etc.

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And here's the guy to show this agenda only targets good looking women

>the guy



>they're making the foids ugly :soycry:



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She kinda was.


She even has that smile that says she's gonna do naughty things to me and I can't say no.

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Naughty things as in play with your entrails.

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I didn't know that at the time, and find it hilarious that I read it correctly. And it attests to the designer's and animator's skills in getting that across visually.

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The whole point about her ís that she's an over the top slutty parody of his wife who he killed.

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In-game she's a stripper but she's not real. She's a manifestation of his guilt over killing his wife. She's a slutted up woman because James is a sick little monkey.

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They look like stage play versions of the original

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I mean modders will fix this within a day but still, tard brains

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I mean he got uglier too

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I think he looks fine. At least I can tell he's the same character.

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Modern audiences


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Death to amerika :marseyburger:

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And Butter Sauce!


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>modern game designers with a need to self-insert

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:asianenbyjak#: :blackwomanspeaking#: :marseysoyswitch#!:

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Already looks dated and it's not even out yet. What's the point of a remake with graphics this bad?

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It's not about money, it's about sending the MESSAGE

and cucking chuds!

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I really don't understand the low graphics remake logic. Why do something so half assed?

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Konami releases like 2 games a year, they don't give a frick, just contract the Polacks to remake it for cheap, g*mers will buy it anyway :tayshrug: :soyconso#omer:

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lol so many games coming out now look dated because games from like 10-15 years ago actually look BETTER.

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