This new indie jrpg surprised the crap out of me (go wishlist)

I haven't been checking every single time these guys uploaded but for like 2 years all they uploaded were 2D gifs of random characters walking or enemies attacking. I followed regardless because it's a chrono trigger-like as a concept

I do enjoy me some art regardless it's all very pleasing.

The other day unbeknownst to myself they showed an ENTIRE TRAILER which caused them to get 100,000 wishlists on steam. Holy shit I didn't even realize this was an actual game that was coming out. A lot of games never even leave the concept stage.


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It hardly forces player to do anything past the intial peepee inspection, there is no railroading like in Betheada sloppgs.

I wouldn't call it deep, but the writing is certainly above average and tries to be nuanced, unlike a looooot of media.

I'll be honest other than ancient 2d RPG's I don't know what other game comes close to the freedom NV gives, while still being a story driven RPG and not some sandbox with radiant quest bullshit.

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>Betheada sloppgs.

Bethesda sloppgs are known for being side quest focused with a whatever main story so you don't feel obligated to it, that's still how most people play NV. That's the muder hobo style I am talking about.

>but the writing is certainly above average

For a video game, that doesn't say much

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Well, thing is NV main story is more compeling than Bhhesdas kill badguy you are chosen one, even if it uses similar foundation by making player special (which pretty much all games do) and I wouldn't call it whatever.

Murderhobo playstyle implies killing everyone you meet and that's simply impossible with what Bethesda does. Playing murderhobo in NV is a boring way to play, but is still infinitly more compelling than doing it in something like Oblivion (because there it is literally impossible).

I agree with your last point, at least to a degree but I don't want to go on a big tangent.

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