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  • Turkeyvann : no but its okay to browse rdrama at work

Is it okay to play video :marseyprincesszelda1: games :marseylegioncommander: at work?

Let's say it's lunch break or you have some down time, is it weird :marseyautismdisconcerting: to whip out your Steam :marseyfreeman: Deck or Nintendo :marseyzeldalinkminishcap: Switch?

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Back in my day me and my work buddies would play wireless Mario Kart in the Nintendo DS. This was fine since it was social, there were three of us and the Nintendo DS was small and discreet.

But a Steam Deck is fricking massive. There is no way to "whip out" something that big.

It would be cringe and off-putting. May as well bring a whole desktop PC in and set that up and eat cheetos while being dazzled by RGB lighting -- because that's how bad it'd look.

In summary, yes it's weird. The only way to make it not weird is if there's a bunch of you and it's a social thing.

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