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Sony is planing to release PSP3




Sony is so good at releasing flops and giving up on them. Like seriously releasing an hand help with ps5 power is going to be expensive so best what they can do is Xbox series s or ps4 pro and 1080p. Then biggest question will be games, will Sony force devs to also optimise those games for 3rd console or let them release separate games to psp3 if the latter than consumers won't buy a gaym they want to play second time so that psp3 starting to look like a pain in ads for dev out of nowhere.

If it also will be a new console than here an example of modern Sony

Sony made/published 2 games for PS VR 2 that cost 2 times more than VR 1

Sony made/published 44 games for PS VR 1

So if it will be a new console Sony will make close to 0 games for it.

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I'd buy it if the hardware was good and you could mod the frick out of it like all previous Sony handhelds :derpthumbsup:

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like all previous Sony handhelds :derpthumbsup:

You could mod the frick out of a PSP, but you couldn't do it to a Vita until like ten years after it came out

Also Sony's idea of "good hardware" is a rear touch pad, a dogshit processor, frick all internal storage and proprietary memory cards sold separately

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