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Why is rocket league seperated by gender?:marseyclown2:


Have they tried getting gud? ***/s /s /s that’s a joke pls don’t kill me thank you


So they wanted to play competetively, without being good at the game? At that point just take the L


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>there are three kinds of people in this world, those who actively dislike women’s sports for no reason, those who only care about women’s sports because they’re transphobic, and those who have basic fricking decency. i’ve happened upon all three in this thread

im going to fedpost

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umm... its called being a decent fricking human being sweaty???

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It’s called being a descent hummus bean, sweaty.

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Give me money

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you may notice nobody in the world cares about women's sports in good faith

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Yet not a single category that actually unironically enjoy women's sports.


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People who dislike it because they hate women(female), people who dislike it because they hate women(male), and people who play along with the make believe sports as not to hurt womens feelings


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I know a boomer who unironically watches foid's cricket. He's actually pretty rightoid socially, raised a pretty trad daughter so I have no idea why. :marseyshrug:

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The players have boobies. Iunno why people don't watch women's sports, tbh. Not the WNBA, though: them foids is greasy

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They really don't. Cricket favours cute twink body types(I think).

They all look like male zoomers. :marseydisgust:




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Is cricket like softball where they're all lesbians?

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more than average testosterone will do that to a b-word

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at least softball has a bunch of hot asses, this is just disgusting

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I can't jerk to this

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I enjoy beach volley

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>going to


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i am a 180cm 60kg guy, would i be fit to play in male rugby more that someone with the physique of Serena Williams?

moids posting their Ls

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What is fedposting?

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The absolute state of newBIPOCs lmao

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Some very interesting women there


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male g*mers are all sleazy perverts that keep women out of competetive gaming.

No not those ones!

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Declaring yourself a woman immediately strips you of all toxic masculinity, rapiness and patriarchal nonsense.

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Does it blow Reddittors' or journos' minds that the dumb shit they say is just 1:1 Libs of Tiktok level conservative propaganda? All you have to do is screenshot it, and they are part of the fascist propaganda network. I've never really seen them meaningfully grapple with this, even old 2008 variants on the theme. If you shut your fricking worthless mouth, we wouldn't have Fascism (1923, too. Never heard how they coped, except Soviets calling Social Democrats Social Fascists. Some incredibly OOOOOOLLLLLDDDD and new Twitter shit simultaneously.)


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After years of this I’m surprised you aren’t used to shit that makes zero sense becoming common sense and being looked at as weird for asking about something so glaringly alarming. Also try to be more coherent.

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Yeah were way past trying to get them in trouble for it. Agree and amplify is the name of the game

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Look at that bulge. Not a fetish my butt

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Bottom of the barrel white moids lol

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The one on the right could make a cute twink with some work, the one on the left though... :c#hudsey:

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she's packin some fricking heat :marseyworried:

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Wtf I support the woman's league now.

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Beautiful females (male)

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i mean it’s just harder for women to get good enough because of harassment

The only reason there aren't top foid players is harassment chud :soyjakfront:

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Dang... that means millions of moids haven't reached their full gaymer potential because the other players call them "BIPOCs, cute twinks, gg ez," or even worse, "git gud."


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The best of the gaming world actually all killed themselves because of bullying and harssment, and we have the potential best players as impotent crybabys because people bully them with the infamous two letter "EZ"

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Kiwifarms has claimed untold hundreds of lives, but 12 year olds with headsets have killed probably millions

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Which is why women dominate all games where there's no way to know a player's gender, and therefore women are not disproportionately targeted by harassment, right?

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  • Pog : Hate noticing

I mean this with the utmost respect, but how old are you? Because chances are if you grew up in the era of "ladies don't play games, now come here and help me with the cooking" and "yeah sure, a girl g*mer, what do you play, the Sims?" you'd know exactly why most women didn't have the luxury of getting thousands of hours of practice into a game that barely changed since the 90s.

yea dude and there's never been parents who tell their son "stop playing with hair/clothes you fricking cute twink" (or any version of this) yet we still haven't seen a woman come anywhere close to even amateur men in any sport, game, hobby, profession, or activity in the history of forever. Wonder why :marseythonk:

Why is it so hard to accept foids are biologically made to be the compliment to moids

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yea dude and there's never been parents who tell their son "stop playing with hair/clothes you fricking cute twink"

And they still become top tier fashion designers :marseyxd:

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>i mean it’s just harder for women to get good enough because of harassment

FFS getting into slur slinging contests with Russian children in CSGO is half the reason I played.

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its true of pretty much 90% of esports (except maybe hearthstone?) in csgo the top female team was so bad not-even-semi-pro teams would disband if they lost to them

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except maybe hearthstone?

The only player in hearthstone is the random number generator

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i thought there was 1-2 asian ones

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there is the guy called Trump that people mistook for DDR on twitter, and there was that guy that had to come out as gay because of false allegations.

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The first female pro HS had was caught having her boyfriend play for her. That's a hilariously common mode of cheating in female esports btw because upper mid tier moids can 1v5 top female teams. Most recent case:


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Linked from that article: https://x.com/cwaudiia/status/1540842891895005185

Just LMAO.

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Apex legends recently had some drama, a streamer couple hosted an all girls competitive tourney on a weekly/monthly basis (can’t remember how frequent) that had a few K in cash prizes, and announced a few months ago they were gonna stop hosting because there was too much catty drama. Even when foids get their own hosted tournaments they can’t help but frick it up with catfighting

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The cat fights would be the point wtf, just make sure they're public. You'd probably make a profit streaming it.


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This is the first video I think of every time foid esports is brought up

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I used to hang out with one of them back in the day and I did enjoy making siren references

Good times, she hates me now though

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uh spill the tea brother

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I'll share light tea since I'm not trying to dox myself or be a douche, but basically some amount of years after the infamous siren video she used to date my close friend so we would hang out/drink/go out together a lot (until they broke up basically), she was honestly pretty fun but 100% dramapilled, literally started more drama than anyone else I knew, mostly because I think she hated women (I would tell her this directly, pretty sure that's why she doesn't like me lol). Also dramapilled because super toxic, like get banned from mobile games repeatedly for being toxic in mobile game chat which tbh is pretty funny

Oh she became a landchad, some tenant drama there if you can imagine that, though to be fair being an insecure teen girl into becoming pseudo-famous because of the team siren thing probably fricks with your psyche a bit

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BEHOLD, the answer to the G*mer Girl Question

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this is the answer, i'm waiting for a solution:marseydaemon:

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Not enough words words words, redditor will reject it.

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Because gender and s*x are different

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i mean it’s just harder for women to get good enough because of harassment

Hundreds of upboats. I had no idea that that's what keeps women out of high level competition in literally every sport, game, and career: harassment.

RIP /r/averageredditor

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What the frick did you just fricking say about me, you little rentoid? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class at Wharton, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on squatters, and I have over 300 confirmed evictions. I am trained in cutting off utilities and I'm the top cable cutter in the entire Beth Shalom Temple. You are nothing to me but just another renthog. I will wipe you the frick out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fricking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fricker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of landlords across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your credit score. You're fricking evicted, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can evict you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in keeping security deposits, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the landlord association and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fricking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddarn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fricking homeless, kiddo.


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