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Was a hard drive with /pol/ memes part of the loot or something?

At first I thought this account was just a shitposter, but he does seem to post original videos and stuff that look to be original.

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the ultimate american cultural victory over the middle east won't come from NGO's and billions in aid money, but from 4chan memes.

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I think black people really owe white people reparations. Okay hear me out think about it. If you are black and aren't the descendant of slaves likely you're still in Africa sucking sand. Now if your ancestors are slaves likely you're in America and have an iPhone and a car and a refrigerator. So you take the average net worth of an African-American and subtract it by the average net worth of an African-African multiply that number by the total number of African Americans today and that's how much they owe. If I had to choose whether my great great great great grandfather was a free man in Africa or a slave in America I know what I would choose...


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This comes on the heels of making Afghanistan #110


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