Average Karen Wagecel tries to keep down Kings and Queens

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Every single comment is about the second amendment. They want an excuse to shoot πŸ€s so badly…

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There's been some weird attempt among the rightoids of the absolute lowest intelligence (a bar that might as well be in the Mariana trench) to claim shoplifting is somehow a new thing, and also the fault of Joe Biden, and wokeness is why min wage employees aren't getting into gun battles over gatorade.

Here, let me try it on for size: This is Donald Trump's America: https://nbcwashington.com/news/local/man-struggles-to-steal-gatorade-from-southeast-dc-gas-station_washington-dc/135222/

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It’s not Joe Biden, it’s r-slurred liberal cities appointing DAs who won’t prosecute criminals and passing laws to not even bring up charges against thieves. Biden just approves of all of it.

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Yeah but that's not what it is either, because people are still being charged. The law being cited most often didn't do anything but adjust the amount for inflation from 400 dollars to 950.

Even more so, almost all shoplifting is under 400 dollars anyway, so the law impacted almost no shoplifting cases.

Even under the old laws the amount stolen in this video would have been a very minor charge.

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No they’re not, literally nothing is happening to these people. It’s why stores are just closing in these areas, they’re not even profitable anymore. Not that I’m complaining, I want to see these communities suffer.

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This is just objectively false, the prosecution rate for organized shoplifting is over 80% still, over 50% for petty. These are fairly normal rates.

Also, according to the available data, shoplifting is at a historical low in California:


You need to be very aware of the pathological lying coming out of corpos/right-wingers.

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Lol. Fricking where? Texas? And can’t include something in your statistics if you just don’t even respond

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What lol? The prosecution rates I listed were for California (the primary target of the shoplifting lie.)

I'm telling you, the shoplifting "wave" was literally fabricated.

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Yeah all the closing stores are just doing it for the lolz

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The number of reports went dont because stores dont report it anymore as cops won't respond to petty theft calls.

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Yeah, this was the cope you guys tried last time, not much support for it.

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NBA Star Rights Matter

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You know these people would piss themselves if they tried to draw a gun on one of them lmao

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Maybe you should go talk to some psychologists before offering an option. First off, it's obvious that your only exposure to kink has been through porn. There's nothing wrong with a naked body, it just provides a teachable moment. Kids in Europe are exposed to way more nudity than the kids in the US, and they turn out fine. Kink is not sexual abuse, but you're trying to equate the two because that's YOUR current understanding of what kink is, which is wrong. There's nothing wrong with a child seeing someone in bdsm get up, you just have to explain that some adults like dressing up in costumes. Kinksters at Pride are not engaged in s*x acts, and you shouldn't confuse their self-expression with obscenity.


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