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Excuse me stewardess, but I speak neurodivergent

Neurodivergent people often suffer from symbolic blindness. They can see the statue, they can see the statue defaced, but they believe the statue's symbolic meaning is fictitious and therefore fake or irrelevant in some way. Being unable to operate within the fictions of others is a sort of fundamental trait of autists.

Comparisons to religious iconography are a pathetic and sad attempt to understand the symbolic narrative through comparison. In reality it's as simple as people care about the symbols which they relate to, whether those symbols be religious or political or Marsey. It's not smart to notice that people behave similarly when a symbol is defaced, it's revealing of your blind spot.

Moronic neurodivergents develop neurodivergent chauvinism: they think that they are in some way superior to the normies despite lacking a social sense which causes them to wildly misunderstand social situations of extreme importance and relevance.

If you're reeing on rdrama.net that people care that a statue got defaced, if you're perpetually expressing gawking emotions at the reactions of people to symbolic stimuli, maybe you should think about how you're different from other people in that you lack an understanding, and realize that you're in a jungle full of people who are operating by a very real complex of communication.

Sometimes things come around the social mind that whack the people who don't duck, and the reason it's important to be able to interpret symbolic narrative without reeing (good god the reeing here) is so you can duck like a normie, because otherwise you'll get thwacked when the normies duck and you don't. Don't be chauvinistic about the fact you need special help to learn when to duck.

If you suffer from this symbolic blindness, you might (WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! SINCERE SUGGESTION APPROACHING LOOK OUT IRONY POISONED DRAMASLURS) actually benefit from reading some Lacan. Even the wikipedia page will point you to the gap in your perception: his symbolic order seems to be the hole in neurodivergent perception.

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Neurotypicalcel seethe at the fact that autists have more brain power for processing rather than foid nonsense like 'cognitive empathy' :marseylaugh: . Also, your implication that autists need to fit in with normalstrag society in order to succeed is flawed. Just look at the large collection of neurodivergent millionaires on /biz/, or our king Elon Musk.

#NeurodivergentLivesMatter :marseywave:

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Most of y'all wish you were smart enough to understand you should wish to be as good a troll as this man, instead of posting turbocucked manlet seethe.

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Didn’t read but congrats or my condolences


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Statue posting really got under your skin, huh?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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You really don't understand me, I'm rampage frolicking in a field of lolcows personally tailored to my specifications as a dramaslur

You're all gathered up in one place

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I understand you have an extra chromosome


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the better to slur you with

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You really don't understand me, I'm rampage frolicking in a field of lolcows personally tailored to my specifications as a dramaslur

You're all gathered up in one place


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Your prose is so high brow that it wraps around to being broken r-slur speak

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Yeah, moids. Have some empathy.

reading some Lacan.


Psychology is struggling as a science already. No need to throw pscyho-babble in the mix.

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It's just a way of looking at the world, though I would caution against Lacan's Freudian shit.

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Yikes. Please respect my safe space. Don't words words words this place, and much less tell us to read a book.

I find it super funny that you can vandalize some statues and not others. I know that the symbolic meanings are different, I just don't care. I especially find it funny all the handwringing about some statue being defaced. In the last few years it has happened a lot, so I think it was just a matter of time until it happened to this one. And darn, status of a person that died from a drug overdose (sorry, wrong narrative) from being kneeled on the neck by a white supremacists cop really are popping up everywhere. It just shows how much of a white supremacy this country has become.

It is a shame that some person defaced the statue, it really damaged the legacy of our brave symbol of the summer of love! It is an unforgivable action, and the criminal should be punished by at least 5 years in prison, just like they deserve. I'm being serious (Am I? Probably am, don't know if I could seethe like this from the other side)

Let's try.

After 2016 and the reckoning about the state of the country, which lead to someone like Donald Trump being elected, the defacing of the statue of George Floyd unfortunately is not a surprise. Donald Trump rose to power by using a divisive rhetoric, with overt shades of xenophobia, misogynistic abuse, if not racism. This of course galvanized the white southern population to become more open about their own racism and hatred.

All of this was a shock to the system, a system we all believed that was going in a fairer direction. This woke us up, to what the majority of America actually is. A country based on division, conquest and imperialism. We all know that american police is disproportionally violent towards black people. The only people that can deny this either live very sheltered lives or have some interest in denying reality. After what happened in May 2020 with the death of George Floyd, it was the catalyst to release the tension that has been building at the injustices committed by the police against black people, especially since the election of Donald Trump.

As we as nation reckon with this reality, and express our grievances at the injustice done that May, the vandalization of the statue of George Floyd, just one day after it was raised, it's just slap in our face. They just want to show how present they are, how even after what happened they don't care, that Black lives don't matter. This is why the summer protests happened. We don't feel safe, we have never felt safe. And this, this is just a display of how much america cares about us. America does not.

I think I failed, not much seethe, too many emotions... Ah frick. Don't want to redo.

What is the point of this whole text? Well, probably none, I just also wanted to write a semiserious response to a semiserious post, but I don't have the capacity to do it with the same expertise the way you have, and for that I am envious. Envious of your truly immeasurable skill of making dramatards reeeeee.

I love it, I hope you stay here for a long time, even if I don't get half of your ramblings.

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This is a really long way of saying you don't frick.

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An interesting post. Nice to make your acquaintance.

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10k updoots and soaring!

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So true bestie

is lacan that schizoposter?

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... you'll have to be more specific.

I came across Lacan in 2010 or so on a friend's recommendation. Too Freudian, overall, for me personally. But an interesting way of looking at the world.

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I can't read past a 10th grade level. If you want to bait me you'll have to be less ableist.

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thanks for taking the bait, have a marsey


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Statue whiners suck yes, neurodivergent aren’t β€œsymbolic blind” at all, they understand what things mean, they’re fully capable of liking swastikas and nazi marches. ur dumb as shit

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Symbolism is a spook and Lacan was a French philosopher active in the 60s - likely p-dophile.

Nevertheless, you're still my favorite poster for baiting me so well.

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Lmao that's an effortpost for a future date

Spooks is a spook. Reality don't real. People who think frogs are atheist failed the mission.

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I don't even know what Stirner meant by spook because I can't be arsed to read any philosophy. Thanks for commenting though.

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Yeah I suspected as much lol I wonder what Stirner would have made of the way his work has been instrumentalized by the online politerati to become this putting a cool face on pretending nothing matters because everything is a spook.

I've only read a little Stirner but the general idea is valid. The spectre of communism hangs over us all.

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Does this mean I have to delete all the funny Stirner pictures I stole from /lit/ and /leftypol/?

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Never, the only form that lives is the one which is read. Some people I know, Stirner was a miracle for them. For me that miracle was Debord.

The pop philo of the underground matters a lot more than the academy but the academy philos will generally kick your butt.

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Buy Bitcoin.

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Don't be chauvinistic about the fact you need special help to learn when to duck.

But I like being chauvinistic. 😩

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Hey a man's gotta live a little

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Well, unbanning you clearly hasnt worked out. Its been over a year and youre straight back to the thing that got you banned. Carp doesnt want permas though, so...

Banned for two years.

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lmao, imagine splerging out over other people splerging out.


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Sir. SIR!

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Now tell us how statues of white males getting torn down is good because of racism


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