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The Madness of Kindness- A Tenacious Unicorn Ranch™ Story

Hello friends, and welcome to my essay. I would like to distill and present to you 70+ kiwi pages on the current Tenacious Unicorn Ranch drama because I know most of you fricks are too lazy to read all of that. However it's great drama. For those not in the know the tenacious unicorn ranch is a grifting scheme where a bunch of trans women live in Colorado and attempt to herd alpacas for their woll. Their setup is completely unsustainable and only survives due to constant donations, much like many other terminally online crazies. The astonishing thing that a woman (XX) entered the picture and it blew up in a delicious way.

Recently, the ranch went to devfur, a furry convention, and managed to pick up something worse than furries- a BPD woman. First spotted in the background of this photo is the woman (XX) who would manage to out crazy all the other woman (XY) on the ranch. This fricking insane person goes by the name Kindness aka @KindKinkster on twitter (real name Alyssa). Since denfur she has been in communication with both Kathryn Gibes (aka "Am hole") and Bonnie (aka pistol packing Penny), and she eventually was resolved to visit the ranch in early September. She seems to be allergic to putting a shirt on in the videos she uploads to twitter. She identifies as a "plural system" and larps as having multiple personalities living within her including a "sentient robot baby". She burst onto the radar of Ranch affectionados, in a huge twitter screed days after the visit announcement where she claimed to have been r*ped by her current roomate which was later upgraded to child r*pe because the robot baby was in control of her body at that time. As you probably have guessed her career ambitions are r-slurred and involve opening a rat sancturary and a Hobit themed hotel experience. She then proceeds to form a relationship with Bonnie.

Going through September, she declares Bonnie to be her GF/mommie that some of her headmates are falling for. The thread devolves into rapid speculation about how ungay the ranch became when a shread of kitty entered the picture, and some people predicted that BPD nonsense would be the undoing of the ranch. Here's a rundown of the different headmates, it amusingly includes a headmate that doesn't speak english (she literally knows no other languages) and one that she claims is blind (and she pretends to be blind when they're in control). The pilgrimage begins. While both Kathyrn Gibes and Bonnie were creeping on her twitter, Bonnie wins- having a peepee instead of an Am hole probably helped.

Details start to dribble out about Kindness' former employment. Turns out was surprisingly employed as a nanny for two kids for 21 dollars an hour (31 after 40 hours) and the mother had a fricking audacity to tell her to do her job. which like all she described as destroying her body. How a doctor allowed this actually crazy person around their children is one of the bigger mysteries of the story, my pet theory is they weren't smart enough to google her before hiring.

Back at the ranch Bonnie gave her a terrible haircut and encouraged her to quite her cushy job to be the maid at the ranch (spoilers, it's filthy). One aspect of the ranchers is they like to LARP with their real guns, we eventually learn during a Twitter tirade that Bonnie went with her ARMED to quit her unreasonably accomodating job. The cute couple

Someone did a proper stalking of her online life. Most of the details are boring, but the list of health issues is a fricking laundry list:

Anyway. Alyssa has (deep breath here): hypermobility, EDS, broken spine, paralysis, fibro, gastroparesis, “severe” IBS, chronic bronchitis, seizures, asthma, fainting, nosebleeds, nausea, partial deafness, dental issues, chronic fatigue, incontinence, rectal bleeding, surgically removed benign tumors, a history with cancer, burns, no feeling in her hands and feet, brittle bones, repeatedly broken ribs, a compromised immune system, surgery-requiring skin conditions, ganglion cysts, “general” mobility issues, something that makes burping physically impossible, surgically corrected lisp, a stutter, migraines, and “extreme pain”. She was even bedbound at one point, and needs a wheelchair. And that’s just the physical stuff! Mental health includes: an eating disorder, “diagnosed” OCD, “diagnosed” ADHD (which she claims she’s medicated for), PTSD, anxiety, suicide attempts, self-diagnosed autism, faceblind, nonverbal episodes, BPD, DID, bipolar, and schizophrenia. To help deal with all of this, she does weed and takes psychedelics (alongside her ADHD meds, i.e. some kind of stimulant), which I’m sure is a great combo with all of those mental illnesses.

Like any Twitter nobody with some followers and no job, she decides to persue s*x work NSFW, obviously. This gets one of my favorite descriptions in the whole thread "Kindness is pretending to be an r-slured cat instead of her reality, which is that she is an r-slured human." People notice that she didn't take all her animals from her home, and had basically abandoned her rats which is weird behavior from someone who wants to run an animal rescue. Clean it up Janny. Amusingly, Bonnie bought the very same book that helped Chris Chan with mommy r*pe

Trouble strikes paradise and Kindness was ejected from the ranch, we of course have to filter it thorugh vague twitter posts. At this point the consensus is that the ranchers realized she was legit crazy and not LARPing mental illneses like they do, so she got the boot. Her exile was also accompanied by seizures while driving, and frick this cop for... making sure I was safe. She also deems to mention that her "cat and favorite rat" are okay after she just fricking abandoned them for what I believe was over a week; worried speculation takes place about the non-favorite rats.

Kindness reveals on yet another Twitter triad that somebody at the ranch had the audacity to not believe in all her made up diseases. It should be noted that up to this point, Bonnie is also in a relationship with Sky (who I believe is a man (male)) and is another resident of the ranch. In her screed, she refers to the offending part as "dude" which hint's that Sky, Bonnie's other partner was the cause of the rift.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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In a move that surprises many, Bonnie soon removes Sky as a partner on her twitter bio officially turning on her bro for her new BPD hoe. The most astonishing thing was for myself and many others was the ranch has been chugging along for years, and it took one crazy woman (XX) less than a month to tear it apart.

Here's a less Kindness-centered version of events, if your curiousity was sparked by by writeup.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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I was supposed to sleep but went on a 2hr rabbit hole on the tranch


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n a huge twitter screed days after the visit announcement where she claimed to have been r*ped by her current roomate which was later upgraded to child r*pe because the robot baby was in control of her body at that time


Remember when people said trans-age was a slippery slope fallacy?

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I literally don't understand why bullying otherkin and these MPD people went out of fashion

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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People got sluttier and are scared of it biting them

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excellent effort post :marseylove: :marseylove: :marseylove:

That twitter is a fricking nightmare. Imagine being so nuts even the tranch won't put up with you.

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I legit don't understand how normal people can stand to follow people that tweet that much

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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It's overwhelming. She's too prolific of a lolcow.

Maybe its the ADHD meds, the naked rambling posts kind of remind me of this episode of intervention (16:30 in is the start of the good part) : https://dailymotion.com/video/x7u4wi6

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ADHD meds

Absolutely. I become :marseylongpost: personified and write paragraphs of meaningless drivel for no end goals. I have to keep myself off Reddit when I take it.

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ADHD meds

Absolutely. I become :marseylongpost: personified and write paragraphs of meaningless drivel for no end goals. I have to keep myself off Reddit when I take it.

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yo king, just wanted to let you know that i upvoted both your comments even though one was a dupe. have a great day and a happy new year!

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Kevin Gibes is one of the 🚂🚃🚃 living at that ranch. Also, they think all of their neighbors in Colorado are fascists (even though their neighbors are relatively normal people living their lives) and that they're going to attack the Tranch.

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I had to point out "am hole", honestly what a guy

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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what does am hole mean here?

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Mrs Gibes likes to think of herself as a sexual person and does a lot of horny tweeting. Her best tweet ever was simply "am hole" compacting her identity into her neo vagina.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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Which side will you choose in the coming Black Hammer city vs Tenacious Unicorn Ranch war dramanauts?

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Hammer city, of course

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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I really hope they're stockpiling unregistered automatic firearms on their property. It'd be a real shame if the ATF threw incendiary grenades into the tranch and sealed all the exits. Even more of a tragedy if they shoot all the trained attack alpacas while they're at it.


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该标志是一个微妙的笑话。这家商店被称为“Sneed's Feed & Seed”,其中的饲料和种子都以“-eed”结尾,因此与店主 Sneed 的名字押韵。标志上写着这家商店是“以前的查克”,这意味着以“F”和“S”开头的两个词会以“-uck”结尾,与“查克”押韵。所以,当 Chuck 拥有这家商店时,它会被称为“Chuck's Frick and Suck”。

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Thanks for the effort post. I remember the last post about her 100+ tweets of crazed crying after the cheating fiasco.

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@Kindness is this true?

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