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Leftoids and History's Biggest Cucks Sneed Over a Long Dead Man


Natives are so pathetic. Should've forcibly integrated and genocided them, rather then push them into Oklahoma.

So many people on twitter seething right now. Columbus is a winner, so he gets a day. Indigenous people are losers, so they don't. Simple as.

People are also claiming that he fed babies to his dogs, which is starting to get into the "6 gorillion killed by masturbation machine" levels of bullshit. If it is real, Columbus may be the first recorded pitmommy.

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”Should've forcibly integrated and genocided” .g

:soyjakfront: : “What’s the difference?”

They’re getting their explorers and conquistadors mixed up. Columbus didn’t have war dogs on his voyages, that was more of a conquistador thing. And they were not fed babies instead given armor and trained to rip out a warrior’s throat.

Also, Columbus had a disinformation campaign against him during his time by both the Spanish Crown as well as his own crewmates because they wanted to snub him and his descendants of their titles and awards.

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