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Not drama, but can we talk about the only subreddit that I enjoy?


This shitty sub fricking cracks me up. It’s one of the only places left on Reddit where unironic and occasionally hilarious rightoid memes are allowed, and they on their own are usually worth looking at and frequently actually make me laugh (like this one).

The best part, though, is the completely brain dead leftoid NPCs that then fill the posts with robotic comments about how unwoke, scary, and/or r-slurred the meme was. You truly get all of the best (worst) content from both sides; it is an r-slured radical centrist’s paradise.

:brainletpit: vs :brainletmaga:

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Like a turd that just won't flush, Fartbin always turns up to spoil the fun.

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God I just want to beat the piss out of a Nazi

Also this person:

You are right. My apologies I just find it somewhat awkward to say breasts for whatever reason, but I will refrain from using what I originally used going forward.

Noooo I can't say breasts 😳😳.

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I wish it was a ftm gymmaxxing to be super masc but no… it’s always a 6 lbs mtf :marseydepressed:

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Lol I thought they could be some jacked ftm too cause doesn't specify so changed the comment to their inability to say a no-no word.

God I fricking hate my fellow men


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I really love these type of "make fun of the other side of the horseshoe" subs. They get to discuss memes they would otherwise never ever encounter on their own and (fail to) explain why its not funny

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The commenters are absolutely r-slurred. :marseylaugh: Thanks, OP!

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Kek based

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Clearly not even a grandma too

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No, I'm a citizen of the global south, and on behalf of everyone here, frick America. We all support China here, because they help us economically, not invade our homes and kill our children.

Just because I'm a leftist doesn't mean everything the media tells you is true. There are literally wikileaks documents and youtube videos debunking the massacre of Tiananmen Square, and the US embassy in Beijing itself admitted there was no massacre, and everyone trying to prove this in the media gets killed by the CIA.


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