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  • Not_a_Retard : I made him mad lol
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  • HeyMoon : all expression is genuine and my peepee is enormous
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only autists think that stating facts carries no agenda

what you think you can just spew crime stats or whatever and people won't recognize you as an agendaposter? smh morons

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On one hand, it's kind of true. Consider coming home to your wife and she says that the faucet in the kitchen is leaking, Jupiter has 49 known moons, and my mother's birthday is next week. You'd think that she has a stroke, despite the fact that all her statements just state facts. No other animal even has the ability to "state facts", all their languages are instinctive and aiming at provoking certain behavior from others, like a meerkat producing a cry to warn about a particular kind of predator. I suppose that humans gained this ability relatively late in our evolutionary history and of course still mostly only pretend to use it.

However which agenda that is you can't determine purely from the facts stated. Consider some ape scientists who discovered that gorillas have so called omega males that don't participate in the male hierarchy but reproduce by raping female gorillas while males are out hunting or whatever, I'm not an ape scientist (and I'm not sure about which apes, but the research is real). Then r/mensrights link it and say that see, r*pe is natural and should be legalized. Then some feminists link that and get the ape scientists fired for stating misogynist facts. On the other hand a blog called witchwind or something links it and says, see, men are naturally male feminists, we should castrate all male babies, snip-snip and freeze their little testes in case we can't figure parthenogenesis soon enough, which also produces some reaction from r/TiA.

Those two are pretty evil takes, but it's the interestingly opposite kinds of evil, the facts are somehow simultaneously misogynist and misandrist. One could then imagine a non-evil take that says that this means that unfortunately banning "the revenge of the nerds" is not enough, men are innately predisposed to r*pe and should be taught about it, causing some discomfort but preventing some r*pes. Of course in practice it's very difficult to make sure that this isn't implemented by the kind of feminists who see it as a compensation for not being allowed to castrate all male babies, causing much more harm than good, but still, in an ideal world...

This is called https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Is–ought_problem and while at the first blush it seems like a Descartian sophomoric stoner take, like, mang, we can't really know anything because what if all our senses are controlled by a deceiving daemon, really it's super intensely practical, like 80% of all culture war is people arguing about facts because they don't like the agendas they implicitly assume for themselves or for their opponents to follow from the facts.

You can link these words words words from your post for all the commenters who are upset about the change of pace.

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is-ought problem

In social sciences (economics only lol), it's phrased as a distinction between positive v. normative economics. The former describes what is happening while the latter prescribes what should be done. It's like economics enjoyers v. Lolbertarian Party fans. Most discussants don't understand this difference, so they tend to create more heat than light.

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Most discussants don't understand this difference, so

Call those discussants pissants lmao

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Factually correct, and No, of course I am not implying that being a pissant is a bad thing. I'm just sayin'.

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Clearly this is forwarding your rationalist agenda.

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Which is lol?

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I see right through your agenda, you darn rationalist you. I bet you also believe in the scientific method!

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All those words won't bring daddy back.

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I suppose that humans gained this ability relatively late in our evolutionary history and of course still mostly only pretend to use it.

FRICK YEAH welcome to Impassionata's Mainstage, friend. I don't know whether your speculation is correct but it sure is interesting. I will say that you perceive the moment prior to the Fall, and test thereof your Biblical literacy.

[two excellent examples of spectacular interplay at work in our politics]

Yep, it's a real problem!

Those two are pretty evil takes, but it's the interestingly opposite kinds of evil, the facts are somehow simultaneously misogynist and misandrist.

This is called the taboo. Things which are true but that which polite society does not admit discussion of.

Of course in practice it's very difficult to make sure that this isn't implemented by the kind of feminists who see it as a compensation for not being allowed to castrate all male babies

You have to be careful to measure the actual prevalence of an opinion in the wider population. Why was Biden the nominee instead of Bernie?

You also have to be careful to avoid seeking maximally uncontroversial truths: this is the failure of rule by committee, that it can only discuss the non-controversial. For any statement X, some person will be offended by X.

If writing is to seek the words which clarify, then writing will offend.

Lefties often offend by dwelling too much on the "ought" and lashing out too much on the "is."

Ultimately though the left is where the action is because the left has a rich living tradition beyond heteronormativity and its corporeal struggles, that is the life of the mind, the memory bank of humanity through which vast knowledge has accumulated and still accumulates.

Ye who set yourself against this Cathedral and its adherents, ye act against your own power!

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Lefties often offend by dwelling too much on the "ought" and lashing out too much on the "is."

Leftards can't achieve their goals and constantly miss them because they always assume the fascist is=>ought thing and then deny reality because leftoids don't believe in reality in the first place. The leftoid paradise is when they killed all bad people and put good people in charge.

Ultimately though the left is where the action is

Nah, it's because young people are naturally leftist because they are idiots (older people who are leftists are called r-slurs, obviously). As they say, a conservative is just a liberal who has been mugged, this experience has to happen.

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Leftards can't achieve their goals and constantly miss them because they always assume the fascist is=>ought thing and then deny reality because leftoids don't believe in reality in the first place. The leftoid paradise is when they killed all bad people and put good people in charge.

ok but you're reacting to a spectacular image here, not the real left that exists in the more moderate sense, that is to say, democrat voters

Nah, it's because young people are naturally leftist because they are idiots

I will build my case to you through my coverage of political history, just you wait.

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Ultimately though the left is where the action is because the left has a rich living tradition beyond heteronormativity and its corporeal struggles, that is the life of the mind, the memory bank of humanity through which vast knowledge has accumulated and still accumulates.

I know what all of the words here mean (vocabulary wise), but when placed in the sentence, I can't figure out what you are getting at. What do you mean by "heteronormativity and its corporeal struggles"? The painful thoughts and emotions that a person can avoid if they are gay? πŸ€”

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Good question that I'm hoping to expand upon. Probably a full wordswordswords to come.

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You're such a tease

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I know :marseysigh:

I've got a lot going on and I can't tell where we are in the timeline so I don't know how hasty to be.

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>me composing a response to this post

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I love the feature where I get a hand in picking the best posts

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Oh shit that's based. I didn't realize we could do that.

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well I was going to keep posting but this guy told me to shut up

well done, guy

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"The average drunk driver drives under the influence more than 80 times before being arrested the first time."

I'm shilling big liquor


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I'm not the average drunk. I'm an advanced drunk. :marseycool2:

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From one to Kellere31, how drunk are you?

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Sometimes I drink a glass of water just to confuse my liver

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r/waterneighbors team up! Stay hydrated :marseyzwei:

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This isn't true, is it?

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It's true, and ironically enough it comes from the infamous FBI crime database and the CDC. These joyless old hags have the link:


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It's a step for young racists before they graduate to full on Sailer posting

My favorite recent from him:


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holy shit lmao

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Here is a fact:

Bussy is superior :marseytwerking: . Admit it, imp!

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the amount of comments I get about bussy is starting to be a convincing datapoint


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Unreal. Impy has embraced the wonders of brevity.


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I reserve brevity for digs

and length for learns

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and length for learns


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I'm more about girth for learning.

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Only autists can't recognize that it's deliberately disingenuous when we claim otherwise

Look at this fricking loser thinking discourse is founded in honesty lmfao

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idk man for some people the truth of their statements is the ultimate defense.

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Impassionapa post with <50 words


Impassionapa post with >500 words


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I'm working on it but the threads are running together a bit

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(taking a puff of helium): facts dont care about your feelings

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In 2013, more people died while walking drunk than driving drunk despite even though drunk walkers travel 5x shorter distances than drunk drivers.

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MuH AgEnDaPoStEr p:

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Proof? Pretty sure everyone does this. See the endless screams of "trust the science" as if a scientific study is agenda free.

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2 b fair, just because a post is stating facts doesn't mean it's not propaganda/an agenda post, how something is presented is like 90% of what makes something propaganda

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I mean yeah it really depends a lot

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yeah sometimes stating facts is the argument. of course, if we always think like that we will never be able to solve any problems and instead ignore the problems. for example, the republicans ignoring climate change. naturally, the end result is that the group that is not dismissing the fact ends up controlling the narrative. thats pretty much what happened with 13/50.

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Me massaging, misinterpreting and manipulating facts because I am Agendafluid.

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Statistics Pops. β€œDespite making up 13% of the population we commit 50% of the crimes” standard righoid spergout. 41% is the trans stat. Idfk the second line but I’m not a rightoid πŸ™ŒπŸΎ

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Let me tell you this-- rdrama.net is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that the internet would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That website, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as the internet's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and G*mergaters. You'll notice on the description that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the website, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from website to website, having an entire cabal of admins spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering the internet's white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that rdrama.net may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible website, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

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No one says stating facts carries no agenda, they state facts to make it seem like their agenda was the natural conclusion from the data available.

OP tilting at windmills.

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