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How do (some) foids even function in real life?


This is the dumbest shit I've ever read. Knowing where to place things is a "privilege" to foids I guess, because they lack the lowly brain power imaginable to remember where they put shit.

JFC lmao

Big yikes. This post is why this sub gets the flak it does. It's both hyper-privileged and toxic at the same time.

If you choose to air out petty grievances to strangers on the internet, instead of communicating the issue with your loved one and attempting to resolve it, then you're just a pile of fricking drama. But to top that off with hiding crucial details of the story to make yourself sound superior... absolutely massive fricking yikes

Based. :marseyagree:

The housekeeper is recent. He, OTOH, had his entire married life to discover where the garlic press is.

And the foid didn't? :marseylaugh:

what do you mean, he is a very lucky man to be privileged enough not to know some tiny mundane detail of the kitchen arrangement.

you think she considers herself privileged for not knowing how to solder the all the components in her phone/computer together? Because there are factories filled with Chinese children who might consider her idea of what is privileged to be pretty darn privileged.

LMAO not living life on auto-pilot and actually remembering the most basic shit is actually a privilege I guess. Can't argue with that. :marseydicklet:

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I couldn't imagine being such an ungrateful twat to my spouse who was cooking dinner for me. And then having the balls to transcribe the incident and post my twattery on reddit.

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Getting a lot of questions on who is cleaning our kitchen if I didnโ€™t know where it was either.

I recently hired cleaners since I started a new job that requires long hours.

Prior to that I did almost all of the cleaning, cooking, etc. and would know where every little thing is.

And then going "lmao it's not even me who cleans lul point still stands tho right? :marseyshy: "

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