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Yale law student almost gets y'alled for using the word "Trap House" to describe his apartment


The best part:

Within minutes, the lighthearted invite had been screenshotted and shared to an online forum for all second-year law students, several of whom alleged that the term "trap house" indicated a blackface party.

TIL a trap house is used for delightful parties. My white kind could never comment on such a matter though, as only a PoC could possibly comprehend the evil consequences of an injun highjacking a negro term.

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"As a man of color, there probably isn’t as much scrutiny of you as there might be of a white person in the same position," Eldik informed the Native American student. "I just want to acknowledge that there’s a complexity to that too."

diversity director Yaseen Eldik

Wtf your job is knowing you can't ever articulate the implications like that. This is one of the top law schools?

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Is everyone at these top schools this insufferable? Seems like they're all just trying to one up each other with wokeness

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That sure is a bunch of college losers mad about a dude getting young puss. Take as old as time

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Holy shit, what a bunch of snakes!

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No, there's this one Native guy that throws fun trap house parties

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