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Laboratory work is super hard to land, which is why I just married rich.

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The older o get the more understanding I get towards that point of view.

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Hope you like a mouth full of grandpa balls those positions are also filling up fast

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:marseyagree: :marseynut: :marseyfans:

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Grandma balls bigot. Its 2021.

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really? I see plenty of jobs for those blood, piss and shit testers.

which reminds me of a funny story that happened when I was in high school. I had to give a morning piss sample and they gave me a cup. but they didn't give me the plastic bag and I didn't know it needed one. I also didn't know that you weren't supposed to fill the cup. But oh boy I filled that motherlover and I put the cup in a paper bag and I was driving there to drop it off.

I was really careful while driving to make sure the piss cup didn't tip. I got there and parked the car and I start walking towards the building and I trip and drop the bag.

Turns out the the lid is not spill proof (stupid design for a piss cup) so I handed in a paper bag soaked in piss.

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I think they mean lab work like a national research lab, like Lawrence Livermore or Los Alamos, and those jobs actually are super hard to get.

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Los Alamos is easy to get into for computer scientists. They're the ones paying for my body pillow purchases. God bless the DoE for making me glow. :marseyboomer:

But they said "laboratory testing" so it's probably a :marseysick: physical science :marseysick:

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computer scientists

No shit it would be easy to get into, most CS majors go into the private sector and rake in the cash.

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The government pays out the butt for security specialists. I'm just a grad student, but everyone in my lab makes twice as much as the grad students from other labs because we have a bigass budget that we have to spend :marseysmug2:

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National labs aren't bad, I grew up around one and almost everyone from my high school grew up and worked there who stuck around and did engineering.

The problem is if you're doing chem/bio/genetics/etc. and trying to work there, because it's pretty much the only viable place you CAN work in those fields

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Is rich your husband's name?

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No, it's Jason.

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No they aren't. Just get a PhD, it's literally free.

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