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I never buy more than 4 rolls of TP at a time because i feel like if people see me carrying a giant pack they'll think to themselves, there goes that guy who's constantly pooping out his butt


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"Pick it up, wagie!"

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I still think its funny they made a robot whose sole purpose is to yell at wagies to come clean it up.

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Especially when it bumps into a display and creates the mess

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I watched this happen when I was stumbling through a grocery store at 2 am. Thought I was in Blade Runner or some shit

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Frick you, this can’t be real? Have Americans really automated workplace harrasment??


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Based and terminatorpilled

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The face of crushing, automated capitalism stamping out the last dregs of humanity is... Pretty funny tbh

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He's an MBA :marseylaugh:

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MBA with no experience ngmi

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Do you really need experience to make up r-slurred shit in a cushy cubicle for people doing actual work to try and get around? :marseydoubt:

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Only in amerikkka


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Unironically, yes. If you go straight from undergrad to an MBA program, companies know you're just a book-wanker.

You have to spend 3-4 years stuck in a dead-end analyst role, then you go waste $70,000 on the MBA and then they'll finally let you through the glass ceiling.

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Don't trust anyone who goes directly to MBA, they're just unprincipled looters.

The ones you want are the starry eyed optimists who burn out when they hit the real world and hear the call of the grift in their very soul.

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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i feel personally attacked rn

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Sounds like a you problem

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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I was thinking of getting an MBA about ten years ago after ten years plus in the corporate workforce as a programmer because I could tell that it was the only way a programmer could move into management and coding really fricking sucks after you do it long enough. I never actually followed through with it though and I doubt I ever will now.

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I went into school for bookkeeping, ended up doing managerial accounting.

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Every year across all of my internet browsing I see three or four sentences that hit me like a drunk poet driving a truck. This is one of them. :hump:

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Manlet B-word Butt

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Laboratory work is super hard to land, which is why I just married rich.

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The older o get the more understanding I get towards that point of view.

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Hope you like a mouth full of grandpa balls those positions are also filling up fast

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:marseyagree: :marseynut: :marseyfans:

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Grandma balls bigot. Its 2021.

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really? I see plenty of jobs for those blood, piss and shit testers.

which reminds me of a funny story that happened when I was in high school. I had to give a morning piss sample and they gave me a cup. but they didn't give me the plastic bag and I didn't know it needed one. I also didn't know that you weren't supposed to fill the cup. But oh boy I filled that motherlover and I put the cup in a paper bag and I was driving there to drop it off.

I was really careful while driving to make sure the piss cup didn't tip. I got there and parked the car and I start walking towards the building and I trip and drop the bag.

Turns out the the lid is not spill proof (stupid design for a piss cup) so I handed in a paper bag soaked in piss.

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I think they mean lab work like a national research lab, like Lawrence Livermore or Los Alamos, and those jobs actually are super hard to get.

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Los Alamos is easy to get into for computer scientists. They're the ones paying for my body pillow purchases. God bless the DoE for making me glow. :marseyboomer:

But they said "laboratory testing" so it's probably a :marseysick: physical science :marseysick:

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computer scientists

No shit it would be easy to get into, most CS majors go into the private sector and rake in the cash.

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The government pays out the butt for security specialists. I'm just a grad student, but everyone in my lab makes twice as much as the grad students from other labs because we have a bigass budget that we have to spend :marseysmug2:

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National labs aren't bad, I grew up around one and almost everyone from my high school grew up and worked there who stuck around and did engineering.

The problem is if you're doing chem/bio/genetics/etc. and trying to work there, because it's pretty much the only viable place you CAN work in those fields

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Is rich your husband's name?

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No, it's Jason.

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No they aren't. Just get a PhD, it's literally free.

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Imagine how badly you have to interview and how unlikeable you have to be in person to not get a job with any form of degree lmao.

This morning, Cum went to the park. I went with Coom. And Cum brought Coomer frisbee. At least I think it was Coomers. By the end of the day, Cum started throwing the frisbee to Cumself.

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Most of the people seething in there got meme degrees

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I consider most liberal arts degrees meme, and about 20% of my friends have one. I still don’t think a single person I know is unemployed.

This morning, Cum went to the park. I went with Coom. And Cum brought Coomer frisbee. At least I think it was Coomers. By the end of the day, Cum started throwing the frisbee to Cumself.

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They literally hand you jobs if you have a piece of paper, how bad do you have to come across to get filtered after getting past the filter?

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I don't even have a degree and make more than that. I regret not dropping out of high school after grade 10.

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I went with music cause I wanted to have fun and not work for a few years. just starting at a new company, they're starting me of as a junior tech so I'm not making the big cash yet, but they want to specialize me later so I'm pretty happy with the situation.

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Great job. I hope you kick some butt.

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I have a fricking music degree and am getting offers for $30 an hour technical jobs a year out of university

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That’s the way it if you’re not completely hateable irl.

This morning, Cum went to the park. I went with Coom. And Cum brought Coomer frisbee. At least I think it was Coomers. By the end of the day, Cum started throwing the frisbee to Cumself.

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I suspect too many people act like robots in interviews. I did acting and improv when I was in elementary and high school, and it has paid off immensely for meetings and demos. Being able to spitball and improvise is like cheating.

Edit: You just have to be very careful about not improvising technical bullshit b/c someone can easily call you out, lol.

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Graduate with tard-level GPA

Somehow a top performer with upward mobility

Im an r-slur but academia is a scam

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I bombed a few of my first interviews, then I studied and got a job luls… not sure how people don’t learn this

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I just took my job interview at google 2 weeks ago from the fricking gym because they told me the wrong timezone. Got the job anyway. :marseyprisma:

This morning, Cum went to the park. I went with Coom. And Cum brought Coomer frisbee. At least I think it was Coomers. By the end of the day, Cum started throwing the frisbee to Cumself.

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It’s so sad. I almost want to pay off their student debt so they can live a life of mediocrity marginally more satisfied, but then I realized most advocates of student debt relief are insufferable c*nts allergic to self-improvement elsewise


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I'm polished and professional and outgoing (and REALLY good at hiding my job search-related depression and despair). I can't get shit in my field.

Oh they know, they all know.

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Just like a foid at a bar, these guys can smell the desperation on you like a cologne. Only difference is that recruiters will frick you 100% of the time and the foids never will.

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One time someone told me that they felt they were more educated than me because the university they went to had more β€œprestige” than mine, while meanwhile I use my degree and make 3 times what they do. Good job, you have a piece of paper that makes you feel good, get off your high horse.

If I had to guess, this person got their 2 bachelor’s degrees and MBA’s in succession, had no internships in college, so now they are a 32-34 year old with no actual experience.

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If someone works in a field unrelated to their degree, immediately realize that their job can be done by any r-slur.


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Sometimes yes, but I have seen some cases where the company is super out of date( or is the government) and requires Bachelor's for every position, when it really isn't necessary at all, so you get someone with a Pre-Med degree in an Administrative Assistant position because nursing didn't work out.

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"administrative assistant"


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It's not that it's necessary or not, it's that there's so many excess degrees they can afford to be that picky.

A McDonalds could put that they want a masters degree just to filter out r-slurs and yeah it's "unnecessary" but they'd still get a dozen applicants to pick from.

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Degree doesn’t mean anything and the two years I spent in college before dropping out were the only years of my life that I wasted.

The opposite is true: if the only qualification to do your job is a piece of paper, any drooling r-slur who got handheld through a state college (aka daycare) with a 2.01 gpa can take it from you.

Connections and skills are what matters, in that order. That’s the beginning and the end.

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I got an art degree and now work as a senior economist for the govt. the punchline writes itself


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