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[FRESH BAIT πŸ₯‡] Watch r/unitedkingdom complain about incel terrorism :marseyisis:


Context: https://rdrama.net/post/19382/marseymugshot-incel-culture-should-be-classed

Earlier back some enlightened human rights barrister says that the UK ought to consider incel culture as terrorism. Some dramacels made attempts to post the article linked above on r/news, r/worldnews, and others but unfortunately got their posts taken down. So, I decided to post on r/unitedkingdom to see what the bongs there have to say about this. And I did it with my u/AfghanistanIsTaliban account :marseylaugh:

Post [143 points, 78% upvoted :marseyexcited:]: https://old.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/q8vf87/incel_culture_should_be_classed_as_terrorism/?sort=controversial

Seems reasonable enough to me if we are talking about those extreme groups with twisted world views and straight up promote misogyny and violence. Just please be careful not to start treating anyone that grumbles about their lack of romantic or sexual success or feels sorry for themself sometimes as a would be terroist.

Wow you surely act like you have a lot to lose if we mark incel culture as a terrorist movement. If you've got nothing to hide you've got nothing to fear

Or you know we could invest in mental health and stop these guys getting to the point that they feel this excluded from society with no future ambitions, but instead it seems like we're going the route of further excluding them that will only worsen their feelings and possible plans. Whilst also making the whole thing look even 'edgier' for people who are on the edges of inceldom and probably pushing them further into the mindset.

Well you can't cure autism no matter how much you invest in mental health sweety. Also are you really going to invest in the same fraudulent field that thinks trains are well-composed people who just happened to be born in the wrong body? Good luck getting anything out of that investment

4 types of - may Allah forgive me for even uttering this word - R*dditors in this thread:

And I don't have the time to scroll through their post histories to uncover the Ls that they have posted on the internet purely for 5 seconds of drama-related pleasure


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Post is currently 4th on Hot. I just baited all the r*dditors on the island


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Totally agree, it's like people calling for death penalty again now but death penalty has never stopped murders

He's right, we should go back to the wergild system

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Seems reasonable enough to me if we are talking about those extreme groups with twisted world views and straight up promote misogyny and violence.

No human is illegal sweaty

That being said i hate the mental health crowd. Who cares about some crazy moids trying to kill people and then themselves

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I fricking hate the Bong insistence on calling people "mate". The other one is "not gonna lie" and sometimes they're put together "not gonna lie, mate".

They're always used in circumstances where said Bong has been forced to be confrontational in a situation where they don't have enough back up from their friends so their voice goes all high pitched and whiny while they're trying to tell you that the utilities charge is due and everyone in the house has to chip in.

(I spent a whole year pretending I didn't understand that electricity and gas had to be paid for and it totally confused my Bong roommates. I would hear them having a breakdown in the kitchen about who should try for the tenth time to explain that I had to pay too).

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wait, wait, wait.... hold your horses... uhm... YOU'RE A GIRL DEUXCEL?!!?! O_O Not to be a freak, but.. just when I thought you couldn't get more attractive.. you started posting on +DeuxRAMA. Nicely done, m'lady. You've just become every man's dream woman. If you had missed a couple before, now you can be sure you've got us ALL "drooling", lol.


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