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:marseyblackface: minor drama as redditors seethe when the "Let's Go Brandon" rap song hits #1 on the iTunes hip-hop charts :!marseybiden:


Ah, so much more classier then. I thought Republicans want politics out of sports though?

You got some horse paste on your chin.

Pretty sure all this proves is that conservatives are the only people dumb enough to still buy music on iTunes. Song only has 50k plays on Spotify.

I'm boggling at the idea that conservatives listen to hip-hop. Do you not know what hip-hop is? Its history, creators, and subject matter are in opposition to conservative ideology. Thus my surprise that a conservative call-sign has made its way to #1 on the hip-hop chart.

rapper's a black face of white supremacy to the average redditor probably


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Replace this white man with Ilhan Omar.

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Was Margret Thatcher actually trans? She seems more like a man trapped in a woman's body. :marseytrans:

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Yes. Not well known but an MI9 friend of mine told me about the time the Queen walked in on him/her shaving his balls so the hair wouldn't stick to her hosiery. Queen said she was not amused. Don't let anyone else know I shared this story with you.


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Omar will fund paramilitary groups in bidens home turf.

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Home turf of Delaware? Do we even care about Delaware literally nothing good has come from there and literally nothing ever happens there.


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Well it’s true, Thatcher was a badass

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Why is this controversial? I don't see how anyone could be enthused about an undead corporate ghoul like Biden that was shoved into power because the establishment was pooping itself about loose cannon and unseemly frat boy Trump and the most Milquetoast and lightly socialist person that can still call themselves technically left wing Bernie possibly being the figurehead for their global neolib empire.

Hasn't his whole term so far been a protracted damp fart? Why would Libs even be defending him when they had a Black Kween in waiting to cease power the second he finally and mercifully dies.

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extended covid benefits for the poors

This is not a good thing :marseydisagree:

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Don't care, still ridin'. :marseybiden:

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Do you not know what hip-hop is? Its history, creators, and subject matter are in opposition to conservative ideology.

Shut the frick up whitey

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Making money

Disrespecting women

Owning guns

Rappers are more conservative than MAGAcels.

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NASCAR isn't a sport lol

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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Still don't know what the frick this is about

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spectators were chanting "frick joe biden" at a nascar race while a journo was interviewing the winner who was called brandon, and the journo thought the spectators were cheering brandon on with "let's go brandon"

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LOL nascar, it's the r-slur's favourite car racing method.


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Blacks can't stop taking L's. Just got their super special oppositional ideology taken over by a bunch of hick rightoids.

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^ crazy conservative

This person is obsessed with the Green Bay Packers and only lets up to agendapost

I didn’t say that. I said they whine about politics in sports all the time.

The guy who posted this also posted his nudes and they arent bad https://old.reddit.com/r/Balls/comments/okowu6/how_are_they_from_the_back/?sort=controversial

No, but republicans are the only ones who mean it. Most people are in it just for the lols. I guarantee you that most people you see saying ‘Let’s go brandon’ online and in real life are either bots, trolls, or are paid for it

It was funny for a bit I won’t deny that but like anything that’s so overused, it’s boring now

The same guy is now posting on rconservative

Immature babies being immature babies… that’s what’s going on here P.S this song is a meme most people are doing it for fun and actually like Biden

What a gigacope. Most people saying frick joe biden actually like him, dudes. the real babies are the guys listening to a novelty song and not the guy whos trawling subreddits to cope his senile establishment dem is getting pushback

I’m a ‘young boy’I’ve seen porn. I don’t stalk/catcall. I’m not a creep. You are wrong.


Lol it’s not our fault women are afraid of us despite us posing no threat to them

Nvm this guys based

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Pretty sure all this proves is that conservatives are the only people dumb enough to still buy music on iTunes. Song only has 50k plays on Spotify. Thus my surprise that a conservative call-sign has made its way to #1 on the hip-hop chart.

So apparently it’s not a real victory but also im extremely mad it’s a real victory because hecking racism

Do you not know what hip-hop is? Its history, creators, and subject matter are in opposition to conservative ideology.

The famous Tupac anthem where he says he loves trains and wants women to be the main characters in movies

Ah, so much more classier then. I thought Republicans want politics out of sports though?

I thought everything was political so why are you so mad?

You got some horse paste on your chin.

How very racist! Nah but seriously, covid is killing unvaccinated black americans at a higher rate than establishment repubs who are crafty enough to get it and then virtue signal the opposite way. These digs about poor people being dumb is like if I said all black people do crack or use gorilla glue for hair gel

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The low information voters are at it again!

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Maybe you should go talk to some psychologists before offering an option. First off, it's obvious that your only exposure to kink has been through porn. There's nothing wrong with a naked body, it just provides a teachable moment. Kids in Europe are exposed to way more nudity than the kids in the US, and they turn out fine. Kink is not sexual abuse, but you're trying to equate the two because that's YOUR current understanding of what kink is, which is wrong. There's nothing wrong with a child seeing someone in bdsm get up, you just have to explain that some adults like dressing up in costumes. Kinksters at Pride are not engaged in s*x acts, and you shouldn't confuse their self-expression with obscenity.


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