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The (((jewish conspiracy))) is just admitting all the other races suck with money.

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scoreboard, mayos

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Let's be real, the entire history of the grand Jewish conspiracy amounts to nothing more than "things are bad right now, let's find a visible minority to blame because we're too r-slurred to take responsibility for our own failures."

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Yeh and it doesn't help that their a very distinct minority completely different from Christian and Muslims with their practises.

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What's especially interesting is how it evolved from primarily a religious thing to an outright racial thing in the 1800s. A lot of modern right-wing anti-jew shit seems to come from Jews favoring parties of the left and social liberalism in western countries (naturally, why wouldn't they favor the side of the spectrum that offers them increased freedoms?)

Rightoids turned them into an effigy for the modern world by 1900 or.

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Most people who complain about Jews don't specify which country or sect of Jews are doing all the controlling. I remember a picture of "all the Jews in the media" but many of them were white people who married into it which doesn't fit that narrative. Also lol just saw this:

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Khazar milkers have made me submit


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Based and social-darwinism pilled

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If we could control an entire race of people, then it would just be more proof that we're the true master race (beside the superior IQ, superior wealth, and superior seethe inducing powers). Poltards message my eggo.

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I have long since accepted the racial superiority of our Jewish overlords. God bless isreal! Get cucked 4 chins

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I've posted that exact thread several times over the years for laughs, it usually gets some replies but sometimes other people copy it and they get tired of it

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didn't know this was a common tactic, amen

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The fact that they still think slide threads are a thing only proves your point

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So according to you I am a coward because I post stuff on the peepee show subreddit when I dislike Peepee (absolutely nonsensical on every level already, why shouldn't I post, why posting be cowardly, why should any post on the internet require "courage"?). After you pathetically failed trying to zing me, I explained to you why I post in r/freefolk and other subs and you still can't get two neurons to fire in your oversized skull in order to put two and two together and deduce a potential answer for your question (very stable genius).

So I'll be gracious now and tell you exactly why I posted on the sub, if you can point me to any of my posts there Sherlock. You brought it up, so you must have a specific post in mind.

Link me the post and I'll enlighten you! Tick tock.


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