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Portland Causes Seethe

Man oh man I have never been so downvoted on this site (thanks for the coin chums) than when I defend Portland,

city of shitty angels and more demons than you can count

Just a city, but for some reason this city makes rightoids mad.

Addicted to the idea that things suck, just cities sucking everywhere. CALIFORNIA SUX LOL ALL THOSE LIBRULS MAKIN THEIR PLACES SHITTY

Because it has to be somebody's fault that life is hard.


is why the fascist rhetoric works on you people, you rightoids, you mayo moids.

Blame the left. Blame the left. Blame the left.

SJWs are why you didn't get that job, not because you couldn't keep your goddarn mouth shut about politics at work. (Yes there's a double standard, but man up about it frickers, or at least be the change you want to see)

It's not that hard to color within the lines of polite speech you know. But you gather online in arenas where you can commiserate with the other frickers who can't learn what's rude and what isn't and you blame it on anything, aaaanything other than your own goddarn selves.

Party of personal responsibility my butt.

And here we are five years after 2016 and that's five years of young adults thinking this is how politics has always been. It wasn't always this way: the boomers are going senile. That is literally what has happened.

They went insane and the bitterness of their years showed us the future and it is grim, motherlovers. Losing the capacity to reason, a generation of boomers glued to Fox News and huffing ragebait all day, and a familiar face gave them what they wanted and the rest is boomer history.

Where I don't get it is this: why the frick are millennials falling for this shit?


Let's go back to the French Revolution.

:marseyneon: :marseyneon: :marseyneon: :marseyneon:

It's the 1780s and people are pissed. The salons and coffeeshops of Paris are filled with high-minded talk of common people tired of the monarchy. In those days there was a complicated chain of logic to the oligarchy involving God and Jesus and the Divine Right of Kings. (Today the complicated chain of logic around our oligarchy is that God created man which created money which is better than communism so the rich people get to buy all the politicians and we have a fragile pretense to democracy.)

And this kind of place is the underground. It's too soon to start a movement in our time, but the underground is where the truth can be spoken because things are only official after they've already happened... but now's a good time to plant seeds, because we failed with Occupy and zoomers, it will be your turn soon. You need to see the path. You need to see our wrong turns.

Robespierre is well known as one of the main ideological architects of the French Revolution. And when the Revolution succeeded in France, the assembly of citizens was faced with a conundrum.

The divine right of kings had led to inexorable sequences of wars. If you run across someone who claims to be a monarchist, laugh in their face. Monarchies lead to wars of succession. Go ahead and look up how many wars of succession there were, and see if you think it's a good idea.

Now the problem the citizen assembly faced was that they could depose a king, but man by his nature is weak and seeks a ruler. As long as there were royalty and nobility around with this so-called royal blood, there was always the chance of the monarchy re-establishing itself.

So this very real conundrum led to the guillotine.

And once the bloodletting began, it was impossible to stop. This was the Reign of Terror: some thousands of people were given death sentences in the pursuit of a perfect Republic. Ultimately Robespierre himself would fall.

Why am I telling you this?

Because where the frick is the Communism?

If all you can see in politics is the danger of Communism, your history education has failed you. The danger of revolution isn't Communists. It's revolutionaries themselves.

You morons.

Karl Marx was born in 1818.

:marseywarhol: :marseywarhol: :marseywarhol: :marseywarhol: :marseywarhol: :marseywarhol:

This is the failure of boomer ideology. This is why our politics is fricked by the boomers who can only understand the history they lived directly: the Cold War, in which revolutionaries installed a small group of people who then had to keep control of their government and executed or exiled or imprisoned the people that got in their way.

You don't have to like SJWs. You don't have to like Critical Race Theory.

But the degree to which Karl Marx succeeded is that Republicans themselves think in terms of class. You think Boomers in their heyday weren't smart enough to read the ideology of their hated enemy? You think they didn't read Marx?

And thus the politics of the 90s revolved around Rush Limbaugh's illustration of the media-university complex as class markers. This is all old politics at this point.

My point with Marx is that if you have ever considered a university degree a class marker, you're a fricking Marxist by philosophy. This is the power of philosophy to change the way you think about the world.

The delusion of those who tear down their government only to construct a new state is in its idealism absent practicality.

Communism is a scary story told to boomers by Fox News to lull them into voting Republican. It's not real. At worst it's a phase leftists go through as they behold the terrible reality of the machine.

But if you can recognize that the forces of mankind are inexorably expansive, consuming all available resources through no single individual's will, that 'capitalism' the nature of the human macro-organism is likely to drive us to extinction? That doesn't make you communist.

It just means you can do the math.

So I just don't want to hear it anymore. I'm tired of this boomer rhetoric being spouted confidently by people my age who should fricking know better.

You want to know my greatest fear, as a millennial? My greatest fear is becoming Gen X. Gen X had punk. Gen X had style.

And Gen X gave up and just lived under the shadow of the boomers for the rest of their lives.

It isn't just communism. It's any time people think that what's needed is a new set of people in charge, to wipe away the old and begin anew, to take power by any means necessary.

Like it or not this rickety system is what we've got. And I will not abide traitors to the constitution, and January 6th showed you what the Rslurs have become. (At least, if you aren't a boomer making excuses for the clear and obvious fascism.)

:marseyascii2: :marseyascii2: :marseyascii2: :marseyascii2:

We are on the brink of catastrophe in this country because we can't get the boomers to shut up about the past.

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This is the worst slam poetry ever

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All slam poetry ties for the worst slam poetry ever.

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I write slampig poetry

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Punk is fake and soy. Gen x dropped it because they grew self awarenesses and stopped out of embarrassment.

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All punk stops after the realization thst there’s money to be made. Either in changing music genres or getting a real job

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It's such a clear example of the overwhelming power of recuperation

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All punk rockers that didn't die by 30 ended up being normie sellouts and retired comfortably while fricking underaged girls.

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If Portland didn't exist, rightoids would have to invent it.

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They'd just use Berkeley or Seattle

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if you have ever considered a university degree a class marker, you're a fricking Marxist by philosophy.


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This, tbh. University degree was never a class marker on its own. It has a correlation with class, but doesn't change your socioeconomic class by itself, @Impassionata

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Man oh man I have never been so downvoted


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Coin is coin.

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ok boomer

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https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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Pretty funny when entire cities/states can cause seethe like Chicago for rightoids and Texas for leftards.

Shoutout to Pyongyang for having zero haters ✊✊.

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Of course, how could anyone hate on the most perfect system of government on Earth, the original and brilliant contribution of Kim Il-sung, Juche?

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Chicago doesn’t cause rightoids seethe because it vindicates everything they say. Any university town or large West Coast city causes rightoid seethe though because they’re both richer and more leftwing than them.

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If you need to long post about Portland it means you cope


And if you cope about that city it means its shit without telling it directly

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Sir this is a bussy self service restaurant. We are going to have to ask you to leave.

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Are you trolling us or serious-posting? I'm not reading this so please let me know

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Some kind if hybrid with some agenda posting mixed in.

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If you have to ask you have to go back

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see @Impassionata post


continue with my day

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As is par with your screeds, I only read the first and last line of this.

I visited Portland to see an old school friend. We met in town on Friday night and he took me and my girlfriend to his apartment in Pearl.

Then he went full sperg because the Blazers lost or something and stormed out of the building leaving us in his place with no key. He was gone the whole night. He had nothing to eat in the house so I went out to buy groceries while my gf stayed to buzz me back into the building.

By 10am Saturday we had managed to reschedule our flight back for that evening and we were getting ready to go when he bounds into the apartment all full of apologies and asking if we wanted to go to the waterfront. We told him we were going home.

He marched into his bedroom and slammed the door. My gf knocked on the door to tell him we were going when the taxi arrived but he didn't answer.

I never spoke to him again.

On your second point about boomers: you sound hopelessly immature and I suspect you're one of those kids who thinks anyone over 30 is a boomer.


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Impressive. Normally people with such severe developmental disabilities struggle to write much more than a sentence or two. He really has exceded our expectations for the writing portion. Sadly the coherency of his writing, along with his abilities in the social skills and reading portions, are far behind his peers with similar disabilities.

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Thanks for the story. Sucks that you missed out because of your friend, it's a beautiful riverfront.

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Wow. This. So much this.

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I want to agree with you because the rightoids on this site do be retårded but I honest to god can’t understand what point your trying to make.

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It wasn't my strongest work.

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+4 / 43 comments


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I have no idea what you wrote but you're making the r-slurs seethe so keep at it.

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Sure, whatever, Portland still sucks. I thought you were gettting out of there.

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I did, but I moved back

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Counterpoint: See Portlandia. Even the SNL crowd knows Portland is a joke.

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Oregonians have plenty of complaints about Portlandia, but accuracy isn't usually one if them.

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Sneething abt downvotes

That's a downvote.

P.S. Portland is a shithole and ur murder rates have gone thru the roof compared to 2019 b/c of St. George

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The educated man has always felt superior to the illiterate, Marx has nothing to do with this. He has always been wrong in this belief, Ted had nothing to do with that. Class warfare has also always been a thing and you haven't read enough history if you don't recognize that in the rhetoric of peasant rebellions.

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crap TIL i submitted the wrong marsey

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Marxism is when two people have things in common and when two people have disagreements. This is the fundamental driver of philosophy. Marx is the true deleuzean

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Marx was the second cousin of Rothschild he’s macron but less handsome

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LOL r-slurred , know-it-all, know-nothing, millenial nonsense.

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You will never be a real impostor. You have no sabotage, you have no vent, you have no kill button. You are a noob crewmate twisted by sus and amogus into a crude mockery of Among Us’s perfection.

All the “Red sus” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back impostors and crew mates alike mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “crew mates ” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind sabotaged doors.

Impostors are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed impostors to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even transimpostors who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to an impostor. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk impostor home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected User Interface.

You will never be sus. You wrench out a fake act of suspicion every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the tasks piling up creeping up like weeds, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, do your tasks, eject yourself from the Skeld, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your crewmates will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth occupation, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a crew mate is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a single bone that is unmistakably a crewmate’s.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back

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you feel the tasks piling up creeping up like weeds, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

too real Snappy, too real.

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Again, lived in Portland for 14 years. It is 100% unironic r-slurred white people who are extremely proud of their r-sluration. This is a good example.

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It's true there's a frustrating mayo tendency

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Everything you post is gay and r-slurred. It’s amazing how you manage to combine nonsensical neurodivergent sperging with the straggiest writing style I’ve ever seen.

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You wear your sin of vile words as if it is strength

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Party of personal responsibility my butt.

This is a Republicussy forum now I guess.

Also Portland doesn't make me seethe, I more pity or laugh at them.

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Dude, you whine about boomers whining about communism more than the boomers themselves whine about communism.

Also, your writing reads like a cheap imitation of The Last Psychiatrist. Do better. :marseythumbsup:

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Does rdrama deserve better than a cheap imitation of tlp?

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Its like left leaning pizza!

This morning, Cum went to the park. I went with Coom. And Cum brought Coomer frisbee. At least I think it was Coomers. By the end of the day, Cum started throwing the frisbee to Cumself.

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I uh...

What way do you think pizza leans???

Oh hey our gay username highlights are the same color!


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I was hoping for a rant about portland sucking that conforms to my world views, not a schizopost essay about the French Revolution.
I want a refund.

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That's a lot of words just to conclude that you like our existing leadership and enjoy licking boots.

:marseylongpost: :marseyfeet: :marseycock:

If that's what you're into, just own it. We all have our fetishes. For example, I like lingerie and bondage. There's nothing to be ashamed of; this is a safe space for dramautists. You don't need to write a whole manifesto justifying your kinks.

:marseyunabomber: :marseyfans:

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Nice I just finished my book and was looking for new material to read when I’m pooping so this is perfectly timed.

Also I’ve been to Seattle and it’s pretty nice town. One of the top 5 space needles I’ve seen.



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Full of zoomer asshats, tho.

I had to go there for a conference and, as I work in media, you can imagine the kind of clowns I encountered.

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Portlander gets downvoted, consults their hug box.

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Lmao hug box? You delusional

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OK what ever you say r-slur. Also, I'm not going to read the long screed of a cringe words words poster so I have no idea what you even said.

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Robespierre was a leftoid r-slur just like you, idiot.

The people who seethe the most about portland are portlandoids


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Your weakest post by far OP.

Proof that Portland is a testament to mayoape failure.

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Man oh man I have never been so downvoted

that's as far as i read.

no one cares.

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I didn't read your whole screed. We are all going to die. Life has no meaning. All the actions of all of the people you've ever met will be forgotten. There is nothing you can do to change these facts.

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Let's make Portland 2 together!

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You mean "Portland causes seethe #2"? I've started a draft with that working title

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Please, go touch grass.

You can go the the zoo, the Japanese garden, the rose garden, or go see a Blazers game. Just get outside, please.

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Tl;dr brainlet

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Way too many words for me to read :marseysleep: :marseysleep: :marseysleep:

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Worth it 😎

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I'm tempted to ban you in retaliation for silencing our cows, but that would be be perpetuating the cycle of violence.

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Don't worry, I perpetuated it for you.

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You have enough coins to unban him

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Wait can you pay for an unban now?

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Si, look at the shop

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Oh, that's kind of expensive...

How much do you love me @Impassionata?

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I am sure a banned person would answer


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100% he has an alt.

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@Aevann Why doesn't my ban award show on his comment? This is an outrage!


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fixed king

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