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Antiwork says cops can’t be antiwork


Thinking about mining some drama coin with fake quitting my cop job because Biden is making us take mandatory diversity classes

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Cop haters are such a bunch of stupid stroppy babies.


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They're middle class white potheads who got busted with a bag once and now they're all revolutionaries. They'd all be begging for a cop to show up if they ever found themselves in a bad neighbourhood.


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The great part is that they see no contradiction between defunding the police (for murdering Black bodies) and demanding police protection from scary dark people, they're all completely irrational babies having tantrums.


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"Social Workers" is always that shit that makes me laugh. We're gonna replace cops with social workers. Tammy with her BS in psychology is going to talk down a knife weilding crack head with a baby for a hostage. Or Chrissy is going to go help spray the brains off the road after a bad DUI crash. They're r-slurred.


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They’re basically asking for every police department to bring a hostage negotiator for every arrest.

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uhm you can talk down any violent criminal with de-escalation sweaty

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I find 5.56 or 9mm to be great at talking down violent criminals.

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Yes you bigot. Women can do anything a man can and more. Any day now you will hear about rebecca wingsuit diving the baby out of the armed serial killers hands and then you will eat your words.

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Nobody should like cops. Their ROE is basically commie shit designed to infringe on the constitutional rights of literally everyone. All cops are told to infringe on the 4th amendment rights basically the first thing on encountering a civilian. Any rightoid that loves cops is not a true rightoid

God forbid if you try to film them. Though I bought my house off of lawsuit money for 3 false arrests

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It’s a tough situation because on one hand simping for cops is gay and cringe but on the other hand the people on Reddit who vocally hate cops are the lowest degenerates of all.

No idea how to square this circle


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Take the opposite position to whoeever you are talking to, king.

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Leftoids hate cops for all the wrong reasons, just ask them about 2A

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"Blah blah blah oh look a scary dark person, police, help!"


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Sneed criminal

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Being a cop in portland seems so comfy

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Sounds like a pretty good job. "You say some guy is breaking into your house and about to r*pe your daughter? Well, the social workers will help use her words to talk him down and help you out."

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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Hello Brian. I know you really really like to r*pe but I need you to listen to this calming music mix 14. By professor JJ Almen right now. What was he the professor of? Oh he wasn't a professor that was part of his stage name. No! No! Don't go into a rage about fake professors and r*pe more women! No! Bad boy! Bad boy! I said no raping!

bang bang bang bang bang

Two days later:

Thank you for coming to this public announcement people. I was negotiating with the would be male feminist and had everything under control and needed but a moment more, but the cops with me derelicted their duties and chose to shoot down an innocent man in their bloodlust. This is why today I ask you all to March in protest against the police department with me until all the cops have been fired and justice is given to Brian.

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Add in that you're quitting because your boss said you can't use tear gas on rioters anymore. Topical and quick and easy seethe.

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"Quitting the force because the SGT mandated that the taser voltage on every unit be decreased by 25% to reduce the risk of setting perps on fire. Shits not gonna stand."

Maybe we should make an antiwork sub for ex-cops? Call it r/antiworkLEOS or something?


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based idea

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So antiwork is now the new leftist page that gets spammed to the front page of Reddit? Gross. How long until they're taken over by talkies?

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Im not sure if you just misspelled "tankies", but "talkies" is a fricking pitch-perfect description of modern commies


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I know we have grindmaxxing, but I think a managers sub would be better to frick with antiwork tbhwyf. They seethe over managers in a similar fashion to landlords :marseyreading:

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r/LoveForMiddleManagement would absolutely cause some redditors to lose their shit, talking about how you didn't give someone enough hours to qualify for healthcare because of their transphobia or something, idk I haven't thought much about it so far but I like the idea a lot

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Yeah I was thinking of a larp where someone wouldn’t cover a shift cause they were exposed to covid but waiting on test so I fired them for not being vaccinated or something idk

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"A community for the middle management on reddit to share their grief and workplace problems trying to juggle useless dumb worker-drones and clueless executives to keep the company running"

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It was inevitable that the antiwork wanksters would form into a commie / antifa movement and implode. A lot of people in the contro side of that thread are realizing they are commie wanksters who really just want free-bux and handouts. Lazy leeches that they are. They sicken me more than your average reddit r-slur.



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It was always that.

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Maybe cops should make their subreddit: r/copsAgainstWork ? r/antiworkcops ?

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It looks like my fake text message post was removed and they removed all other text message posts. lmao

I'm going to post something else I thought of later. Every time I read something in that sub, it sounds so fake. Every text message conversation never seemed real, and I think that will make for some really fun trolling.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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There should be cop posts there for cops who quit over not violating the first and fourth amendment rights of citizens and watch the commies freak out that cops should of course arrest people for filming protests and whatever else commies do in public

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hahaha mother fricking deadbeat commie is scared of strike breakers. Did he read too many news papers from Europe in the early 20th century? Stalin was the greatest strike breaker ever.

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They seemed pretty anti-work when my family called them because someone broke into our car and stole a camera.

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Let’s walk it in. Post that you were a cop and the working conditions were bad, no vaccine or other political stuff. Just list an apolitical reason for quitting like “the pay was too low” and see if they’ll have it. I bet they won’t.

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Every straight man wants to frick another mans daughter, but no man actually wants his daughter to get fricked, its more something that men just accept because you have to expect to go through what your wife's father had to endure, if you plan on having children. There are however the rare cases of men who do what I referred to in my mind as "Closing The Loop". Around that time when I was talking to my friends about this, about a week after the school scheduled for us to be given an inspirational speech by some rich white guy, basically all we heard were the same BS normie rhetoric which is just a denial of reality, you know like "Just be yourself and work hard", statements that outright deny reality and the inherent advantages, genetic or otherwise, that differentiate everyone. One thing in particular that he said proved to me how lucky this guy was, he had multiple children and they were all boys, he said that he even kept trying to have a daughter but he only got sons, one of his sons even went on to become a millionaire. Seriously how fricking lucky is that, all I could think while sitting in that class, is that this lucky bastard closed the loop, without even trying. He got to frick the shit out of the daughters of many men, but he will never be forced to live through the awkward phase of having to let an extension of yourself be sexually dominated by another man, he'll never have to face the awkwardly repulsive thoughts that a lot of fathers probably have to face, like the fact that in these times your daughter is likely going to be taking it in the butt, and will probably have all sought's of sick shit done to her. At the end of the day there are only two ways to close the loop, to only have sons by luck, or don't have any children at all.


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