3rd grader chad still haunts BIPOC foid



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I hate to say it but I'm gonna steal this third graders joke and use it as my own.

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Definitely didn't grow up in the south then

Do you know the difference between a black man and a park bench?

Do you know what Pontiac stands for?

Why was the police dog licking its butthole?

Where do you put a black Jew?

What’s a word that begins with a N and ends with a R that you never want to call a black person?

Where is the best place to hide a black's food stamps?

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I grew up in the rural Northwest. All of our racial humor is derived from fruit Pickers and none of them are black.

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What's a good fruit picker joke?

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I heard all of these except the police dog one before i left elementary school

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So a theory is that when someone experiences emotional trauma they stop aging/maturing. I.e. Holden Caufield. So it kind of makes sense the terminally online have the mental and emotional maturity of small children.

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Because the community got taken over by them.

The gaming community is as close you get to a white supremacists eithout going to a white supremacist rally And kids play games. The future is fricked in ways I don't think people realize, if you think these days are bad, oh boy wait untill the 12 year olds who have grown up around people saying the N word constantly become adults. Yeah...

Basically gaming has legitamatley been a fricking horrible plauge on the world and has been a massive cause of the recent rise of racism.



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