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Lolcow or drama farmer?


comment from yesterday that was deleted.

I'm running out of hormones and when my testosterone kicks back, I will come to a pharmacy. With a knife. And let their evil God help them if they refuse to sell me hormones then. Hope they will tell me about how "we can't sell you hormones for your own safety," because I will need to get mad enough to do something stupid. I've stabbed people before HRT, and do testosterone blocker for a good reason - to be not dangerous to other. But if Dutch deny me hormones and want a monster, they will get one.


This one's still up.

All these options require residency permit and a bank account. I have neither and I wont have, since I have already got negative on my political asylum application. Dutch say that Russia is a safe country and I'm being persecuted rightfully for burning Russian flag and extinguishing Russian eternal fire. Now Dutch confiscated even my travel passport, and say that they will give it back only if I return to Russia, so I can't go a less trans-phobic country with easier access to HRT meds. It is all really frustrating and in the end when I run out of hormones and testosterone kicks back I will kills some people or myself, or likely both. I have already stabbed people before getting on HRT and reducing my testosterone. So if Dutch deny me hormones and want to see a monster, they will get one.

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Didn't know snape was a :marseytrain: lmao

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Harry Potter to :marseytrain: pipeline.

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That was my first thought.

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Holy frick that post is :marseywords:

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It's a wild ride.

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These people are walking timebombs.

These white males are super privileged.

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Homosexuality is often accompanied with mental illnesses. Same with trans. (Research Reddit and YouTube posts) Perhaps not a majority are Marxists, which is pretty much a sociopathic mental illness.


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Right? I saw that subreddit name and thought of the guy up the road from my childhood who you bring the deer you illegally shot to get processed and packaged to fill your freezer.

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Saved the people I care about a lotta money, what's so bad about that?

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I'm being persecuted rightfully for burning Russian flag and extinguishing Russian eternal fire.

How hard is it to keep to yourself and shut the frick up?

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I mean his post history says that he has stabbed before, too. And will again if the drugstore in the Netherlands doesn't give him hormones to stop the testosterone that made him stabby. WTF did he get up to in Russia? Then he fled to the Netherlands and they are saying, "Get your crazy butt back to Russia." Instead he's trying to harass Muslim hair removal places to laser him.

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The dutch deserve it

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What's the difference?

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Invite her here?

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Congrats, fellow sperg, you've finally joined us in the big leagues


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