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The Profound Stupidity of Internet Rightoids #3

Hey cute twinks

Remember how Internet Atheists recognized that Christians had a mindset of blind belief in authority

Remember how many of those Christians vote Rslur

If you believe that 1/6 was a LARP lmao you real dumb

easily distracted by photos of a viking hat lol must not be serious if he's wearing a hat and fur lol

it doesn't matter what they actually successfully interrupted lol look at the hat lol just a LARP

but it's so easy to distract the internet rightoids

they big fear about communism

because they stare at the bigdumb lefties on twitter

which is definitely real life

the demcrat prty isn't larping they are communist

lol you can't get elected as a demcrat unless you take big demcrat bux you idiot

you are distracted by your simulation of politics and cannot even perceive the real

the real



and Dslurs


tell me more about how both sides desire to implement fascism

you fricking moron dipshits who spent too much time online and got anti-educated about politics





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1 6 was an opportunity to take selfies and that's basically it, what else did they actually do?

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so like

how are you this dumb

This is it. This is the big stupid of internet rightoids. Right here. A live specimen.

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You're a rightoid if you don't think politicians should always be afraid of citizens coming in and harassing them

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I'm not a rightoid :marseybackstab: :marseypuke:

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You asking stupid rightoid questions who cares what you identify as

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Whatever, I'm disappointed that they failed in destroying your so called democracy. All they actually did was take pictures and kick shit over and leave, 0/10 total let down

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And that's the usual pivot into extremism your type makes

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Get on my level lib

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your level seems shitty

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Well you're wrong, so :na:

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Your argument style stinks like that of a foid. The stench is powerful. Are you by chance a foid?

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1/6 didn’t happen, but it should’ve

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Hahha yeah that guy had a funny hat.

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Save us Uncle Ted.

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Stop shouting at snappy

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I essayposted on ruqqus on 1/6 about how 100,000 deer being released around the Capitol would have had a better chance at harming the state than the 100,000 tourists who walked around, took pictures and left when asked to leave. Deer are unpredictable and don’t follow orders. Deer will trample and break things. Deer are utterly harmless, but still more of a threat than 100,000 out of shape losers who had the opportunity, but neither the desire nor the conviction, to do what they claim to believe would have been saving the country from hostile foreign agents.

There is nothing more pathetic than the American :quote:right:quote:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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This is pretty neurodivergent levels of missing the point.

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The tourists weren’t larping, they were just stupid and harmless and confused. The larpers are the ones online who pretended it meant something.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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The larpers are the ones online who pretended it meant something.

Wow, you really got it bad. In your nihilism you have lost touch with the meaning of everyday physical life. In your virtual experience of politics you have forgotten that there are actual social realities to the gathering of representatives to secure the peaceful transfer of power.

You live in history. You live in history. You live in history.

The power of the state is awarded to those who control the power of the state. It's that straightforward. It's that simple. The end result of the use of physical force to take the power of the state is that those who take it, have it.

That we have lived in a time where an attempt was made, and you sit there in weak-minded incapacity for believing that there is meaning to the attempt, means you have gotten lost in the virtual which has wholly replaced the real.

God have mercy on us all.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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both sides desire to implement fascism

Yes and it's a good thing.

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you fricking moron dipshits who spent too much time online and got anti-educated about politics

The rightoids did?

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They didn't actually successfully interrupt anything, the vote still went through and Biden is president.

Stop trying to undermine the election.

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You're the moron. Stop undermining the legitimacy of the Biden presidency.

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This is a great poem for a beatnik poetry slam. You should use it.


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So you simultaneously believe that the fearful reaction to the AoT meme is legitimate because it means the scary rightoids are firing up the camps, and that 1/6 (6/1 for those of us in civilized countries) was not a LARP but a genuine attempt at a coup?

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What part of they want to have a single state religion do you struggle to understand?

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did not read and :marseysneed:

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Jesus loves and forgives you and will heal your wayward soul if you accept Him as your lord and savior <3


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Why do you give a shit?

It's over dude

We'll all be burning in heck soon. Just enjoy the ride

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This is at least a coherent position

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Didn't read but you are so right

Trans lives matter

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Post more marseys in your shit, this is unreadable

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You've come so far from unreadable effortposting. You're now on the level of twitter communication, which, while an improvement, is far from the pure gold of thought found in your average rdrama.net comment.

I have a few issues with what is said here but I don't think it's worth getting in to, 1/6 has been done to death and I dont care anymore tbh

you fricking moron dipshits who spent too much time online and got anti-educated about politics

Based? I think normies have enough of a grounding in reality to realize that calls for and accusations of fascism on both sides are hyperbolic. That being said, mass media has done a lot to frame the world within narratives, which lend themselves to overarching political theories. Also, if internet people (ie youngsters) are the movers and shakers in the world (ie the people organizing protests and collective action) then ignoring them seems to get further and further away from reality... :marseythinkorino:

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Internet people are always a minority of the voting population. If they could form a coherent relationship with reality instead of having their relationship with reality get poisoned by this inability to filter stupid out, they could become a political force.

But the same things that make the internet break its capabilities. A tragedy.

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