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Innocuous poster teaching little kids about jobs generates enormous seethe on r/WitchesVsPatriarchy


I’ve been feeling ill all day. But this poster pushed me over the edge and I finally vomited. Such evil must not endure.

:marseysnoo: :marseysick: :seethejak:

Women now outnumber men in med school…




Why isn't there an option for witch? :(

Same reason there isn't an option for necromancer or werewolf

:marseymancer: :marseywolf:

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Women now outnumber men in med school…

yes but when you break-down by docter/surgeon/nurse/apothecary you get some forbidden results :marseysmug2:

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Apothecary school? Do they teach blood letting and leech application there?


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Well maybe that isn't an actual thing in burgerland, but in europe you have to have a bacelors degree to own and operate an apothecary, it's also a program of "med school". If that is the right word for it... ya know the place where you pick up presciption medication, not the wallmart drugstore.

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Pharmacist. In the civilized world we call them pharmacists. Apothecaries are where you go to buy mandrake root and frog tongues from a warlock for a potion you need to make to rid your cattle of a curse your neighbour cast on them.


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Thank you for educating a poor cucked eurocel

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You’re welcome friend.



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Apothecaries are where you go to buy mandrake root and frog tongues from a warlock for a potion you need to make to rid your cattle of a curse your neighbour cast on them.

That's the same the thing he meant, in europe they don't enough money to buy actual medicine from a proper pharmacy

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And in America you have to pay 2000 thousand dollar for butt ointment and tip the pharmacist.

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imagine being a e*rocel unironically :marseypuke: :marseypuke: :marseypuke: :marseypuke:

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Women are actually the majority in real medical school now too, because most moids are too r-slurred to do good in academics

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Noooooo my imformation is outdated and now I must admit that based on this new evidence I am factually wrong. However my ego can not tolerate such transgressions so I construct this superficially sarcastic comment as a response. On top of that I will ask you to provide this easily googled information from a trusted soucre while my original comment was just typed with the hubris of thinking I was the ultimate authority.

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moids have been getting more R slurred for a while now since they spend all their time playing video games, wathcing anime and twitch streamers. women who go to med school and shit tend to study more while the boys would rather watch XQC fart again.

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Yeah being a nurse is fricking easy. It's not even hard just memorization.

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I literally only get to be a flight attendant or a nurse?

I think those professions are beyond the reach of the people in that thread. I doubt most WvP posters have any professional jobs.

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giving handies in a mcdonalds parking lot is a valid professional career sweaty

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These people are so neurodivergent in their rigid thinking that they think they need to literally follow this poster. I like how they represent bussy by making the lawyer a sassy, cute twink. I am offended that they didn't give that writer a pint of bourbon and put the cartoon drunk bubble above his head.


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They have a point, this poster does have some glaring issues.

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Disgusting m*yo




Seems about white.

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No one tell this person teachers are 90% foid

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thats because of sexism, men are considered creepy if they are teacher since for some reason they think that every male teacher is a feminist. Despite that foids are constantly fricking their students but you know women get away with anything so it dosen't count.

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She's not even a real teacher. She seems to be an ESL teacher in Russia.

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Should be an option for hooker too.


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Wow that’s outdated. It needs to be replaced with OF worker, Uber driver, Uber eats, deliver easy driver, cafe worker, and tumblr mental disability check collector

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I feel like I'm reading another language when I look at that link in removeddit. Based? nu-male? And why do they hate the nintendo switch so much? I googled "soyboy meme" and now I'm even more mystified.


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