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:marseypilgrim: :marseyturkey: Deprogram your relatives this thanksgiving :marseypop2::!marseyfbi:


To bypass paywall: https://archive.today/2021.11.24-155352/https://newsletters.theatlantic.com/wait-what/619e50cedce0f300208d7288/deprogram-your-relatives-this-thanksgiving/

Some people (like my friend Tom Nichols) think that you should spend your Thanksgiving playing nice, pretending that your cousin doesn’t follow QAnon and that your uncle doesn’t believe the election was stolen and also that the Cyber Ninjas are a bunch of cucks for not uncovering voter fraud. Tom believes that Thanksgiving is a time for harmony and niceties and gratitude. I love Tom, but he’s completely wrong.

Spending a holiday sitting around, pretending your crazy relatives aren’t crazy, is one of America’s time-honored traditions. In normal times, you could be the dog in the house-fire meme declaring, “This is fine” while taking a sip of doggy coffee, but we are not in normal times.

Last Thanksgiving, many of us didn’t see our families, because the pandemic was raging. Now, 773,000 dead Americans later, we have vaccines and boosters. And while the unvaccinated are still dying at a pretty rapid clip, we are finally able to more safely get together with our parents and grandparents and weird cousins and uncles.

This is your chance to deprogram them. Facebook knows its algorithm radicalizes users. This is your chance to tell your aunt that maybe the news she gets from it isn’t all that reliable. And that maybe the MAGA news network is not giving her unbiased news, either.

Especially when it comes to vaccines, family members can actually win each other’s hearts and minds. A professor who has studied coronavirus-vaccine promotion at North Carolina State University, Stacy Wood, told The Washington Post that “the effort is worthwhile … A lot of people are convinced over time from small bits of information that trickle in.” According to a Time/Harris poll, 59 percent of people got vaccinated after a friend or family member did. You could literally save your creepy uncle’s life.

If you actually can lead by example when it comes to vaccines, what about the other stuff?

In May, The New York Times cited a poll in which “15 percent of Americans [said] they think that the levers of power are controlled by a cabal of Satan-worshiping p-dophiles.” I’m no statistician—in fact I’m barely able to add and subtract; I got a D in tenth-grade math—but to me that says there’s a decent chance someone at your Thanksgiving table will be QAnon-curious or believe the Big Lie. Should you let this person rant and rave about how there were voting “irregularities” even though there weren’t irregularities? If they’re keeping up with current events through Facebook and Fox News, they’re in such an information silo that they might never hear the truth of what really happened during the 2020 election. (For the record: Nothing happened; it was a completely normal election where Joe Biden won by almost the same margin that Donald Trump won in 2016.)

You might be the only person your uncle talks to all year who could explain to him that the Cyber Ninjas themselves found zero evidence of voter fraud. You might be the only person in the world who can sit down with your anti-vax cousin and explain to her that the vaccine won’t make her infertile and that Alex Berenson is a fraud.

You may also be the one person who unreservedly loves Thanksgiving, but let’s be honest, for most of us a five-hour meal with relatives you see once a year is no one’s idea of a great time. Have you ever thought, This is the gauzy Hallmark-movie fantasy I’ve always longed for?

I’ve done 43 Thanksgivings, and the best one was probably in 1997, when I was 19 and getting sober at Hazelden in Center City, Minnesota. I’m here to tell you Thanksgiving is terrible, and if you at least spend the time trying to deprogram your niece, you won’t be bored or depressed (though you might be enraged that Fox News or Infowars has convinced her Trump can “save America” from Joe Biden’s radical agenda of giving people hearing aids and free pre-K).

Maybe it won’t work. Maybe you’ll leave Thanksgiving dinner as divided as you were when you sat down at the table five hours and 4,000 calories ago. Or maybe you’ll plant the seed, sow just a little doubt about whatever Tucker Carlson is saying now. Maybe you’ll even change a heart or a mind. Maybe you’ll bring the temperature down just a tiny bit. Or maybe you’ll need to report a relative to the FBI! Either way, it’s something to do besides just eat.

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:marseybye: :marseypatriot: :marseypilgrim: :marseyturkey:

:marseyprotestno: :marseyqoomer: :marseysneed: :marseyracistgrandpa: :marseytrump::marseykkk::marseycapitalistmanlet: :!marseyprotestno:

:marseyobey::marseypop2::marseyqoomer: :marseysneed: :marseyracistgrandpa: :marseytrump::marseykkk: :marseycapitalistmanlet: :!marseypop2::marseyobey:

:marseyprotestyes: :marseyvaxmaxx: :marseymaoist: :marseycomrade: :marseykink: :marseyrevolution: :marseyhomosupremacist::marseyblm::marseytrans2::marseybiden::!marseyprotestyes:

:marseyobey::marseypop2: :marseyvaxmaxx: :marseymaoist: :marseycomrade: :marseykink: :marseyrevolution: :marseyhomosupremacist::marseyblm::marseytrans2::marseybiden::!marseypop2::marseyobey:

:marseythumbsup: :marseyhomofascist: :marseyhope:

:marseythumbsup::marseypatriot: :marseypilgrim: :marseyturkey:

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Well said.

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Nothing says "we're the good guys" like looking for reasons to report your own family to the FBI.


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I'm here to change hearts and minds.

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There's a playbook for succeeding in this case


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You will report your family to the police! ACAB defund the police. Thank god for the heckin FBI we need to lock up insurrectionists for life. Abolish prisons.

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Reporting your dissident relatives for crimethink is good! They wouldn't call it the Ministry of Love if it was bad, would they?


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It's called "tough love"

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Imagine sincerely believing that pushing vaccine politics is more important than having a nice time with your family


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Their family members are the only ones that will listen to them sperg out for more than 30 seconds.


"Very interesting. Now finish your green beans."

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Relatives don't could as humxn uless they're GIGAVAXXED.


  • Novavax 💉💉💉
  • Sinopharm 💉💉💉💉💉
  • Truvada 💉💉💉💉
  • Sputnik V 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉 💥
  • Sinovac 💉💉💉
  • Moderna 💉💉💉💉
  • AstraZeneca 💉💉
  • Pfizer 💉💉💉

It is absolute B I G O T R Y to consider unvaxxed 🐁PLAGUERATS🐀 to be humxn, sweaty ✊

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imagine thinkign family


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good comment, i agree

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yeah I’ll pass on talking about aunties knee replacement aches and lil Johnny’s YouTube vlog tyvm

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What's wrong with talking about aunties knee replacement, don't you want to know how she's recovering?


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that sounds very interesting yeah, I have some shoe leather to hand polish though, sounds more fun imo, so I’ll talk to you later

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Sounds more fun than being a big sourpuss!


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:marseygrilling2: :marseygrilling:

I just wanna grill.

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the levers of power are controlled by a cabal of Satan-worshiping p-dophiles Objectively true.

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two new lines between lines

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Thanks, king.

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Why do burgers give so much of a shit about other people's politics? Not like our opinions matter in the first place. It's all as impactful as talking about the weather.


I like people with different politics cause they can be fun to talk to.

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Bro I live in a very liberal city. People talk about politics at parties and shit. It’s actually really strange. They will regurgitate the CNN/MSNBC talking points about any issue and agree with each other. There’s no debate or critical thinking, but it is crucially important to them that you agree with them exactly.

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We live in a democracy. Everyones vote counts. So anyone who believes different than me is an existential threat

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But in a democracy the other guys are also important cause they'll keep my people from being too power hungry. Making the ruling elite fight each other for our fun is the patrician form of democracy, why fight for them?

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People waste so much time on their phones they've turned skimming news headlines into their "hobby." It's fantastic for drama.

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J*urnalists. :marseypuke:

I've translated some of this article's more deep and thoughtful sections for those not differently-abled by Blue Checkmark Syndrome:

they’re in such an information silo that they might never hear the truth

"Make sure you only listen to ✓verified✓ factcheckers funded by one-sided thinktanks! And stay FAR AWAY from non-corporate hatespeech transphobe crimethink outlets!"

You might be the only person your uncle talks to all year who could explain

"Only insufferable, miquetoast wh*te girls with attrocious dyejobs and septum piercings who can't stop whinging about their pronouns being she/they/🦀self can indoctrinate uncle Cletus!"

Especially when it comes to vaccines,

If you actually can lead by example when it comes to vaccines,

coronavirus-vaccine promotion

59 percent of people got vaccinated after a friend or family member did.

"What do you mean you've only had your 39th booster of Ronavax?! We've gotta get that up to 42 right NOW!"

This is your chance to deprogram them.

deprogram your niece,

report a relative to the FBI!

"We are not a cult. What do you mean it takes one to know one?"


Cyber Ninjas are a bunch of cucks

Yes. :marseyagree:

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levers of power are controlled by a cabal of Satan-worshiping p-dophiles.

where's the lie?

I’m no statistician—in fact I’m barely able to add and subtract; I got a D in tenth-grade math

Journos posting their Ls. This one will never learn to code. Sad!

lmaoooooo https://twitter.com/DavMicRot/status/1463625874947952645

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Calling people NPCs is evil and dehumanizing

So be sure to deprogram them

Reporting people who break the law in Texas is Stasi-like

But be sure to report wrongthink to the FBI


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drug addict


Tard who can't do math

Literal lib bugman

Advocates for reporting relatives to FBI for wrong think

Nah, it's ok, I'll be dropping redpills about Epstein and the Bogdanoffs this year

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19 in 1997


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