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You can already tell by the way the article is worded they are going full on attack on the parents here. It's so disgustingly obvious that mainstream press has just become a mouthpiece for idiological hardliners.

I mean they are responisble in that thaey failed to identify their son as a threath for others and mentally unstable, but even as a non burger I know thats not gonna be enough to make involuntary manslaughter stick. The whole case falls on it's butt when you just ask the question: "why didn't the school do the things they demanded the parents do?"

  • check his backpack
  • keep him out of class
  • have him talk to the schools counsler

If it was so obvious by his drawings in class that he was just straight up begging for help, why didn't the school intervene at any point?

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media just loves pushing fringe cases that outrage half the country. note all the coverage of rittenhouse but has anyone heard any juicy deets about ghislaine and her fat milkers? no because anyone who argues for her case is a lunatic.

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I distinctly remember a headline going something like "Maybe Ghislaine herself is a victim of s*x-trafficing"

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no because anyone who argues for her case is a lunatic.

To be fair, the same can be said for anyone anti-Rittenhouse

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Burgers love offloading every parental responsibility onto schools and then they wonder why the next generation end up completely dysfunctional.

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I wouldn't trust an average teacher to raise a dog let alone a child.

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I’m completely for extending the culpability culpability from child to parent. The school system can’t keep tabs on two million neurodivergent children at once, so let’s put skin in the game for parents.


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In an Ideal world, parents and schools could work together on the mental-health crisis in america. But this could've been stopped if the school had simply acted on their suspisions. If they wanted him out of class and insisted his parents take him home but they didn't want too then why did they not go for the next-best option? Meaning sending him to talk with the guidance counseler.

That's all that really iks me about this. Parents are sometimes shit parents that really don't understand what their kid is going through. It's well-known that kids at that age lie to their parents and hide problems from them. Did his parents even know he was bullied? Did they know the real extent of that trauma? Did they even see the weird shit he was drawing?

There are too many unanswerd questions here. It's not the correct response to plug that knowledge gap with "eh parents should've known better"

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We can’t expect schools to compensate for shitty parents. This is the trap we get into where we dump billions into schools as scholastic achievement backslides since focus shifts from education to childcare.

If you have a shitty kid, that might not be your fault but it’s your responsibility, and parents aren’t going to take responsibility unless we take the big ol’ state we want to fix all these problems and actually use it to apply pressure.


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Yes I agree. That doesn't mean there souldn't be failsafes or procedures to deal with potentially dangerous/very sick individuals.

In this case even the school informed the parents over the stuff they found to be cause for alarm. But if the response of the parents is "F that shit we don't believe you" then the response of the school can't be "well okay, lets get you back in the class where you got bullied into this mental state and hope for the best! You little psychopath bugger you, hahahaha! Just don't shoot the teacher you know there's a shortage of those right?"

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…Why not? Giving schools enforcement rather than informing duties creates a fricking mess administratively.

You have to create an internal bureaucracy to ascertain the legitimacy of a threat and the very nature of doing this opens schools up to a higher expectations of safety, evidence of nondiscriminatory practices when reviewing potential threats, and the death knell of it all, significant civil liability.

I can’t stress enough how bad of an idea it is to encourage action on the school-side, especially when we don’t even know how effective their action would be. How much faith do you have in the TSAs ability to clock violent threats? Imagine a less funded version of that.


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Gee, it's like the school failed the kid since they let the bullying occur on a regular basis. But somehow you want them to avoid this problem by dumping the psycho-killer on their student counselor?

This problem has already been fixed by some schools. You immediately kick out kids who fight on campus. I'm guessing it's a public school, and since government is a regulatory mess, they can't exile kids for being shitheads.

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Burgers should've never closed the insane asylums in the 1900's kek

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*60s to 70s, and yes.

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This is completely backwards. Public institutions can’t possibly be blamed for the 1 in a million psychos running through its halls. Parents unfortunately treat the school system as a babysitter.

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Parents unfortunately treat the school system as a babysitter.

But that's literally what it is

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Schools are literally state enforced childcare.

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I know you posted this to make me sneed, and I'm seeding about that it worked, well played sir.

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They parked their car directly outside the building they were hiding in? :brainletmaga: :brainletmaga: :brainletmaga: Peak mayo nonsense, at least have the opsec to walk a couple blocks.

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Good thing they were found before the bear got to them :marseybear:

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wish my parents caused drama

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This shit smells like classism. Posh school shooter parents never got this treatment or blame

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So can the parents really be charged for this shit?

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Good, nice post to print and wipe my butt with it later on. I believe dedicated people can write a shitton like those/make fake researches, put up 2+2 and make it seem like legit stuff, yeah?


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