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Conspiracy Theories: Big Normal

You need to know about Big Normal.

Big Normal is the people behind normies. There are as many people in the conspiracy behind Big Normal as there are people: the conspiracy runs deep, to the natural forces of the human race which must normalize the behavior of its weirdos so that the civil organism can function. Civil organisms which destroy other civil organisms, civilophages as they were, are how we got to this state of affairs.

Rich people don't know shit.

But to the Wise, the Conspiracy Theory is never about the particulars.

Who really killed JFK?

Doesn't matter. What matters is that it illuminates a portion of the civil organism which has been referred to, with great precision, as the Deep State.

Deep State is just people in jobs tasked with securing us from attack in a dangerous world. Some of them, it must be said, are good people. The rest are unthinking automatons who are a danger to us all.

Some fantastic, truly fantastic things happen in the public mind when the presence of the Deep State becomes immanent upon the stage of concepts, as it were. That's what happens when a term develops for something. Deep State.

That there was a Deep State that opposed the president the boomers elected in their feeble old age as a pitiable attempt to hearken back to the days of their strength, when the United States stood above its vanquished enemy and glowed with the power of the Golden Age that was the 90s.

And Golden Ages never last. (So saith Civilization, the living word of Sid Meier, God's prophet. Few have dared sketch human existence itself with such precision.)

When I say fantastic, I mean colossally convoluted stuff. Postmodern fascism is all about what you don't know or can't prove. You can't prove people aren't racists, you can just notice when they upvote racism. If there are a bunch of people around upvoting racism then what you are around is a bunch of postmodern fascists at work. Generally speaking. It's not 100% true, but the times in my life I've been around upvoted racism have also been the times in my life I've seen the most sincere arguments for authoritarian strong-men to come in and set things right.

Big Normal shifts fast. What's normal in one age is not normal in the next. The people who believe that they are outside of participating in the normalizing forces are those who propagate them the most. The biggest reason discourse failed is politeness is more elegant cruelty in service of normalization.

But if we're talking politics here let's talk politics.

:marseypatriot: :marseypatriot: :marseypatriot: :marseypatriot:

If you lay it out so people can understand, maybe they'll understand:


You have religious fundamentalists who imagine themselves to be the heirs to the legacy of a long-dead civilization famous for conquering the known world and instating its variety of Order everywhere, where Order basically meant transporting the troops, and a lineup of national stories revolving around the resurrection of this legacy. There is a problem with leftists and this is that they learn to see through the lies of nationalism and forget that the national story has a reality to it.

These religious fundamentalists: their religion was founded and its spread was abetted by the size and standard nature of that civilization's hegemony.

And the present Empire spans the entire globe and comes with these ultra-cool carrier ships.

This is an anime.

Sometimes the bad people really are just bad people in front of other people. This is the thing I have the hardest time getting across to people who seemed to think that plots are competent, in our history. No. They're incompetent; all the time there have been incompetent plots.

All the time.

That doesn't stop them from working. You fricking numbskulls.

We have this anime setting where the religious fundamentalists long for an end times battle and an aging dementia-ridden population is along for the ride, they have built the same industrial capacity for dealing with humans and processing them dead en masse.

And there are people who still don't think that this is fascism. That we have a political party full of these religious people continuing to insist upon a reality which is specious and false.

They will try again. There is no learning the lesson. There is only one problem we have right now politically, and it is the existence of a fascist movement on US soil, taken root in the boomer mind fog and a party willing to believe anything their leader says.

I'm not going to say you're either with me or against me. I'm just going to say you're either with me or you're fricking stupid as shit.


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dont mention me cute twink..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Or you'll do what? Leave the site?

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i will stay longer............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Thus the duel.

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@Impassionata rekt b-word, messed with tha best died like tha rest


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this forum after im done with it...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Thank you for killing all the white people around here.

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theyre not white if theyre homosexuals........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Hm, I guess that's a good way of putting it.

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uh huh........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Putting the bi in bipoc.

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lmao @Klenvastergan and @BIGEPICMAN56 alts confirmed

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idk who thaty fricking spaz is ive never posted here before............................................................................................................................................................................................................................//

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lmao keep up the bit as long as you can

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You got me, he's totally me. πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ‘πŸ»


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there s no bit.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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this one isn't as fun as the other ones. it's all over the place and basically incoherent (which i like), but i can't help but feel bored.


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Yeah at some point you realize not every one's going to be good and you just lay it out to begin seeing it on paper. I plan to collect highlights and relaunch my blog.

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please don't, you'll probably single-handedly cause the entire republican party (fascists) to collapse and implode- ultimately ruining my plans to start the second american renaissance!


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tbh you doing work sounds better than me doing work

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Time for some stimulants.

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Finally, it's about time someone said all of this and I didn't want it to just be me

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hahahahahahahaha yeah that's why I'm trying to start and say it

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It's those darned post-modern neo-fascists


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:marseyclapping: I have a good conspiracy theory I'm posting tomorrow, I'll ping you

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This is an anime.


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I like your use of the word "immanent" but this one is way too long, can I get a tl;dr please?

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Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.

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You tell'em Snappy.

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I liked this one! I like the more conceptual ones because politics is booooooooring. It IS all about me, by the way, if I like it, it is good.

That being said I only really understand half of what you said. "Muh Illiteracy" whatever, I have pretty good reading comprehension in general. I read more books than any of you chumps. I am easily in the top 10% of reading comprehension on this website. Fight me b-word.

I think I may be the only person that actually engages with what you say. The leftists here read and say "wow, so true!" without reading it. the rightists read it and say "wow, so cringe!" without reading it. notice how no one here has mentioned anything you said in it. lol

The biggest reason discourse failed is politeness is more elegant cruelty in service of normalization.

ALRIGHT I am going to guess your point here. Tell me how I do because I am grasping at straws. The "deep state" wants things to remain normal. They don't care about politics or have opinions themselves. Since "polite" discourse is shifting what is normal, it is controlling the deep state. So, if fascism is normalized, the deep state will become fascist and it will be another Holocaust.


> X is fascism

> fascism is bad

> so X is bad

You lose me when you talk about fascism. It's not your fault but "fascism" is a word that, to me, has no meaning. Fascism can be "agreeing with Adolf Hitler about the Jews" but that excludes other (probably fascist) countries like Japan who I don't think cared about the Jews as much as they did conquering Asia. We might say it is "nationalism" but that's weird because that means that fascism fought fascism during WWII, which leads me to question whether it's actually a bad thing. In my personal opinion, the most honest definition of fascism is when you kill (or want to kill) jews. The more Jews you kill, the more fascistismer it is.

So I want to know, what is fascism, and why is it bad? Then what is postmodernist fascism? Under my "honest" definition it's clear that there are barely any fascists in the US, and that it is certainly not a mainstream movement.

If you lay it out so people can understand, maybe they'll understand:

*continues to be incomprehensible*

And there are people who still don't think that this is fascism.

>they dont explicitly want to kill jews

>ergo it isn't fascist

I'm just going to say you're either with me or you'reΒ fricking stupid as shit.

:marseycry: what if I'm not with you because I don't understand the point :marseycry:

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:marseyclapping: I not only say this because you used my (great) marsey, but as a style compliment: you could sell books with this.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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and be a grifter, instead of a pure, free spirit of the greater internet?

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You could be whatever you wanted; achieve your dreams!

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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You could sell bussy pics.

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If he wrote books none of us would read them lol

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The American military is the one good thing about your meme nation.

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Frick yeah

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Stop noticing things, why aren't you watching the Santa Inc trailer you racist nazi

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Lee H. Oswald killed JFK as part of a plot created by anti-Castro/pro war conspirators in the CIA.

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