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full chub leftoids pop a nasty nut over how dumb rightoids are - unrivaled smug concentrations, and way too many words


Now the republicans are anti education and anti military and only support police officers who are not protecting Washington DC… The police officers protecting Washington DC are obviously socialists. I just don’t understand how my friends are still Republicans are even interested in being Americans anymore

i wish i could have such wild fantasies and be taken seriously. reddit sure is somethin

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They hate the FBI, DOJ, and half of their own party too.

They just hate. They are hateful people.

Every MAGA Republican I've ever met has been an intensely angry person.

I never hear MAGA types talk about hopes, positivity or any sort of collective good.

Sure sounds like a lot of hate and upvotes in that thread.

Turn out, hatred is a really good way to get people to agree on stuff

Oh, that's why. Example #8573 that redditors lack self-awareness. I'm pretty sure 3 out of 4 would fail the mirror test.

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if they hate him so much, why do they obsess over him like this?

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They are not mentally or socially mature enough to allow others to have a different belief or opinion as theirs.

I mean dude r-slurs lmao

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what about Republican service members? Did they watch that Tucker segment and nod with approval?

You really think service members want to be taught that the country they are putting their lives on the line to protect is sYsTeMaTiCaLlY racist and all white people are evil?

Of course they nodded in approval. No one wants to sit through that marxist training shit.

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burgers deserve each other

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Reading this sub it's difficult to not conclude that leftists are angry and hateful

What do you even consider to be a leftist? Anyone who disagrees with Trump? Anyone who vocally opposes racism? People who are outraged by fascism?

Excuse me sweaty did you just pull a heckin both sides? You wouldn't be disagreeing with us folks about the rampant racisms and the fascism scaries out there now would you? 👏 it's not hate and anger when we are constantly outraged👏 we are the good guys👏

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Where’s the lie?

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Sometimes I forget that sub even exists and then wonder where that army of leftoidittors come from

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Alright, here it is. Listen up you absolutely filthy degenerate. I am unblocking you after months (nearly a year) to say this only and only once so that the people who are upvoting your filth know exactly who you are and what you do. For months you have been hounding my comments in an attempt to elicit a response from me, you have made multiple accounts confessing your 'love' for me. Sent me countless number of private messages inviting me to frick you. You have tailed my comments asking me if I would like to have a 'bang bang' coffee with you and discussed with other redditors if they'd like to watch as you frick me. I have witnessed the change in your comment strategy to siding by me to gain brownie points to posting absolute trash so that I give up and respond to your bullshit.


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