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Hatred for womxn is the marker of wisdom

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lol oh dear.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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lol jfc Redditors are seriously r-slurred.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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Truly amazing the mind of a Redditor.

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Olympic gold medalist in mental gymnastics right here.

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Ngl I wasn't sure what sub you were linking to because on reddit that's said on every sub.

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Suffolk District Attorney Rachael Rollins

Take any of that with a grain of salt. Rachael Rollins is a race baiting bat-shit crazy 🏀 she is the worst prosecutor in history. I wouldn’t be surprised if she made this shit up.

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bat-shit crazy

Single mother

Of course

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I hope that this is at the very top of r/all on every subreddit that it can be featured on.

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Daily reminder that North Korea is, in fact, a democratic people's republic.

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There's been like 6 threads on this on r/news and I'm guessing this will slowly go away when it comes out that he wasn't a perfectly normal individual like they're trying to play it up. Mainly based on him wading through a marsh and then crashing a truck through a home part.

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Just an FYI four Chicago males shot up an all white elementary school 2 weeks ago hitting 2 construction workers. If the school hadn’t been under construction and the kids moved to trailers there would be dozens of white children dead.

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Cut a Redditor and a histrionic cute twink bleeds.

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It looks like the explanation is right there in the thread. The comic is a parody of stereotypical “coming out” scenarios represented in media. It psychologically primes people for the acceptance of such behaviors (both in the real world sense–that of being gay–and in the contextual sense–that of being a demon designed solely to kill everyone). Indeed, I’m curious why you’re not “outraged” about the comic itself equating gays to murderous traitors. Instead you’re upset about someone CALLING OUT this comic for its psychological propaganda. Indeed, not even that. You’re upset about the no-no word he used in doing so!

Are your feelings hurt by seeing a no-no word? What exactly is your problem with the post itself? List, specifically, what your problem is with the post. Is it really just the no-no word? Why should anyone care about your feelings when you’re defending the institutional r*pe of children and the social spread of incurable diseases?

Why are you incapable of defending your ideological beliefs using objective scientific data? Not just in the contextual sense, but in the broader sense of why you seem to want to censor people for saying truth when it hurts your feelings.


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