Drama classic: The working class try to pass a resolution [2019]


If you have not already had the please of watching the absolute carnage of politics, have a good time with this. Please do not comment in all caps, for the rdrama users with sensory and auditory sensitivity. Thank you. Please also avoid gendered language.

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Worked at a school helping tisms. Guess what, if they hated noise you take them outside the class and work with them on their own. Yes I know! We don't ruin it for everyone else? Absolutely shocking

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I literally can't tell if the DSA or the libertarian party is more cringy. Like some of these people just have to be planted by the big parties as a psyop, they're so unbelievable.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1711210096745272.webp

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Youve got a point there. Saying democrats bad or republicans bad should be a slam dunk to get another party going

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Imagine being an actual leftist newly arrived in the country and going to the local socialist event to see how leftism is progressing in America.

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im convinced that the DSA is full of trolls who try to one up each other in wokeness

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Those r/Drama people genuinely disturb me. At least the fascists on subs like ConsumeProduct seem to genuinely care about the stupid shit they believe in (traditionalism, national pride, the importance of the nuclear family, sexual purity, etc.). Those drama freaks seem to value literally nothing but being as much of an inhuman and obnoxious piece of shit as possible in every direction the opportunity presents itself.


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Put them up against the wall comrade Snappy!

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Those drama freaks seem to value literally nothing but being as much of an inhuman and obnoxious piece of shit as possible in every direction the opportunity presents itself.

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The reason Biden won

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I miss the leftcom sub making fun of leftoids. r/ShitLeftoidsSay was great because it was the actual Marx readers unveiling the mass schizophrenia of online leftists

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God made leftoids to halt leftism

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πŸš‚ violently waves arms and later yells about gendered language. Absolutely steaming!

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