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You use shit to keep your home water proof?!? That's heckin amazing! In fact my good sir I'd say that's interesting as frick.


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>If you were in the position of this man and his ancestors, you’d use anything and everything you could to survive. The early American :marseyburger: pioneers did the same thing, but they had more trees at their disposal. This is actually :marseyakshually: an ingenious use of the materials at hand.

>I genuinely hope you never :marseyitsover: have to weather the wild :marseyfrontiersman: in its raw, unadulterated state :marseyusa: since it seems you’d let your personal squeamishness get in the way of ensuring your survival.


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How bad does it smell :marseybrap: though. If they walk :marseywalking: out past the awning in the rain :goldenshower: do they get glistened with cow poop?

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Maybe its my inner ruralcel coming out but cow shit :merdesey: doesn't really smell :marseysniff: that bad :marseyshrug:

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It isn't foul like human shit, but I still wouldn't say it's a "good" smell.

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Yeah, I'd put it on par with freshly dried paint, it's not pleasant per se but it isn't crippling

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I saw this in my feed :marseyhungry: and didn't think it was amazing at all. That smell :marseybrap: must be awful for what :marseypregunta: a tarp can do.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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