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Yes removing the books from school libraries is banning them, and is bad, the problem is these school librarians are activists and they shouldn’t be putting them there in the first place, no book in my school library had explicit Herero s*x in it

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no book in my school library had explicit Herero s*x in it

I bet there were plenty, you just weren't looking in the right places.

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The Bible, for a start.

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The Bible was not in my school library

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Pardon - the Tanakh.

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If you looked in the right :marseysoren: books :marseysexylibrarian: you could find photos of me having s*x with your dad

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I'm older than the avg here, and I remember jerking off to saggy titty African tribeswomen in national geographic because I didn't have access to porn.

:marseymanysuchcases: (I hope)

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I remember reading a ton of books from my school library there was a sad few where the plot was my parents are divorcing because my dads gay which teachers could recommend but the situation was unrelatable even to the author

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/r/KotakuInAction is still around? TIL

G*mer Gate still alive and well out there murdering Anita Sarkeesian in the year of our Lord 2022.

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Surprised :marseypikachu2: it hasn't been caught up in any of the ban waves

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They’re only alive because they banned :marseytrans2:posting a few years ago.

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Why would they? KIAcels are as pathetic as average redditors are.

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They banned :marseytrain: posting like three years ago and the mods will pretty much y’all anything that they think will get the admins on their case. It’s heavily moderated more or less.

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/r/KotakuInAction is still around? TIL

Nah, they just refuse to die and perform self-mutilaton in the process. You can no longer mention trains in any way and they also banned other "problematic" slurs like r-slur. They fear if they continue allowing them the admins will ban them under their new policies, so they rather go out of their way than risk that.

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republicans are literally burning books, all the librarians want to do is kindly and gently make explicit sexual imagery available to little kids and these fricking chud governors are acting like there's a problem with it

proof if ever we needed it that the religious right is still in total control just like in the 80s

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Right: Literally get elected by saying "I will ban CRT and any mention of LGBT+ people from schools and libraries."

Reminder that a lot of the books the Nazis are burning in all those photos were from the library of the Institute of S*x Research, one of the first academic establishments in the world dedicated to studying LGBT+ subjects, including some of the first gender-affirming surgical procedures


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The whole book banning thing has a negative connotation but I think there's nuance to it. Both sides can want to ban books for kids that are perfectly appropriate to ban.

If the left wants to ban "How to join the KKK" I'm fine with that

If the right wants to ban "How to make bathtub HRT the Keffals way" I'm fine with that

The key though, is the age group. Once they're in high school, I don't give a frick what they're reading. They have access to the internet anyway. But 5th graders don't need that stuff in their libraries. It should just be wimpy kid and harry potter


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Wingcucks will always blow their loads trying to sneak in banning innocuous shit when they find an actual bad one.

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GOP and Dems are the same, one side just has better ops at different parts of each decade

Unironically destroying books or media, unless it has animal/baby/corpse (sry wpd) fricking is fine but everything else is gay and awful. Dont have to give everyone free access to these books in schools, though.

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It's about ethics in putsches.

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Gay books are fine and all but i better not see an LGBT book section or im not adhering to the dewey decimal system.


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