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SCP-6765 - The Demon Ogier & the Bleeding Throne of Malidraug

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:#marseylongpost: DISCUSS! :#marseylongpost:



Oof a looong one which is why I took a one weak break as I didn't want to split this one up. Anyway what's there to say? I really enjoyed it. I still prefer Hector over Oegir cause Hector continues to serve as a hero of humankind without any kind of happy ending as Oedir and Hector also managed to keep control of his demon form as soon as he transformed and without any magic bullshit either. He is just that much of a Chad. :!#marseyretardchad: I liked every non scientist character in this story. Javier especially was a nice surprise for me. The fact he wasn't the le secret twist enemy here is a welcome addition. And you know it's not surprising that if you grow up outside the r*pe forest and the reach of fricked up Titania up your butt you turn out well adjusted. The red King was in my opinion definetly a well described entity and the way its described in its battle with Oegir really put quite the mental image in my head. No complaints here. Also humanizing the MTF a bit more to the point where they will refuse orders for obvious reasons of complete shock of being near something Eldritch and it not immediately resulting in their death by entity or foundation is cool. Really the foundation acting non r-slurred in this for once is just great. Any other lore would have them sperg out and try to put Javier, Oedir and :!marseytrain: FtM inside their own box for lazy shitty reasons (the author being lazy). My verdict: good story. I enjoyed my train rides and working out with this.

Sorry for my scattered thoughts on this. I will also post an additional SCP here this week this one being a more simple entry so maybe more people take interest in these threads. See you goodbye.

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Give me a TL;DR in 30 words or less. I'm not reading all of that! :marseylongpost2:

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Pre Noah human civilization in Europe fights elves, gets cursed, fall apart before being destroyed by flood. Foundation finds ruins of old civilization, contains cursed magician who fights Eldritch god.

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Exactly 30 words.

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Just play Lobotomy Corporation instead.

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How was I not aware of this. Thanks.


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I shill this everywhere because it's truly something special. Starts simple but shit gets crazy quick. If you stick with it you're in for an unforgettable experience. :marseyxmr:

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tell me the deets as I won't be able to play it.

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Not able to play? It has no DRM, if you know what I mean... :marseypirate:

But anyway, it's about managing a facility full of monsters and they all have different profiles and requirements and such. It starts out with simple shit like "your guy must have a stat value of X to work successfully" and turns into increasingly esoteric and complicated conditions, some of which are truly mindboggling and totally outside the box. I don't want to spoil anything because figuring them out is really satisfying, so let me just say you will have to use (almost) all of your senses to crack them. And of course as your facility grows you'll have to juggle more of these monsters at the same time and their demands can interact or contradict one another, it gets really crazy. Past a certain point, the difficulty ramps up significantly, especially the final stretch.

The story and the setting are also really cool. It sort of sneaks up on you because it starts out fairly simple, just manage some monsters, but then as you uncover more about their background, the facility and the people working there you uncover a really interesting world and a story that is not often told in video games about a group of people who truly wanted to do good and then everything went wrong.

It's also one of those games where every game mechanic has a lore explanation, but it's not convoluted or forced at all, everything falls elegantly into place. These revelations coupled with a very interesting story and difficulty of the finale makes beating this game a truly cathartic experience. It's probably obvious but I really can't recommend this game enough - even though the sort of niche gameplay and challenge will probably mean you'll either love it or hate it.

Oh and the soundtrack is full of bangers. And the sequel is really awesome too, doubles down on the worldbuilding (and includes a bunch of songs specificially recorded for it by Mili which you might know if you're familiar with some animu).

JUST PLAY IT :marseyraging:

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You sat down and wrote all this shit. You could have done so many other things with your life. What happened to your life that made you decide writing novels of bullshit here was the best option?

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>open article

>scrollbar is half a centimeter tall

>close window

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I don't really like long SCPs so I'll pass

But also, do you still want the SCP hole? I don't really care about dramacoin that much anymore so I wouldn't mind creating it and giving you ownership :marsey173:

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No I dont reqlly like holes anyway. If you want to give me dramacoin I will use it on pin awards. I promise to post a shorter, older one this week so more people get to join the discussion.

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Done πŸ‘

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Neighbor go write a book. The whole point of the format is that it's a story told through a scientific document. This is just a 10k word wattpad fanfiction with fancy CSS and more cliches than I can count.

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SCP articles grew beyond that format a long time ago. And thank god for that or it would have been very stale a long time ago. Im not even sure how this is fanfiction when the guy came up with this canon himself. What is this a fanfiction for? The Bible?

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Is that a jav code?

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The best :mersya: one is SCP-1981

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The foundation not being r-slurred.

First time for everything and I think this is the new SCP peak if what you said is true.

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Keep scrolling to see more naked obese Two X'ers or a :!marseytrain: fleshwound. Should be your le /r/eyebleach

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That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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