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Babylon Bee gets posted to r/atetheonion again. Redditors seething again. :marseymanysuchcases:


Amidst the poll to ban the Bee entirely, redditors are in a frothing rage when they see satire from the wrong side of history.


Lol I know itโ€™s satire but not even Babylon Bee believes this

Babylon bee wants Trumpies to believe this like their all "satire".

Iโ€™d say Babylon Bee is hardly distinguishable from the other right wing media outlets.

Itโ€™s basically just right wing propaganda that screeches โ€œitโ€™s just a prank, broโ€ when called out on its shit

Lmao and it goes on and on and on.



The Babylon bee is conservative retaliation against the onion and it doesn't work.

Punching down is only funny if you have lead poisoning.

>Punching down


๐Ÿšจ BONUS: New Bernout copypasta just dropped ๐Ÿšจ

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Their vote says to allow it, so I'm sure the jannies will do something to say they will override the vote and ban it anyway.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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I like that this scenario has played out so many times that it is now predictable.

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They just put up a new vote. It's going to get banned and the circlejerk gets reinforced

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Not if some :marseytroublemaker:s can do something about it, "don't exclude" is leading by 400 right now

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"You see, the site uses satire in bad faith."

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โ€œBad faithโ€ is one of the most destructive phrases to the internet in the last 20 years. Itโ€™s like a shut-it-down mind virus

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You're asking me a question I can't answer.... On purpose!

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>I can't argue but you are wrong

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Say what you will about jannies, but holding a vote that users feel strongly about and then ignoring the results entirely is definitely drama-pilled

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Perhaps, usually though after the vote fails the loudest people on the sub will screech and b-word and whine until it's banned 2 weeks later anyway.

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