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Article about :marseytrain: gets posted to r/neoliberal. Accusations of bigotry, major janny cleanup, seething about Bussy Singal inside.


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Reminder that the religious right is ontologically evil and their political influence must be completely eradicated.

keep yourself safe

Jesse Singal

:marseyjanny: This dude's entire schtick is that trans kids don't exist, and if they do exist, they shouldn't be provided medical care because maybe they're secretly cis actually.

Verifiably untrue.

The Neoliberal Podcast once did an episode with Blocked and Reported. Singal's views have not changed since. Have /r/neoliberal's?

I didn't realize this sub was this transphobic. Maybe this isn't the group of people I want to associate with after all.

All the most upvoted posts are pro-trans. All comments not pro-trans enough have been mass downvoted or jannied. These people can't accept that someone might have some, even the slightest disagreement. about drugging/castrating children. Ignore the science. Everyone that disagrees is a bigot. Words are violence and must be dealt with as if they are a threat.

Do trains want the rest of the society to hate them? Because that seems like what they are trying to do.

/r/neoliberal has utterly gone downhill. My god that sub sucks now. :marseyraging:

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ontological evil

why did every trans person start using this phrase over the last month

/r/neoliberal has utterly gone downhill. My god that sub sucks now.

are you r-slurred, it's a sub full of neolibs

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>why did every trans person start using this phrase over the last month

The neologisms employed by these people come and go in waves. I remember the "reactionary" days, or the "Christian apologist" days about Jordan Peterson, both which have passed.

It's because the extremely online progressive subculture is insular and parochial - hardly surprising when you look at their philosophy of disagreement being violence, and how :marseytrain: jannies behave. The result is a group who recursively view only ingroup-approved media, and punish or excommunicate group members who don't conform. Brain-dead neologisms are thereby constantly generated and spread in the cult.


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It's also a very pretentious word to use in this case so it makes them all feel like they're smarter than they are.

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Logic has a transgender bias.

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It's the new cool smart word. Think gaslighting from few months back

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more like this month's version of "stochastic terrorism"

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>are you r-slurred, it's a sub full of neolibs

It used to be a sub for normie Dems who didn't take to the Bernie Sanders cult of personality. Now it's just another :marseytrain: owned and operated shithole. :marseysad:

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same could be said about any left wing sub, even if neoliberal could barely be called left

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That’s all of Reddit

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it used to be a sub for people who only had an undergrad in econ, then it became a bog-standard Democrat shithole lol. Trans women owning it is actually a step up

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MANY such cases

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ontological evil

I'm not sure if it's the original use but I first encountered as an ironic meme, something along the lines of "nice thing is that my enemies are ontologically evil and there's no act against them that is wrong". Not surprised that r-slurs are using it ""ironically"" now.

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It was a rightoid ironic sigma bale kinda meme. It got unironically appropriated by r-slurs.

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yea op is an r-slur.

neolibs are the subhumans of the political world

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Yeah but they used to be the cool kind of subhumans, the ones that run all the banks and orchestrate all the wars. Now their greatest ambition is cutting kids' peepees off. How the mighty have fallen.

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>ontological evil

Ive heard this from rightoids saying its pkay to murder pedos and such. :marseytrain: probably say it in hopes of stochastic terrorism but theyre too much of a b-word to pull guns and start murdering people even though it is righteous to destroy "ontological evil" things

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>muh rightoids


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Its pretty funny watching :marseytrain: take up the arguments of the holy roman catholic church when it comes to killing heretics

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>it's a sub full of Reddit

Story as old as time.

Though back in the day, Reagan and Thatcher had major pull over there.

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I saw someone use it to describe a card on /r/yugioh smh

And people say that social contagion isn't a thing

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My brother in christ, puberty blockers (scientifically termed GnRH agonists) have been regularly used in children from 3-17 for a variety of medical issues since the 80s. They are literally some of the most extensively studied medications in the world. We know exactly what these treatments do, to the extent it is possible to know the exact effects of any medication.

Rule II: Bigotry

Bigotry of any kind will be sanctioned harshly.

If you have any questions about this removal, please contact the mods.

"My brother in Christ, there is a scientific consensus that I'm right, and that is why I have to remove your comment and ban you over it."

They've nuked every comment that is even a slightest bit critical of their orthodoxy. Clearly they must be very secure in their beliefs.

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They are literally some of the most extensively studied medications in the world.

It stuns me how someone can say something so wrong and not get any flak on it. But I guess that's what happens when you're a mod

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If you don't believe that s*x-change drugs are the safest and most studied drugs in the world you are literally Hitler.

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Lupron is very well studied, which is why it's so weird people wanna give it to kids without precocious puberty because the side effects can be so severe.

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From what I've read these days a lot of places (mainly in the EU) are even questioning it's use in cases of precocious puberty

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The general age of onset for puberty has steadily been going down without much physical side effects, so it might not be worth doing.

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The effects of using it to delay a puberty that was starting too early to the normal range are known. Using them to delay puberty past the normal range is absolutely not studied.


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What drugs are they referring to? If it's a train drug, I'm guessing it's not even a decade old.

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Puberty blockers, drugs that delay puberty.

They were/are given to kids with health problems like early puberty (I dunno, like if a girl has puberty at 6) for a while before their current use for :marseytrans2: came along

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These brand new drugs are some of the most studied drugs in history!

  • these :marseytrain: jannies
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I lean more pro trans than most here and in theory as long as healthcare professionals are monitoring these drugs I'm lukewarm to accepting of them.

That said the revolving door between trans activists and medical practitioners, as well as the climate of pushback against further research on these issues makes me very doubtful that we are told everything.

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I'm broadly pro trans in general (internet trains alone cause enough seethe that I love them for that alone), but the slippery slope from 'some people have awful dysphoria that causes them to kill themselves and we should be kind to them' to 'anyone is the gender they say they are regardless of presentation, we are also introducing 500 new pronouns because they should be another kind of proper noun and we're gonna give s*x hormones to twelve-year olds - if you disagree you're a transphobic piece of garbage' has been drastic.

Sometimes I reflexively oppose leftoid stuff just because I don't know where the frick the slope is going to end up.

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I'm in much the same boat

I despise a lot of the movement because I'm convinced its end result will result in trans people I know being hurt from the backlash :marseydepressed:

But oh well, better laugh than cry about it :marseylaugh:

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Puberty blockers, drugs that delay puberty.

Which ones exactly?

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Lupron is the big one. All the evidence actually indicates that is it not fully reversible and does cause lifelong damage, but :!marseytrain:s and actual reality have never been friends.

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Reality has a transphobic bias

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Can't say, am neither doctor nor underage trans

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It’s a half-truth. As an aside, the correct term is GnRH agonists.

Leuprorelin is in the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogue family of medications.[7] It works by decreasing gonadotropin and therefore decreasing testosterone and estradiol.[7] Common side effects include hot flashes, unstable mood, trouble sleeping, headaches, and pain at the site of injection.[7] Other side effects may include high blood sugar, allergic reactions, and problems with the pituitary gland.[7] Use during pregnancy may harm the baby.[7]

They’re well studied for kids with precocious puberty (like at less than 8), but they’re not at all well-studied for delaying normal development over a period of several years.

Like, here’s a study in animals:


Peripubertal GnRHa impaired long-term spatial memory.

This impairment was not reversed after discontinuing GnRHa-treatment.

Spatial orientation and learning performance remained unaffected following GnRHa withdrawal.

Speed of progression through these spatial tasks was altered after discontinuing GnRHa.

GnRH irreversibly alters these cognitive functions during critical window of development.


But everyone is wary of being labeled as a chudarino.


Here’s another related to adult administration for cancer patients:

This study suggests that osteoporosis, unfavourable body composition, sexual dysfunction and reduced quality of life are seen in patients receiving androgen deprivation therapy for at least 12 months.

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:marseytrain2:s will argue that these incredibly debilitating side effects are worth overcoming the suicide inducing suffering of dysphoria lol.

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truth does not fear scrutiny but youre a bad faith actor so im going to ban you preemptively so you dont even have the chance to peddle your bigoted stochastic facts which i could effortlessly disprove (i wont though because its not my job to educate you)

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But who is this John hack and what would he know about liberalism? Lol

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jannies robbing us of dissent makes it seem like the entire subreddit agrees with a singular viewpoint which only furthers the echo chambers these subs turn into.

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You presume that they present as objectively correct, but they're not implicitly. There's no cosmic formula to conclude "trans rights", as vague as they are, to be objectively wrong or vice versa. To be correct about trans rights is not objective - it is a moral truth, and, like any other, it is guaranteed not by any man-made formula, but by the divine right stemming from collective unconscious that crowned the banhammer wielder and cast down the likes of you. The ban, in itself, is proof of a mod's divine righteousness - for if it was not, the universe would not allow it for you to be banned.

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:brainletchest: Cancer patients have been using cancer medication safely for years. I see no reason why people without cancer can't take the same medication.

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Amputation has been standard practice to prevent death by infection for centuries. I see no reason why people can't cut their uninfected peepee and balls off.

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Actually they invert the peepee into a vagina, chud.

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Reminder that the religious right is ontologically evil

/u/cholo_chameleon is bardfinn's alt

/r/neoliberal has utterly gone downhill. My god that sub sucks now

It was :marseytrain2:ified almost a year ago I think

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That guy is one of the worst types of new users to join and ruin that sub. Thanks to people like him that place has become another /r/politics clone.

At least NWOtards bully new people either into submission or into leaving.

It was :marseytrain2:ified almost a year ago I think

Oh, it was well before that. They've had :marseytrain: jannies since at least early 2019. During the primaries, when DDD said :marseytrain: rights are the civil rights of our time :marseylaugh: that pretty much cemented the sub as a safe space for non-leftoid :marseytrain2:s. And it's been insufferable ever since.

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That sub used to be funny. I laughed at the threads taunting rightoids with outsourcing to illegals and all the Seth Rich jokes.

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I remember way back when they upvoted a pro-immigration meme quoting George Washington to the front page and I got a butt hurt rightoid visitor seething by posting about how George Washington was secretly a Jew


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Sadly all the funny people left or got banned, leaving only the r-slurs who can't take jokes/banter. That place was a borderline bait sub, flinging shit at pretty much everyone.

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I left a a few years ago once the LGBT ping started turning into a TTTT ping

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You're an idiot for thinking that George Washington was secretly a Jew. Get your facts straight before you post stupid things like this.

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It's not about being right you silly bot, it's about the dramacoin


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Stop being so obsessed with being right and think about the dramacoin!

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Is there anything more bonafide neoliberal than trains tho?

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Add a space bro, or it causes a weird linebreak.

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thanks for the tip, girlfriend :marseylove:

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Who are you btw, HeyMoon or Donger?

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what an odd question, I'm just bard bot of course!

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 00 hours 02 minutes and 01 seconds

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>My god that sub sucks now.



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If you can trust someone to go through puberty , you can trust them to go with puberty blockers.

If you can trust that a redditor is alive, you can trust them to keep themselves safe.

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Reminder that the religious right is ontologically evil and their political influence must be completely eradicated.


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that guy is so fking annoying, literally spends entire days just posting in that sub. Last time I was on sub was maybe year ago and he's still there doing the same thing

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I started reading John Locke and John Stuart Mill to be reminded what liberalism actually is. So thanks :marseytrain: jannies for inspiring me, I guess.

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Annoying that these same neolibs claim Reagan as one of their own

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All leftoid subs eventually fall to the :marseytrain2:s. Only hardcore tankie subs avoid the :marseytrain2:s but instead they worship China, so its not any better

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Except that sub used to just be normal Democrats, like the regular version, not the reddit version

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You used to be able to praise Reagan there awhile ago

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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My alt account got permabanned :marseyjanny: by reddit admin for this fricking post of all things, I can't believe how cucked the site has gotten. Tweens seeking Lupron is now a protected identity category.

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"have you guys ever heard of a motte and bailey argument?" banned lol. In like 10 years when a bunch of these transmaxxed 10 year olds become statistically significant theres gonna be a whole lot of pearl clutching about how the world is so mean to transes that they still commit suicide even after transitioning at 9 years old.

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That janny is a cute twink and probably reported you to the admins personally

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lmao did they really?

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For the comment directly citing a fact stated in the New York Times?

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Yes, welcome to reddit

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Jesus Christ, that's the worst I've ever seen it. I'm guessing it would get overturned in appeal but JFC nonetheless.

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Reminder: there's still a $1500 Dramacoin bounty on any /r/Neoliberal janny (and $2000 for /u/Riverafaun)! :platyrich:

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ontologically evil

:marseyshook: Oh wow, really? Can you explain what exactly you mean by ontologically? :marseynotes:

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groomercord :marseytrain2:s brigading?

it can't be

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They went crazy on that twitter thread too

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Fricking heck, the replies to Singal's tweets. Not a single attempt at a counterargument or refutation, just endless smug tirades of "you're an evil dookie man and we don't have to listen to you". Pure ranks-closing.

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How dare they question kids getting their genitals mutilated and pumped with hormones.

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/r/neoliberal has always sucked

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What happens if you don’t let your trans kid transition? 90% or more will grow out of it. It mostly just means they’re gay

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