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Foids Attempt To Use Math To Justify Cucking


In the UK 20% of men are unknowingly raising children that are not biologically theirs . It’s not an insult to paternity test in the face of these type of statistics. It may be hurtful but it’s definitely necessary imo.


The 20-30% positive-ratio comes from the studies that analyze the results of paternity tests, not the paternity results of all married men.

:marseyspecial: :marseyhmm:

Don't do it, statistically speaking, men are NOT unknowingly raising children that are not theirs. That is a fake-news talking point that feeds misogynistic believes. If he is guided by this popular belief or you think he doesn't has good intentions, it is your right to confront him.


Even the comments cant math right.

f you only x-ray people with really sore legs, and you find that 50 percent have a broken bone, you can't extrapolate that to say that 59 per cent of people have a broken leg. This is called selection bias. Basically, the reason that they ask for a test is very important in interpreting the actual population statistic based on the sample.

Yeah I wonder what the selection group of people taking paternity tests is :marseyclueless:

Even if you have reason to ask for a paternity test, it’s still 70-80% likely the kid is yours. If you wanted another way to look at the data.


The real statistic is right here in the comments. 3/4 of men so who want a paternity test are just paranoid. Male jealousy is, scientifically speaking, bullshit and/or projecting an alarmingly high amount of the time.


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The 20-30% positive-ratio comes from the studies that analyze the results of paternity tests, not the paternity results of all married men.

This is a totally reasonable critique. You'd need a random sample.


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This is shit you learned in middle school science class

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dramacels unable to grasp simple statistical reasoning, must be a day that ends in y

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That’s every day btw for u dramatards who didn’t catch it real good like me :marseyangel:

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did they teach you that its important to not do experiments or collect data that could possibly prove things that would hurt your feelings if it was true?

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:soyjakanimeglasses: heh actually this objectively correct statement is wrong because I think your feelings are hurt for some reason

solid attempt, keep it up buddy :marseyclapping:

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Stop promoting resource use and overwaste

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It is. They aren't even wrong here.

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At the same time, a large proportion of "guilty" women either won't allow a test or fess up before the inevitible. The study is only on the truly "not sure" cases.

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Women aren't magic so they don't know whose baby it is. If they fess up to cheating a paternity test is done.

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:@duckpat: @duck Fact Of The Day!

The female expels unwanted sperm from the chambers within her body, leaving only the sperm of consensual mating left to do the fertilizing in 97 percent of matings.


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Most men are cucks. The few that stand up and get a paternity suggest the problem is much more widespread.

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I've got a great idea for getting better stats though, I'm going to start a paternity test company and then lobby the US government to require paternity tests after every birth. The country will get better paternity stats and I'll get rich

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There is no state interest. This will never happen. The result just means more wards of the state, leaving a man fricked is infinitely preferable to the state.


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But that thread is about men that already decided that they want a paternity test, the subset of men that want a paternity test is most likely more similar to men that have taken a paternity test, than it is to the general population.

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>In the UK 20% of men are unknowingly raising children that are not biologically theirs.

One in five seems awfully low.

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But what are you gonna cuck a bong with, surely not another bong?

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Not outside of London they don't

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Based username.

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Mashallah brother

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>3/4 of men so who want a paternity test are just paranoid. Male jealousy is, scientifically speaking, bullshit and/or projecting an alarmingly high amount of the time.


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It's actually 51% of UK men who take a paternity test who are not the real father at this point.

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Most br*tish males are barely even human, so this adds up.


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It's a lose for the individuals its a win for humanity. Chad spreading his seed deep and broad.

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>deep in broads


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Clearly getting a paternity is just predisposing yourself to being cucked. Be smart and practice good harm reduction, your odds are much lower if you don't get it tested.

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This is actually 100% true. By thinking you might need a paternity teat at some point you manifest getting cucked. Be careful of what your mind dwells on. Because that is what you're going to attract.

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I never understood why you wouldn’t do it just to make sure they didn’t switch babies at the hospital or whatever. I don’t see the big deal

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Foids make it into a big deal because it makes it harder for those foids to cheat.

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Narcissists always find excuses to avoid being called out on their damaging behaviors.

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They didn't even use math well. Here's how you do it:

Let's say just 0.5% of children are being raised by men that incorrectly believe themselves to be said child's father. The number might be higher than that, but there's no way it's lower than 1/200, so we're lowballing here, helping out the "don't do a paternity test" side of the argument.

The average cost of raising a child in America, from birth to adulthood, is ~$300,000. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the father pays half of that, $150,000. Men typically have a higher income than women, so it might be more than half, but there's a lot more single mothers raising kids than single fathers raising kids, so it evens out. There's also instances of the state paying, rather than the parents, but that's difficult to account for, so we're just using "half the costs" because it's convenient and close enough.

$150,000/200 is $750. So if a paternity test costs $750 or less, it is, by the numbers, a bad financial decision not to have one done. A quick bit of Googling suggests that an at-home paternity test costs, at most, $200, and a court admissable paternity test done at a lab or hospital costs, at most, $500. The exception is prenatal paternity tests, which cost quite a bit more. But since the combined cost of an at-home test and a proper lab test is, at most, $700, it would be financially irresponsible to not do an at-home test and follow up with a lab test if need be.

Or you could avoid all this nonsense and stop fricking foids, you degenerate straggots.

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No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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Even if he found out that he wasn't biologically his, it wouldn't change their relationship. I think it would just be deep anger toward my mom if my brother found out.

So Deep. Very Anger. :marseybeandoge:

If I found out my son was not my own, I would put my wife feet first through a wood chipper.

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if you only x-ray people with really sore legs, and you find that 50 percent have a broken bone, you can't extrapolate that to say that 59 per cent of people have a broken leg. This is called selection bias. Basically, the reason that they ask for a test is very important in interpreting the actual population statistic based on the sample.

This is actually correct (setting aside the obvious typo of typing "59" instead of "50") but glaringly incomplete. If you have data like this, the correct conclusion is that 50 percent of people with really sore legs have a broken leg. Bringing this back to the original question of paternity, the data suggests that 20-30% of men who are suspicious enough to seek a paternity test are right to be suspicious. In other words, if you're suspicious to begin with, and you're an inferior bong, then there's a good chance you're right.

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This comment erases trans women

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Only foids could be so evil as to make a man raise another man's children

I'd unironically murder a b-word in minecraft if that happened to me tbh

Even thinking about it makes me seethe :marppyenraged:

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Caveman moment

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LMAO you think biofoids are visiting 2x?

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Shit like this is why I am glad that I am gay.

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Genetic testing should be the norm when u have kids. Confirm paternity but also screen for genetic predispositions to diseases. Foids dont really have a good argument against it.

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Do you really want to know about future diseases after birth? I'd enjoy the ignorant bliss :marseydoomer:

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It's definitely really high but we can't say exactly how high. If there was a big push to start paternity testing though, the government would ban it like France did. Everyone knows a big chunk of men are raising someone else's kids, but if it comes out in the open society would basically crumble and the government has a vested interest in preventing that

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IF there was a big push, men would care and it would be really hard to forbid it.

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