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"This farming game for children included a purely optional feature I dont like and now I'm maad" :marseycrying:

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KIA is such a shit subreddit. Imagine spending all day malding about video games on a sub that ONLY discusses video game outrage. Don't care what your politics are, that shit can't possibly be interesting for more than 5 minutes unless you're at least half r-slurred.

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Half of this site is calling this stuff grooming behavior towards children

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People always take things too far, or over use it until it’s lame.

You see it in IMDB reviews all the time now. “Anything I don’t like is Hitler woke” crowd

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Yeah you're right, I probably shouldn't be throwing rocks at other people like I'm not just as bad, but I'm going to keep doing it anyway I guess.

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Frick it, these are g*mers, they aren't humans

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Where is the lie?

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gooming isn't grooming lol

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That's why most sport is a better place if you want to cope as a misogynist. Mostly enjoyed by men and most womyn in these sport are definitely not leftards.

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That would imply that most rightoids are the weight lifters they idolize instead of fat chuds with no hygiene

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They mald about a lot of things besides videogames, including capeshit and cartoons. Multi opportunity malding :marseyembrace:

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Lol they permabanned the user arguing with them for violating Rule 1 which apparently is "Don't be a Peepeewolf". Give me a fricking break.

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Is that because of the law and order g*mergate episode they're still seething about?

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okay but that episode was hilarious

its better than civilization five with the brave new world expansion pack

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to be fair civ 6 is also better than civ 5 with the dlcs for both games considered

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Are there a few dlcs out for 6 now? I played a lot of 3 and 4 but didn't really like 5 as much and I played 6 for about 45 minutes but I might give it another chance sometime


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theres a few dlcs now but consensus is that theyre only really worth it if you already like the game and just want more content price to content ratio is mediocre as is usual for big game companies nowadays. idk how it stacks up to the earlier games though i was born yesterday only played 5 and 6. i bought them and enjoyed them though but im a little neurodivergent so im predisposed to the kind of game

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I got used to my deathstacks of doom I never really got into 5 although I did like the hex grid

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That's true of the smaller DLCs, but the two main expansions (which are sold as "DLCs" but cost a bit more) are absolutely critical. The game sucks without them and they add lots of core mechanics.

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there are some, never played any tho

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Yeah, and it's fun. The combat is a bit more strategic since you can't stack units into one tile. Here's a mod list of useful shit:

byebye999+ (fixes some policy by deleting it. Without this, there's a really cool policy that seems great, but it fricks up production in all of your cities and in the AI's permanently. Fireaxis / 2K simply won't fix it and it's been over 2 years).

CQUI - Community Quick User Interface (makes everything so much easier to see; it's a must).

Hillier Hills (default hills look stupid and flat).

The only AI improvements suck because mods lack access to the game's core files. There's AI+ and Real Strategy. The latter seems better but not by much.

Alternative SUnshine (default sucks, hard to see stuff).

Take your Time Ultimate - Slower Research Trees (let's you increase cost of tech to make game laster longer per era).

There's R.E.D. skins for units, which are great, but he hasn't made skins for every unit, so some will be mismatched in size. I like them anyway.

That's pretty much it. Cosmetic stuff, but it makes the game so much better. :marseythumbsup:

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I was wondering what the frick happened in that game.

Now they just need to add in mods for fixes to other bugs that Firaxis apparently doesn't care about, including the one where unit pathing takes unnecessary embark/disembark moves which fricks up movement (it'll take loads of extra turns if you don't micromanage it), or the one where the text for the eureka condition for iirc siege tactics is just completely wrong.

tbf tho as fun as dramatic ages mode is, it makes the game very easy, even without this bug. It's like a permanent heroic age, but with even more OP policies to choose from. Just overall trivial if you manage to get a single golden age near the beginning of the game (pick up monumentality and use faith to bulk purchase builders, settlers, and traders - by the time that card ages out you'll be so far ahead nothing else will even matter).

I'll have to check out CQUI, although I don't play it as much anymore because the AI just isn't good enough.

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including the one where unit pathing takes unnecessary embark/disembark moves which fricks up movement


tbf tho as fun as dramatic ages mode is, it makes the game very easy,

It depends. I play on the hardest mode and win by killing everything before they get sci or diplo victory. The first 2 periods can be tricky if you're bogged down conquering a civ and/or get gang-r*ped by the AI.

I love that mode, but the AI just can't hack it. Sometime midgame, their civs start collapsing into rebel cities, so I'm bored out of my mind on the enemy continent wiping out its rebel cities (great for diplomatic points though; brought back 10 AI and became the evil savior). Too bad I can't have dramatic ages on for me only while the AI gets normal mode.

I don't play it as much anymore because the AI just isn't good enough.


Definitely use CQUI next time. Game devs can be pretty r-slurred or lazy, so the mod really improves things.

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It depends. I play on the hardest mode and win by killing everything before they get sci or diplo victory. The first 2 periods can be tricky if you're bogged down conquering a civ and/or get gang-r*ped by the AI.

You mean deity? I only really play immortal, although it's not like that's easy. The only difficult part is that the AI starts off so far ahead of you that you have to make up the gap, but once you do, you can stay ahead forever.

It's not as bad as the zombie mode, though. I played it once and two of the AIs got mogged so hard their capitals were overrun with zombies and they couldn't build/research anything all game long.

I actually use a few different UI mods, just not a single bundle like CQUI. I'll definitely check it out if/when I play again. The late game just drags on so long - like you know you're probably gonna win but there's 3 hours left to play through. I also used to have lots of crashing issues but apparently that's caused by the 2k/whatever launcher (how they fricked up a game launcher to the point of crashing the game is beyond me, but game devs are legit r-slurred).

I wish they'd bring back "auto-improve" for builders to have them automatically build improvements on resources that don't have them yet. And a route-to option for building railroads would be really nice as well, although tbh the whole railroad thing is just so fricking dumb and simplistic, as if the developers got to that feature one day and were just like "i dunno frick it make them build each tile separately LMAO". Or even better - something that auto-builds buildings for your already-completed districts. Just anything to speed up the industrial era and later. It's such a fricking slog. And I even play on the "online" speed to make things faster if I can, still takes hours.

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I think the peepeewolf thing was an old penny arcade reference which has to be at least 10 years old by now.

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Yeah it was Penny arcade.

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:#marseydisagree: zoomers out

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Is that just the rightoid's version of "bad faith"/"brigading"?

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Of course its a :#marseytrain:

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Just like they defend House of the Dragon even tho it is a woke/feminist.

lolwut. every time one of the lead female characters acts on their own in that show it curses them or their families to grave misfortune, usually ending with someone dying horribly

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Isn’t it about civil war caused by the princess being a huge whore?

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Just like real life :marseyimam:

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Crazy? Darn what is this subreddit, qanon lite? I thought y'all were normal people against patronizing "woke" inspiration porn, not against minorities as a whole

we MUST protect those white people because they are minorities!

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How is KiA still not banned? Is it because it's so inactive at this point?

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It’s only because they banned :marseytrans2:posting a few years ago.

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When only the most extreme conservatives object to inserting imaginary genders / mental illness in games and the rest of the spectrum mock any critique, well the culture war is officially lost. I hope everyone enabling this gets their kids transed. Better save up for that mastectomy lol

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Neighbor its one singular option in a game. It doesnt matter

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It doesnt matter

This is the only argument leftoids have.

Just stop doing stupid shit.

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>either everything matters or nothing matters

this is your brain on wingcuckery

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i think non-binary isnt real too but cmon, what cannot be changed must be endured. its not gonna endear you to anyone when you care more about vidya than economic victories

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People fighting the culture wars on the internet as they relate to video games and TV are a fringe minority who think their opinions are way more important than they are. My mom, who is extremely right wing and keeps up with politics on a daily basis, was talking to me the other day and asked me "why is everyone on the internet mad about the little mermaid being black? it's a show for little kids, who cares?"

Even people who might find agreement with KIA think they're a bunch of fricking dorks.

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KiA is an underrated place for drama

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KIA and it's dot Win variant are proof that the pearl clutching foids surrounding g*mergate are actually right.

It's just miles of

:#marseyl: posting while they rant about being incels and how terrible women are.

KOS all gators.

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🐊NOOOOOooooo please don't kill me :marseybegging: 🐊

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Yes its r-slurred that they added this but caring about it is more r-slurred.

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It's a game called "Harvestella" I would be surprised if they didn't include that considering the target audience for these games.

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shit like that kinda sucks ngl. bungie put women in halo reach only for 343 to decide that it's light armour and that people should play a b-word with a man's voice.

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