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EFFORTPOST IncelTear in crisis

Due to the recent departure of IT headjanny Saint Advocate Doogycel due to being a child predator the entire subreddit is in a state of chaos because there is only one actual moderator left.


Doogycel Dox: https://incels.is/threads/r-inceltears-face-reveal-meet-advocatedoogy-the-neurodivergent-behind-the-prove-the-incel-wrong-comic-series.338902/

It has been known for quite a while now that Doogy - an neurodivergent 30+ year old virgin but not incel chris chan apprentice complete mongoloid r-slur incapable of holding down a job at target collecting trolleys - was the sole beacon in the fight against the inkwell menace on the highly esteemed subreddit IncelTear. Due to being an ITcel his inherent child predator senses couldn't be no longer ignored and the only other active IncelTear mod decided to finally remove him as a mod and permaban him from the subreddit.

Moderation Issues


Hello everyone. It came to attention recently that our own mod was/is grooming young girls. He has been removed and banned from this sub permanently. As a victim of grooming myself I will not let this stand. If you or someone you suspect is being groomed call CPS in your area and tell a trusted adult. Please do not fall for the flattery or talks these predators do.

Regulars in IT were shocked hearing the news:


What the actual frick. Dooling, if you’re lurking here. Frick you man. You hypocritical sack of shit.

Also a rare instance of ITcels being somewhat self-aware:


This makes us look like shit, ngl. Especially when we make fun of incels for wanting to screw little kids but then a mod grooms.


Not entirely true. Members of IS are responsible for making people aware of the mods actions. A few of them have been trying to message members of IT for months, exposing the mod in question and very often dismissed. I also approached a few members with the same proofs that have been made public and was told that they couldn’t really form an opinion. Only now that it’s public and socially acceptable to denounce the mod are some doing it. I know not everyone would have reacted that way, but a lot did. We enable an abuser while some incel worked really hard to take him down.

But it's more shocking that the mod mentioned the following:


Currently I am the only mod. There are other accounts but they aren't active any more and I'm unable to remove them. I want to bring more veteran mods into this subreddit but seeing at the toxicity that we cover can make any loose any sense of happiness. This wasn't brought to my attention until recently which makes me angry because I'm assuming this was brought up to the other accounts that just aren't used any more. I'll definitely have to get more involved here to make sure nothing like this happens again.

Of course moderating such a big subreddit is no easy task so the user is understandably anxious:


Try reaching out to /r/modSupport if the other mods are inactive. They may consider removing them but you will need to recruit more mods

I'm trying too but now I'm very nervous. I was never a mod before and definitely not for a sub of this size.

Let's take a look into /u/KindaDone03

18 days ago he posted this heart-breaking text in /r/mentalhealth receiving 0 upmarseys and no comments:


I feel like everyone is out to get me. That their always watching and judging, waiting until I let my guard down to attack I feel worthless that if it wasn't for my gf that I would have no reason to keep going I do not feel connected to those around me, like I'm floating outside of my body I cannot stop worrying about tomorrow and what it will bring but I'm also wishing for something awful to happen to me to cause my death I feel like I'm cracking, nothing feels real anymore and I'm scared to leave my room Sometimes I feel like I'm in the air, looking down on my life and what I'm doing. I find it harder to remember things, like someone will tell me something and when they bring it up I won't remember, not even convinced that they told me in the first place Things that just happened feel like they happened ages ago and things that happened a long time ago just occurred

Also a post in /r/trans deciding if he can pass as a guy:

If you saw me, would you do a double take? I'm trying to pass as a guy



Not everything is well as he is also a new diabetic, trouble with his gf and in general a lot of other issues with life. You can stalk him if you want but his posts in /r/bullying and /r/MomForAMinute make me legit tear up :marseydepressed:

I do admire this person's effort to not completely give up on life by getting a welder scholarship. This is a tough field to work in and I do respect his dedication. With this feat alone he statusmogs the entirety of IT into oblivion.

Will it be enough turn that ship of fools around though??

Or will their whole sub collapse tomorrow from a complete vacuum of effective moderation?

Only time will tell

Maybe just maybe a couple of our actual reddit janitors might help him with the subreddit :marseytroublemaker:

@ACA @justcool393

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Incredible how communities based on mocking pathetic people are made up of people only marginally less pathetic themselves. Good thing we at arrdrama are all incredibly successful in life.

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DYELs and incels GTFO my drama board

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Never begun for dramacels.

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