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EFFORTPOST [Megathread] Election day is here!:marseysaluteusa: Reddit is already seething and it just began!


Apparently CNN will have a live covering of the midterms here in a few hours, not sure if it helps anyone: https://edition.cnn.com/election/2022

/r/politics megathread: https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/ypjn8u/discussion_thread_2022_midterm_general_election/

/r/politics live thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/ypsbya/rpolitics_2022_midterm_live_thread/

/r/news megathread: https://old.reddit.com/r/news/comments/ypivkd/2022_midterm_elections_megathread_plus_important/

/r/2XChromosones massive thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/ypjkkt/vote_today_vote_for_the_rights_to_our_own_bodies/

For some reason the degenerate gamblers have their own megathread: https://old.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/ypkdt6/midterms_megathread_2022/

/r/collapse megathread: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/ypbpof/megathread_us_2022_elections_discussion_and/

Smaller threads

RBG didn’t stay on the court until she took her last breath so that we would sit on our asses & let republicans light our reproductive rights on fire. From city council to governor to senate, vote for democrats. Find your polling place, pick up your friends & vote. Go make Ruth proud.

Posted earlier but I moved it here to keep the post at least slightly organized

Election Night Is Going to Take All Week. That’s Democracy at Work

I don't care much about rightoid accusations that the election was stolen but it's impossible to not go :marseyhmm: when seeing these titles

The Secret Ballot Is US Democracy’s Last Line of Defense

How are democrats so good at shooting themselves in the foot, seriously?

Teacher Allegedly Bites Wayne County GOP Chairwoman During Rally For Tudor Dixon (R-MI)

lmao :marseyxd:

Election 2022: 20% of Maricopa County polling locations reporting voting issues, officials say

Maricopa is at it again!

Vote Against Every Democrat Everywhere -- Vote against every Democrat everywhere, up and down the ballot. They not only need to lose, they need to be destroyed.

Rightoids really like their LARP, don't they? :marseysigh:

Redditors react :marseysnoo:

Remember to vote today so you can tell your kids and grandkids you did your part to stop the fall of our country into authoritarianism.

Going to go vote as me a transwoman today for the first time. I'm in the south if they are going to vote against people like me existing I want them to at least look at me before they do it.

Congratulations on those voting today in what are possibly the last free elections in America.

Props to the Democrats for letting it happen on their watch in the naive belief that the GOP still values democracy, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

Winter is coming.

Brit here crossing my fingers that sanity will prevail.

Imagen voting for the party that is pro stripping womens rights

That supports denying LGBTQ healthcare and basic human rights

Imagen being that trash of a human being

I can't Imagen looking at a party like that and saying they are the best option

the question is where? I'm thinking of leaving my country where our kind of republicans in in power for 10 years and the question is where to go? I speak English as a second language, but in case you haven't noticed, the living standard and situation in countries that speak English as a native language has gone pretty much to shit, and not one of them is particularly suitable for a comfortable mid class living anymore.

USA - capitalism won. whoever is in power, the prices will rise and housing is too expensive, healthcare and education only for the rich, streets are PvP, racial war in progress, civil war incoming.

Canada - winter, housing is incredibly expensive, winter, uncapable government that is eroding living standard you want to escape from will result in the right probably getting in power power soon and then it will probably be USA v2.0 only with shitty climate.

UK - they shot themselves in the head, unliveable in the forecastable future

South Africa - yeah, right, I'll pass

Gibraltar, Malta - N/A

Australia - everything is out to kill you, rising housing and living costs, unfriendly to immigrants, also crisis

New Zealand - most expensive housing in the world, yes Shire is there, but also Mordor, maybe paradise for rich, but not enough housing and jobs for the immigrant mid class

Ireland - ?

I am really fricking nervous. I might be safe in my state compared to others, but no one should have to live in a country run by fascists.

Our news media has utterly failed us. They keep reporting on the midterms in the same old "he said, she said," horse race bullshit, and NOT the end of fricking democracy if the GOP wins. They treat Republicans like they are just a normal party with honest opposing views. It's unreal! They are a racist, homophobic, misogynistic, fascistic, election-denying, apocalyptic political party!!

Are you serious? The Republican party platform in Texas alone, explicitly includes: claiming the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent, holding a referendum on secession next year, abolishing gay marriage, advocacy for an official state position that homosexuality is an "abnormal lifestyle choice", abolition of no-fault divorce, removing law school as a requirement for attorneys, abolishing all federal agencies, opposing all pandemic measures including contact tracing, declassified carbon dioxide as a pollutant, supporting school faculty (state employees) delivering religious messaging, repeal of minimum wage laws, repeal of Dodd-Frank, repeal of Sarbanes-Oxley, abolishing the Endangered Species Act, and labeling evolution and climate change specifically as challengable scientific theories for the purposes of education. And that's just some of it.

"Vote blue, no matter who" is just a truth of the age we live in. We didn't choose it. It's just a mental wellness check at this point.

Nope. Amazingly you’ve managed to convince yourself we don’t care about real issues like women’s rights, prosecuting corrupt politicians, protecting the earth from climate change, ensuring everyone has equal treatment under the law regardless of race, enshrining and protecting our democratic process, combatting blatant lies from MAGA’s like MTG and Boebert, making billionaires and trillion dollar corporations pay their fair share in taxes, and more…

Every election feels like a near miss on the US’ democracy. Today is no different. Radicalized right wingers trying desperately to take governorships. State and federal senate and house seats. Supreme Court positions, and even school counsels.

If you don’t vote today, you’re complicit. Like the German in the 1940’s who thought everything was overblown until he saw his a neighboring Jewish family he’d known for decades drug into the streets with their adolescent children and thrown in the back of a wagon, never to be seen again.

If you don’t think it could happen again, that it could happen here, they’ve already defeated you.

In Ohio - voted for my new husband, for my dogs and cats, for my fellow Americans saddened by the state of affairs, for my friends in the other side of the aisle too ignorant to know they’re darning their own futures.

Let’s hope. Only after we vote though — vote, vote, vote, then hope.

What are the odds the R’s appoint Trump as speaker of the house and then impeach everyone?

I really wanna know why smart people vote republican

Are they are only thinking about their own lives

Do they sreslly not care about anyone else but themselves

Maybe I'm strange but I could not vote for s party I knew would do things like ban abortion take away gay marriage make it legal to abuse LGBTQ kids

I couldn't see myself as a good person and vote for that party

One thing to note is that this will be the first federal election since COVID vaccines and boosters came out.

It will be interesting to see if COVID and natural causes have taken out enough old Republican boomers to shift things.

I try to make a point of sitting down with each question on a ballet and researching it as best I can ahead of voting but every time a voting day comes up I wish I’d spent more time on it.

Also I’ve been listening to people all around blithely give snap opinions on the way they’re voting after hearing a surface level explanation of the issues skewed by whoever is talking and it having not taken the time to look it up ahead.

Drives me insane

Imagine doing homework every time you vote :marseylaugh:

Or pretending everything is bad in such a way that the solution is fascism and nationalism. Shit IS fricked up. We need to crush MAGA and clean up house as best we can. Though I do believe too many of us are too far gone. America is in its death throes

this fricking complete dunce being interviewed on CNN is like 'i'm glad people have different opinions'

just smiling, empty

Republicans are about to own both chambers and already own the courts. In 2024 they are taking the presidency and then we’re looking at a dystopian nightmare.

Dear America,

I'm hearing Republicans plan to turn you into a fascist theocracy today. Allow me to remark that scares me a bit. I sincerely hope your decent citizens go out in droves today to vote for Democratic candidates. May they find the strength to lift their lazy asses and vote blue no matter who. The past nearly two years have been a much-needed return to stability and normalcy. Even if the pandemic had noticeable consequences for everyday life until early this year and there is no end in sight to the largest war on this continent since 1945.

Many of us would appreciate if that stability and normalcy could be turned into a long-term thing.

Kind regards, Normal people in Europe


Dear timeMag, fo. Instead of spreading FEARMONGERING for clickstm , why not publish slogans that give courage, such as, “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself”. You know, sacrifice a few clicks/$00.0000001 and give Democracy a boost instead.

PS: Hi folks, remember to vote regardless of all the fear mongering bs being spread. We still have rights.

Frick yeah. "Look, neither party represents me" or "divided government is best" or "I'm just tired of the all the fighting, why can't people compromise".

B-word, one party openly runs candidates calling for me to be fricking executed. What the frick compromise am I supposed to be for? "Let's just jail all the LGBTQ folks?"

"But waah, the Democratic candidate seems to corporate". I'll take corporate over fricking dead, thank you.

Voted yes on my state proposal to enshrine rights. Both of us, like a month ago by mail.

Either way we just got a vasectomy consultation today and got it scheduled. Roe being struck down made us sit down and decide that pregnancy wasn’t for us, so we’ll handle it at the source. Should be done in about 2 weeks.

Republicans are largely retired with nothing else better to do, while Dems risk losing their livelihoods by missing work for a few hours. The difference between ghouls who having nothing left to live for other than spreading suffering, and people actually trying to live lives, and care for themselves, and their families, despite constant sabotage.

People are already calling the potential Republican takeover the "Red Wedding", and that is so fitting on so many levels.

Calling it now: win or lose today, Fetterman will win the 2024 presidential election.

Imagine a party destroying people’s rights and taking abortion rights away and threatening fundamental rights and destroying the planet and still voting for them because “mUh gAs pRiceS” and “BrEad tOo eXpEnsiVe.”

Hope having cheaper food and more gas to destroy the environment is worth it 🙄

I don't trust 538 anymore. They seem more concerned with everything fitting neatly in their models. Looking at the data it makes zero sense than 2 weeks before the election they had such a drastic shift. Something is tainted either summer or now and we will know soon.

I hope I am wrong. But I think today if the last act of American democracy. All these election deniers are going to win. 2024 will be a nightmare. We are fricked.

Occasionally, chuds find their way in blue ecochambers...

Excited for the red wave to come. Democrats have listened way to much to their fair left and the priorities of these politicians are insanely stupid. I am hopeful this wakes up democrats to the fact that this economy is in serious trouble and their defund the police message was horrifyingly terrible. I've gone from deep blue to moderate to deep red the last 3 elections. I want to go back to moderate but if the modern democratic party stays as it, then I'm staying red.

democracy is dead when voters don't vote the way I want

We'll see, if my city is anything to go by people are already planning protests if the left loses out.

Please tell me you’re talking about the Democrats right? I’ve heard to many people say that about the Republicans when we’re the party of less government influence

"We won’t know all the midterm results on election night. That’s normal."

Why are they rigging the election results again? Isnt that proof of fraud enough?

Ah yes, gotta look out for all those GOP riots we've seen throughout history...

Let's face it, there'll be a ton of outrage if the GOP does win too. The tone has already been set that apparently that would be the end of democracy.

MSNBC tomorrow - "This was the most corrupt election in American history. Democracy is dead."

Dems need to stop alienating the middle independent voter (I'm one) by slowing their some of their more progressive ideology. Seems like maybe they're getting the message, but it probably won't be enough this election cycle. Both parties suck.

Who's ready for the red wave? The way it's looking, the GOP might have a filibuster proof majority in 2024.

Georgia here, red all the way down. Terrifying times here, we're as close as we've ever been to having a dem governor.

Finally, some rightoid seethe!

Democrats are not a legitimate political party. They are a terrorist organization with access to power. Voting for them is no different than voting for Hamas.

The last time I actually voted FOR a particular candidate, rather than holding my nose and just voting (R) down the line was in 2016 for President Trump. I KNEW he was the man for the job based on all the hate from the left. What's that old saying "You know you're over the target when the flack gets heaviest"...

Can't add more text, hope you guys liked it!

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