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wow, jew hating is really going mainstream

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unironically what is blowing up on twitter because chappelle said "when you say something bigoted about black people it's not a huge deal, but if you say something bigoted about jews it's the BIGGEST DEAL EVER".


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They should have ignored the kangz they Streisand themselves

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There's nothing people worship more than black people, sorry jew bros


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It was the one match nobody saw coming. The societal power of the Jews vs the progressive stack of the Blacks.

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I remember the time this one old black guy followed my grandma around in the grocery store because he had to tell her about George Bush's CIA family, Building 7, something about missing trillions of dollars, and also the tRYYyLATerul comisshun.

this was in 2006 or so lol good times

:marseywhirlyhat::marseybabushka: "hello nice weather we're having, yeah?" :!marseyboomer: "fasho fasho, hey, you ever seen the movie... the Matrix?"

:marseywhirlyhat: :marseybabushka: "can't say I have... I don't keep up much with--" :!marseyboomer: "--so when Morpheus offers Neo a choice, between the RED PILL and the BLUE PILL, if Neo takes the blue pill--"


:marseywhirlyhat: :!marseybabushka: "Ok hun, let's get the final things on our list" :!marseyboomer: "--that's why all them rich weirdos that go to Yale, an are high up from crooked families-- like George W Bush, lie in coffins, they're all doing all that OHccultic, FREEmasonic, DEmonic ritualism together!"

:marseywhirlyhat: :marseybabushka: "We're gonna check out now, it's been... nice talking to you" :!marseyboomer: "--alright almost out of here myself remember, they also control the media don't let than yougnin watch no disney channel EVER, that sh--garbage is tha WORST! I once walked in on my grandnephew and he had that television on-- satanic mind control programming from the eeeluminati is what it is! Fritz Springmier wrote about Walt Disney in one of his books--"

:!marseywhirlyhat: "granma i wanna go home" :!marseybabushka: "shh" :!marseyboomer: "--would you look at THAT we got the same line, Ohohoh,! I was gonna go over there, but they closed the register! Well I'll be, must not be enough labor... the economy is gonna collapse soon because we ain't on the gold standard no more, all them bankers are friends and do rituals--"

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Wow the most I got was a man outside the supermarket offering to buy me and my friends cigarettes (we were 12 at the time).

Did your grandma take his advise and not let you watch the Disney channel?

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grandma was the only person who let me watch spongebob

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Based grandma. :marseyokay:

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Are you feeling okay bud?

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Jews lose, everyone knows there isnt jews picking cotton with reddit moderator levels of compensation in libya.

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Shut the frick up and go get killed by the police you uppity golem BIPOC :chadjew:

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They did it to themselves

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going mainstream

But every rightoid told me its all controlled by (((them)))!!!

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The real Red Wave is the JQ presenting itself to the general population.

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