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Its so weird people take learning about racism, history, and priviledged factors so personally.. Why does it hurt you so much to hear that white people did terrible things to other people specifically due to racist beliefs? That our society was fundamentally designed by and changed by these racist beliefs and their impacts are there today?

The way libs talk about mayos reminds me of how chuds talk about tiny hats

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That our society was fundamentally designed by and changed by these racist beliefs and their impacts are there today?

“Why do you not want kids to be taught that our democratic values are inherently racist” because thats how you get the kind of distrust in the system that creates the anti-vaxers, jan sixers and proud boys you despise

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society is rotten to the core, everything it's found on is evil and needs to be immediately purged from existence and the memory of it burned as well. Remember to vote blue! ✌️

Whoa why don't they want to perpetuate this system anymore? Where has faith in the institutions gone?

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Well, more importantly, it's not true. Shitlibs reviving racism has been one of their funniest accomplishments.

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Racism counteracts racism dude! Ur late to the message.

Shitlibs bringing racism back is an attempt to make people more hateful and afraid of others, and therefore more useful for the war effort.:marseyschizowall: I think the hippies really scared some high ups that people might love one another instead of killing them, so it became important to put ourselves back in racist pit of heck times so we can formulate a common national enemy.

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Yes the education system is why conservatives are gullible conspiratards, not the fact conservatism inherently breeds gullability and victimhood narratives.

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theres a trans genocide happening

jan six was an attack on democracy

theyre not letting us teach history

theyre putting kids in cages

believe all women

kyle rittenhouse is a murderer

climate change will kill us all in ten years

elon musk wants to enslave people on mars

we’re in late stage capitalism

Also its hilarious because my point was that the education system is NOT causing gullibility, but rather the undermining of the education system and the insistence it treats non-objective, illiberal ideas as being on the same level of intellectual as democratic values and the striving for empirical evidence

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What are they even talking about? No one is trying to stop people from teaching about slavery. People just didn't like teachers telling little yts that they are born with the original sin of being privileged, racist garbage. Even little trailer park Johnny with tweaked out parents. He's privileged.

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I went to school in a conservative state and still had an excellent "liberal" education in gradeschool. Especially when it came to the topic of slavery. These people have a weird fetish of pushing their mayo guilt on to others

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Yeah, if anything the basic leftie historical narrative is practically taken as a given even in many red state curriculums.

I don't mean that there's anything false, just that it's common to arrange history into a series of "and then X people were oppressed, and then Y people fought for their rights" points because it's easy to organize, leads to interesting topics, and gets people emotionally invested. If you put too much emphasis on conflict theory, you can miss some pretty core elements of history, but it's generally an accepted framework even in conservative environments.

So wokies aren't mad that slavery, Jim Crow, etc. aren't being covered. They are covered, in great detail. They're actually mad that history classes teach that progress is possible and things have improved. They want to teach that things are just terrible forever. That's the CRT difference.

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You described it perfectly. They refer to it the "rights boogeyman" when in actuality its their attempt to push this propagandized version of history when the current way it is taught is more than fine.

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That's all fake progress. Real progress only comes from dismantling systems of oppression.

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It’s so perfect and amazing how circular this argument is. It makes perfect sense and doesn’t at the same time. Anyone can look at history and see how the best events were all about dismantling the terrible system. But at the same time, in order to dismantle the system we must be more powerful than it, and must oppress it as well. So it just comes back to the same thing, after you get rid of the oppression system then you become the oppression system yourself and deserve to be overthrown.

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Here in New Zealand for social studies course we literally watched Michael Moore films on how america sucks, learned about MLK and Malcolm X and learned about the US civil rights movement.

It's not just red states, you guys export it to the rest of the world too.

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Maybe if y’all had some interesting history they would teach that instead


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They're actually mad that history classes teach that progress is possible and things have improved.

Absolutely 100% agree :marseyagreefast: . I’m listening to the audiobook of :marsey1984: now and I thought some parts of the book really summed up that attitude. I see it as the movement into the gray, mass produced everything’s terrible unfeeling zog world. There are lots of mentions in that book about “freezing history at a single point in time” which I think is the goal here. The pendulum must swing one more time, and then stop forever. I love history because it shows amazing human achievement and curiosities, surprises of being human. Lefties history reduces every event to the exact same formula of constant oppression and liberation that is visible today, so everything we learn about is simultaneously a worthy victory in the fight for progress and also a futile attempt to change the fundamental unfairness of life (1984 jorjor well double think).

Of course the people of high society think progress and improvement should be impossible, it is no surprise that historical events have been reduced to this. If people on the bottom of society ever learned that it were possible to improve, innovate and change, they would immediately overthrow their government and put in a new one or something something 1984 Big Brother

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I live in a pretty red state and 7th grade was almost entirely dedicated to the 1800's. They did a good job at showcasing how dispicable slavery was, but they never tried to link it to yts today. I don't know why this was suddenly not acceptable and had to be reformed.

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don't know why this was suddenly not acceptable and had to be reformed.

I think economic reasons. The forever war picked up hard, especially on the “home front” post 9/11. Someone found a better strategy to get people in a fighting mood and motivated, and this is it. Much easier to do that when you make it okay to assign blame to people and label them as inhuman enemies.

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Texas teachers wouldn't shut the frick up about slavery 20 years ago. I honestly think these "people" were the kids who still couldn't read in 6th grade. The...Am...american...Rev...revol...shun...was a con....f...con...flict....between the colonialisms..um...colonists....and...um...the British Em..pire...

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These people have a weird fetish of pushing their mayo guilt on to others

It’s the only thing that will improve the world, in their minds. It’s like le franch revulooshin, everyone’s gotta keep pushing until the wheel turns and everyone becomes free and happy :)

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Thats always the end result

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Course it is, just look around at the world we see today! Everything’s sooooo much better than the horrible past, but also, we have a long way to go too before the harm of the past is corrected completely. Improvement is constant, and also impossible.

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It's mostly that Redditors didn't pay attention in school, so they take second and third hand sources from their racist uncles or the kids who actually lived in bumfrick about teachers dismissing slavery as a curriculum. But state legislatures actually have a number of r-slurs who grew up in the thick of actual "the civil war was about states rights" and "slavery wasn't that bad for a lot of slaves" propaganda.

I only got a taste of that in school and from relatives, but with my generation it was all accompanied by more reasonable qualifiers like "but slavery was pretty much the main state right" and "but it was still slavery and that was bad", and that was a while ago. Libwokes and leftoids have such a hardon for the bad old days.

There really are a few places you're still fighting in the name of radical centrism to just teach about slavery and racism as is, without either apologia or self flagellation. And that's all the excuse wingcucks need.

I want to see one of these people get torn apart by a redneck tweaker and a black crackhead like T rexes did that one guy in Jurassic park.

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Lmao it’s true. Don’t forget every yt benefitted greatly from slavery despite the majority of yts never owning slaves and being against slavery.


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Its unironically such a weird thing. I heard common consensus was slavery wasnt a benefit to america, so not only was it cruel it was useless, yet i constantly hear “black people built this country” like no they didnt lol. Because then that would JUSTIFY slavery in a machievillian way. Like its so strange to hear this stuff employed to stamp out class conciousness and blame the working class for the ills of the upper class that are now ironically pushing the people who want to demoralize the lower classes as racist for not being born into the privellege of affording job security, education, better living standards yet are also born with the privellege of looking like the majority of the people who are born in the country

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If anything, chinks and potatoBIPOCs built America, blacks were just overpaid farming equipment.

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Unironically true, the Chinese had a huge hand in building the massive railroad links across the continent and were treated extremely poorly afterwards, arguably more poorly than even black people post civil war. California literally had a law that made it straight illegal to hire one to do anything at all.

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>mfw I don't pay Chinamen for back breaking work


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They werent paid at all lol

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Slavery would have directly hurt low-skilled worker mayos by driving their wages down.

Institutional racism was a tool of the ruling class, as social and economic control over both blacks and whites. Poor blacks had it worse, but the system was not designed to help poor whites.

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Don’t forget poor non-Anglo whites. Dutch, Germans, Italians and even Irish had the same rights as dogs in most places especially if they were also Catholics.


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The reason they switched over to slaves was because the indentured servants were becoming a nuisance when they were freed.

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Arguably us Eastern Euros actually got hurt by it - bongs and frogs had income that we just didn't have, allowing them to invest it locally while we had to rely on our own production while remaining competitive (because they sure as frick weren't going to leave us alone).

But I guess we have light hair and eyes, so we're just as culpable...

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My family owned slaves and I didn’t even benefit from it! Personally I want a darn refund

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Wait so they were teaching CRT after all? I can't keep up

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It depends on what you consider CRT. I think Libs believe (or portray it as) CRT being just the teaching the history of slavery. Which I would be willing to bet more than 99% of schools already do this (With some variation between schools)

Actual CRT deals with teaching about systematic racism. A term so broad and elusive that people use it as a way to describe how mayo supremacy infiltrates all aspects of life. Some advocates of CRT will use it to blame all of the problems minorities face on mayos (based)

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Why do people ask such loaded questions? Sticking a gun in your mouth is safer than answering these twats..


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Critical race theroy is about being critical of mayos, simple as, and its a good thing and also not happening

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Is impossible not to get personal when talking about race. These people are idiots, the polite thing to do is just ignore the question obviously or meme on it if you can.

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Love to see democracy in action :marseyembrace:

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You get what you voted for :marseynails:

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They replaced him with another black dude lol

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A house BIPOC installed to do the white man's bidding.

A wise man once said:

>The house neighbor will sell you up the river

>So to massa, he'll look bigger

>And when ya beef under a rock, he'll slither

>But I'll grab the tail of the house neighbor

>Pull the trigger and his head I'll deliver

Words I live by

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The house BIPOC

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:marseynotes2: I am noticing your noticing of some noticing.

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The South won the Civil War. It only lost the military part of the war; it won on the cultural, social, and political fronts.


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This is great :marseyxd:. I wonder if this twittard could name one thing from the confederate culture, society, or political customs that is currently winning.

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Pathological victimhood

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Huh, good point. Though you could argue that it kind of got redeveloped over time as opposed to getting straight out adopted out of the perma:marseyseethe: South.

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Obsession with race seems to hav permeated

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Whiskey, NASCAR, and cousin fricking.

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The South won the civil war because now we kill and enslave other country’s brown people

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:marseyemojirofl: These are the people who complain that they didn’t learn in anything in history class :marseyemojirofl:

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If the Civil War was entirely over slavery then how can the South win if slavery is gone. Wouldn't that imply that the Civil War was fought for other reasons which were at least equally important.

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Daily reminder this accurate racial history includes that “the british were totally gonna free the slaves and give natives their land back”

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The british abolished slavery 30 years before the US did and destroyed several slave trading kingdoms over it lmao

Trans lives matter


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Well now I have to love slavery, because I'm not about to start loving bong-cels.


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Wasnt the east india trading company around for like up until the early 20th century?

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Trans lives matter


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What a load of nonsense. The East India Company was one of the most powerful and influential organizations in the world during its time. It was responsible for the establishment of British rule in India and played a large role in global trade. The company's army was twice the size of the British Royal Army and its influence was felt throughout the world. The company's anti-slavery campaigns were well-funded and well-organized, and its workers were paid relatively well compared to other workers in the company's towns.

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Is that a school board meeting or a Sunday gospel?

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swung pendulum?

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Honest I remember when the Pendulum came out as trans during th late 90s.


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The district I work for has appointed instead of elected SB members. Coincidentally we're the only district without metal detectors.

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CRT isn't taught in schools but it should be.

Transform your Marseys! :marseywave:

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Rolling for Berkley mass protests

Your roll: 2663

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Rolling for fun

Your roll: 9015

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

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They then hired the second black superintendent if we are being honest

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Was she doing a good job or not ? If you are firing a competent person because you dont like their politics then you are r-slurred but that is expected from Trumptards.

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You're an idiot if you think firing someone because of their political beliefs is anything other than r-slurred. But I guess that's expected from people like you.

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Somebody is all riled up

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Somebody is definitely all riled up, and it's pretty clear who that somebody is!

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So they were voted in and acted within their power. What's the problem?

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Das waycist!


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