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Gigachad doctor :marseydoctor: dunks :marseydunkon: on foid so hard she's still sneeding :marseysneed: 11 years later




I remember (old person here) right before high school my summer school health teacher while teaching reproduction saying the best birth control is an aspirin-- you hold it between your knees.

My grandma told me the same thing, put aspirin between your legs, but I thought she was giving me a secret abortion trick. Was awkward for her to have to explain she meant I should just keep my legs closed.

>secret abortion trick


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I had a male phycologist tell me the reason I was so overweight was because I didn't love Jesus and that he loves Jesus and that's why he had two houses and a wife that loves him. So if I could just accept Jesus I wouldn't be fat


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it's always so weird when people make up blatantly false stories like that. there's zero chance anyone told her that.

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Everyone I knew that grew up to become a therapist was a depressed, xanaxed, :marseycarp2:ing mess in high school. They probably thought that an education in psychology would help them fix their problems, and it didn't so now they're just awful therapists that Tumblrpost on social media.

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nothing worse than a carping mess!

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This is totally plausible. Therapists say insane shit all the time.

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That's gotta be a dollar store therapist.

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idk you'd be surprised the batshit stuff that gets a pass in that profession

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If it is real then I need his number. I'd just call this guy whenever I'm having trouble and he'd just call me a strag, tell me to pray to God and stop being a loser. Legit no better therapy exists.

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Redditors uttery depend on psychologists and doctors to enable their delusions and supply them with prescription drugs and hormones.

But when you eavesdrop them talking amongst themselves, it's all badmouthing and disrespecting the medical profession. In their fantasy world, doctors are all unprofessional, unqualified, and treat their patients with cruelty and neglect.

Rush Limbaugh was a degenerate pillhead but he had the decency to thank a physician for supplying him with Vicodin (once he found one who would). Meanwhile, redditors snatch the estrogen pills out of a doctor's hands while yelling "took you long enough! Thanks for nothing! fascist! chud!"

fat women, :!marseytrain:s, and ingratitude: name a more ironic trio

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A psychologist might not, but I could see a phycologist doing it.

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Idk, sounds like every american that is interviewed on tv to me.

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no it doesnt

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yes it does

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no it doesnt

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Literally every time a lard is on the news here they mention god in some way.

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literally no they don't

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literally do no cap fr

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a person who studies algae

If she wasn’t so busy stuffing her face she’d have time to learn to spell


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Went to a phycologist about my depression and he was like "idk but have you tried algae smoothies?"

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When the vaginal yeast infection get out of control

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no no, the algaes on the outside in her bush, like all the moss on treebeard

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You will never be a plant.

You have no stalks or leaves or flowers. People only let you photosynthesize out of politeness or fear of being fired. You are a eukaryote twisted by quack doctors into a cruel mockery of flora.

When archaeologists dig up your grave in 3000 years, they'll classify you as a protozoa or some sort of slime mold.

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It's literally that easy.

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The truth

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Guarantee you that the psychologist was talking about spirituality and it's effect on his mentality.

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