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  • Luke_Alt : post was made while I was working, I would like to be reimbursed for my lost dramacoins.

A Tight-Knit Circle of Internet Troublemakers Convinced Professional Journ*lists | Hacker News

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Come out Trace. You know too much about us to be a casual observer.

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One clue: https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/pecd0o/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_august_30_2021/hb0yt5u/

Why refer to that obscure subreddit for a description of rdrama?

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When it comes to irrationality themotte/rationalists are the theoreticians and rdramatards are the experimentalists.

Unsurprisingly there is considerable crossover.

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way more than three lol

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Everyone should read the sequences just to learn how to be irrational more effectively.

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I have a lot of disagreements with rationalists (cognitive bias isn’t real, rationalism isn’t real, AI is not inscrutable, utilitarianism isn’t relevant, they’re scrawny whining ugly jews, bla bla bla) but they’re a community of intelligent smart people, they lead many trends, and many of them are right leaning, so I like them for that

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I like their (some of them at least) drive to effortpost. They have a level of motivation that I don’t often see on the internet at large.

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I'm the second so who's the third?


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WARNING: You are approaching @pizzashill levels of being wrong. Consider carefully how you would like to proceed.

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You can't just say someone's wrong. If you're going to say someone's wrong, then you have to say why.

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I post (mostly lurk) on both and am constantly recognizing username crossover. Most of the rats, including myself, don't comment regularly on rdrama though.

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Okay I'm letting you off this time on account of obvious capability for self reflection but I'll be watching you.

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there aren't many

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Everyone on HN reads Slate Star Codex, posts on the Motte , and jerks off to Paul Graham and Lisp (while wageslaving in javascript)

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Excuse me but I wageslave in C#.

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Is it compiled to JS or WASM yet?

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Even I'm not pathetic enough to write frontend code for a living.

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You're just cucked so bad that you write more code for less money.

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...Uhh 100% too accurate.

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I know the first two idk what the last two are

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Paul Graham created Hacker News (and the Y Combinator startup accelerator) and he's a weird Lisp (programming language nobody uses) evangelist. I believe most of HN is written in Lisp.

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HN is written in his own Lisp dialect called Arc. My favorite fact about PG's programming ability as demonstrated by the HN website: he leveraged the Power of Lisp by creating a sort of Domain-Specific Language that apparently allowed him to generate HTML just by writing (div (a (... and so on, and, most importantly, have all event handlers (like, onclick for buttons) be ordinary functions right in there, so the entire user session was a glorious function invocation containing a bunch of functions calling each other, a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closure_(computer_programming) .

"But how did he persist and restore session state between requests, that sounds nontrivial?" you might ask. Trick question, he did not, he literally added several dozens of closures to some dictionary keyed by a pseudo-sequentially generated id, so when you clicked an upvote the server knew which closure to invoke. Even for not-logged-in users. So a) for the longest time these callbacks would expire in like 10 minutes, so if you spent more than that reading the comment section the reply buttons would stop working, and b) he admitted that he had to have the webservice restart once per hour because apparently this was not the only such genius decision involved.

This demonstrates that D&D devil worshippers were onto something when they had separate Intelligence and Wisdom stats, and that Paul Graham rolled pretty high on the former and negative on the latter.

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Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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Don't you know we live in the glorious era of node and Javascript for the Backend?????????????

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Electron and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

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Another clue is that a user named "TracingWoodgrains" appears to moderate that obscure subreddit, and seems to have linked a copy of the article from there.


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Hmm.... Very suspicious. We'll send our top minds on the case, and they'll surely get to the bottom of this.

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I suppose it would be rude not to wave hello

I didn't ever post on r/drama outside of one seriousposting argument with pizza because it didn't fit my Aesthetic, but yeah I lurk here sometimes and made an alt to screw around here a bit.

carry on

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Fabulous article! Making a point to mention that we're all just morons that like to be mean to people is far better journ*lism than the usual "probs nahtzies" garbage we get.


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Thanks! And yeah, I figured if I was writing about you guys, I should at least clarify what you are and aren't, since the same, ah, journ*lists who fall for nonsense like txbountyhunters tend to also get mixed up about that stuff. Glad the tone landed properly

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It was really surprising - and refreshing - to see a non-poster who actually gets it. Like it's not hard to get? We're really simple neurodivergents. But the universal willful misunderstanding of absolutely everything has long since been accepted as the inevitable norm.

Great writeup. Thanks for the visibility!


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Yeah, I don't get it either. People want to see what they want to see, I suppose.

but i'm smarter and cooler than all of them so i see only truth

anyway, big fan of your work here, particularly profile music and anti-agendaposting measures. keep it up and such

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Really makes me wonder how many communities we ourselves grossly mischaracterize.

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FDS and anything to do with trains, for starters.

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In which ways do you think they're mischaracterized?

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Every FDS post has a bunch of dumb comments about how they're fat "femcels" or "legbeards" who are bitter because no man will touch them, but most FDS posters are clearly not angry because men won't talk to them, they're super bitter precisely because they've been fricking shitty worthless moids and putting up with their bullshit for years. It's like the difference between the sad loners of r/braincels and the angry 45 year old divorced dudes on r/mensrights.

And for trains, any post that touches on teenagers struggling with their identity is filled with a zillion rightoids screeching about "grooming" (on plebbit, to some anonymous random?) as though everyone involved is a s*x pest (there are some, but they're much rarer than dramatards pretend). It's badly misreading a bunch of sad weirdos who think they're trying to help (in their own awkward way) somebody going through the same thing they did when they were younger.

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Well for starters, we keep saying they have human rights.

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FDS is correct/great (as a philosophy) so long as you remember that nearly all the members there are, by definition, failures at it and you should take their advice with a grain of salt.

I married in my 20’s to a now-surgeon and am not super attractive but pretty much all the “red flags” are just liberal brainrot signaling that will mislead you, and do not at all select a partner based on similar political beliefs (because they will probably change anyways).

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Most people do care, and don’t really want to believe and spread obvious falsehoods designed to make their opponents look bad.

This was one of the only incorrect parts of the post. Dopamine supplied by internet points and grift money comes first.

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If I pay you 500 dramcoins will you include this marsey in your next article?

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It does move us a step closer to making Marsey a hate symbol

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Seriousposting arguments with pizza is basically a rite of passage tbh

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When I first found r/Drama pizza was in 2 different threads. One he was citing FBI crime statistics and rightoid babble. In the other he was screeching about Drumpf and how he misses Obama

Love at first sight

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I liked his peepee sucking lips

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It usually is, but I know pizzashill. While trolling righty-tighties, he does yearn for a sincere conversation, so I have no problem giving him one or two.

Anyway, how's the modlyfe been treating you?

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Lmao you're that guy with the incredibly r-slurred/insufferable intro aren't you

I am pro-civilization, which I view as a precarious continuation of the anti-entropy push begun when the first life appeared. I stand in awe of what humanity has collectively built, and think we need to take our duty to it seriously: to understand, preserve, and build upon what has been left for us, to ensure it can stick around for our progeny to enjoy. I take a Hobbesian view, seeing anarchy of all sorts as pushing against the house of cards we have built, as a threat to return us to nasty, cruel, brutish, short lives in the state of nature. Connected to this, I tend to favor law-and-order stances when it comes to crime and the state. At the same time, I am often happiest in the mountains and the woods, as far from civilization as modernity allows, or finding patches of wilderness or abandoned buildings slowly being reclaimed. I am sympathetic both to Georgist/urbanist YIMBY pushes in cities and rewilding initiatives.

I've shared this with like 300 people and it never fails to get a laugh.

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thanks for spreading the good word compliments like this mean a lot coming from you

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If every journo could handle the bantz like you the internet would be a lot more fun.

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But would it though?

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Oh so he's a yimby? Based

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Post bussy.

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What the frick a based j*urnalist???

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A journ*list that wrote a good article, doesn't fall for obvious baits and has an actual sense of humor?! are you real?

Wait, you have that image saved on your computer?

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You don't?

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I only save cropped porn of Sylveon, but I'm not gonna lie, I kinda liked the idea of sending furry bussy to anyone who asks for it...

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i have a carefully curated selection of high-quality options on hand. only the best for dramanauts

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Bloggers aren't really journos.


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At this point, bloggers are better than.

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Well of course, bloggers are mostly humans.


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He does now. That's what matters

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I'll be sure to post this whenever you make a janny comment.

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good, that way people will know i'm a rule-following goodthinker who respects local norms

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Local norms? In r/TheMotte? Okay, sure!

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To be fair, this is the guy who decided that the motte wasn't neurodivergent enough and made r/theschism.

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it's a good sub brent

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Ah, we were wondering on groomercord how someone would be able to be so well-versed in our "culture" and "values".

Unironically fantstic article, btw! We would have enjoyed even a bad one, probably, if just for the laughs, but this was legitimately good!

PS. You should repost this as a top-level comment so that we could pin it, if you want. The more people see you, the better

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btw could i get a groomercord invite

i know there's a dramacoin requirement and everything but i wrote an article so imo it should be waived for me

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I can give you the dramacoin.

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thanks for the generous gift friend

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Sent via DMs. We'd be happy to have you!

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Have you seen the dosier? Are you on mobile? Click the hamburger menu

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i'm a simpleton on desktop who cannot find it anywhere. what am i doing wrong


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If your on mobile you can just press the hamburger menu. It worked for me if you turn on and off airplane mode. Are you on the groomercord? I’m basically the IT guy around here so I help a lot of people.

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Ah, we were wondering on groomercord

That almost makes me want to get on groomercord and bully you nerds.

fashtstic article

You mean, "fantastic article." You're (national) socialism was showing a little there.

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Making a groomercord account

You will regret it dramanautos, the trannoids will assimilate you.

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That almost makes me want to get on groomercord and bully you nerds.

Same, but groomercord sucks and you can't make an account from behind tor

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Groomercord's a mess in that regard. They expect you to tie the same account to all the servers you're in whether it's one you share with IRL friends or one you want to remain anonymous.

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Arguing with pizza only to realize he's so based he literally has no convictions and just wants to type essays is essential dramanaut hazing

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He argued that the Jared Leto batman was better than Heath Ledger just to cause redditors to self harm.

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He has two convictions: ates women and ates rurals simple as

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Get Scott Alexander to write about us.

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you didn't hear it here but i'm trying to get jesse singal and katie herzog on the case

i feel like it's more up their alley tbh

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I want to read 250,000 words on dude bussy lmao.

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That would be amazing, second only to Glenn Greenwald.

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I'd nut if Daddy Bussy noticed us.

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TheMotte and Drama have a lot of overlap.

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I want Katie Herzog to be my mommy

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It can be done by mentioning how this "post-modern ecosystem of meanie deuxdramaturds" is a living, breathing example of Elinor Ostrom's Polycentrism, where local communities gather together to accomplish a somewhat common goal without having an over-arching central authority to dictate policy. It's kinda true, but I'm not sure how much relies on Aevann, his github code, and the other communities and their ability to freely modify the codebase as they see fit.

Context: https://rdrama.net/post/14008/made-something-feedback-needed-marseylove/284956/?context=5#context

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We'd be utterly fricked and shit on without Aevann and his willingness to do all of this and his light touch on the admin cowtools.

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And the generous paypigs who fund our neurodivergent expeditions.

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rdrama isn't a polycentric order, sorry. There's no nested hierarchy. Just neurodivergents and jannies.

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A single neurodivergent can be an infinitely nested hierarchy by themselves.


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What do you mean?

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Are you r-slurred? Go and make me food!

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It's in the early stages, so it's all unfalsibiable, sweatums. If the codebase is in the hands of the Highest Egyptian Order, and if all of marseyverse follows from it's basic code, I can finagle this rectangle into the polycentric circle. You just gotta watch me now, feeeeel the groove.

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without having an over-arching central authority to dictate policy.




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That's our jannies and surveillance system of our little city-state. The marseyverse lacks those, aside from Aevann the Architect.

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Oh, I see what you mean mb. Yeah that'll be cool. We have nothing to lose but our jannies

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Unironically that would be amazing.

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What's your favourite Marsey?

Nice article, it was a fun read. Even saw one of my bait posts in the r/TPTK collage.

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these two

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Hi, trace. Thanks for not making us all out to be nazis. I’m actually pretty progressive, but I’m such a nihilist that I’ll pretend to be anything in order to piss people off. My beliefs are irrelevant because I’m rather mercenary about getting what I want - which is nothing more than the sheer childish glee that comes from making people mad. You’re still journo scum but I don’t mind!

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Is there a place for that? Absolutely not for everyone, and absolutely not everywhere. But I believe that sort of hive of cynicism acts as a pressure check on the rest of us: if you become a parody of yourself, if you fall for obvious bait, if you get too caught up in an echo chamber and take yourself a bit too seriously, someone will notice, and they will laugh at you.

The positive of the rDrama ethos, if any. Kudos for the article!

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It hurts to say it out loud but....b..b..based journ*list?

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Writing about this place is just as lame as people talking about 4chan or KiwiFarms in real life.

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Mental illness is real.

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My boss is in his fifties and after a long conversation about variously trolling and and conspiracies he asked if I knew about 8ch and 4ch. I didn't have the wherewithal to probe him for details but I said I spent too much time on it back in the 00s. He knows too much :0

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If this is you, do something to prove it.

The last word of the medium article is currently “best”. If this changed somehow, I might believe you aren’t just someone role playing.

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there i added some links to discussions for you

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I’m convinced.

I really liked the article.

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Personally, I advocate for the path that drives cultural rifts deeper.

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Unironically a really well written article, the kind I would more expect to read in the new yorker.

But also,

such as New York Times bestselling author Steve Silberman (author of a book on autism)

You think you're sly, eh?

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i do! i worked hard on that line. thanks for noticing

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I know you might not see this, but thank you for featuring my Marsey ( ) first thing in the article

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You're welcome it's a good marsey and it came up quickly in glorious high definition when i was searching. tyfys

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Read that as teefies lol https://old.reddit.com/r/teefies/

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Do I want to click that

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Hi! Nice Article!

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Stop breaking the masquerade

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Mere Christianity quoter

The most cucked of Chirstcucks

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Are you a real journ*list (as in having a job in journ*lism) or do you do it for free?

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lol I definitely do it for free. I’m just a terminally online random who likes writing about nonsense. With the attention this piece has gotten, tho, I hope to double my salary moving forward

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You'd be a decent journ*list tbh. Shame the industry is complete trash.

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Appreciate it. Because the industry is complete trash, I’ve never hoped to seriously enter it, but I wouldn’t mind taking the 100% reliable route of blogging as a hobbyist, getting Clout that way, and occasionally pushing something towards mainstream publications.

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Can't say much that hasn't already been said in this thread, but I thoroughly enjoyed the article! Was not at all what I was expecting when I saw r/drama in a news headline!

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Zoomer foid, OUT

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Definitely masterlawlz


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Even using Marsey.

We got a journ*list in the ranks.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I decent one that actually does their due diligence, unlike all those other r-slurs that fell for the bait


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That was the first article I've seen written about rdrama that has somewhat of an understanding of the culture. I bet he's got some bantz.

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Mod him or at least make a special badge

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yeah give me a badge @carpathianflorist or whoever

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I’ll make a snazzy PR Hero badge tomorrow/later today (probably). Crippling migraine for a few days now. Hoping it fricks off when I wake up but we’ll see. It’s on the to-do list for when I am functional again though


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many thanks and feel better

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Have you tried ibuprofen? It works miracles for me and nobody told me to try it, so I'm just making sure...

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try some xans

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I second the Advil, but maybe a magnet headband would work. Yes, I'm a nutcase, but have been wearing a magnet necklace for three days and my stiff neck/pain seems to be gone. Something about blood circulation being increased. /Witch doctor alpologist.

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That magnet necklace only works because the vaccine metalicized your bloods.

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I think that the act of doing good journ*lism precludes one of being a journ*list.

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plot twist she started txbountyhunters

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That's some 6D chess shit if true.

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The hustle to end all hustles

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