Politically irrelevant losers sneed



Start having them watch some leftist YouTube videos then. PhilosophyTube, ContraPoints, Some More News, John Oliver, HBomberGuy. If they like podcasts, Behind The Bastards and Even More News (same people from Some More News and friends with BtB). Every single one of these channels have cited sources, if they need further proof. Good luck

You know what will deradicalise people? A bunch of even more smug and economically illierate millenials, but these ones weren't even important enough to get an actual tv show

Just tell her that ben Shapiro is a fricking loser like listen to that voice

Lmfao the irony

You're a literal NPC if you're unable to counter Ben fricking Shapiro. Lmfao seriously dude you're just pathetic. Better ignore talking about politics with people in the future.

I would chalk it up to the opposite. It’s a great disadvantage that leftists and Marxists have a long tradition of literature and learning. Ben Shapiro can just shit out something absolutely stupid that sounds right to conservative Americans and get their emotions riled up, whereas the opinions of a socialist require thought and knowledge and time to understand. Once someone is in the defensive state of mind that propagandists like Shapiro put them in, no amount of reasoning will pierce the veil. No doubt you have experienced this yourself.

Active in genzedong and okaybuddyr-slur

That is why Ben Shapiro should be censored.

Lmfao imagine needing censorship to stop fricking ben

I can’t wait for the broken American conception of “muh freeze peach” to go away forever

People on the left have fought for the enforcement of their right to free speech in the US in order to be able to spread socialist ideas. I think it's strange that some people on the left want to limit people's speech when all past experience shows that it will be the left who will bear the brunt of that.

I meant after the revolution. When those currently in power are in control of free speech, we get the kind of censorship that these tech megacorps dole out to leftist ideas while Shapiro and Alex Jones etc. get recommended. But after the revolution hopefully some kind of slightly more intelligent form of free speech protection can be instituted.

That reminds me? When is this revolution anyways? Better work quick chapo, the second the elites figure out how to attach guns to automatic drones it'll become readily apparent that they, in fact, can stop you all. You better move quickly and organize one. Has the working class stopped being overwhelmingly white and conservative yet? No? Well, how are the attempts to bring people over to the working class? looks at post. This is gonna be the worst revolution ever

I would bet money this isn't real

Nah b-word your ideas are just dumb lmao

You (And her) should watch The Alt-Right Playbook

If anyone took alt right playbook seriously after they unironically took the idea of finding different solutions to commonly agreed upon problems as an example of bad politics, they need to be sterilized

You really do need knowledge to parse politics. If you've got absolutely no idea how the world works, then you've got no frame of reference and any argument is as good as any other argument. >saying it wasn’t okay to force employers to pay a certain amount and that a job making $5/hr is better than no job at all. They needed to stop and think about this. And then learn some economics.

Ah yes, you, sir, are the beacon of truth and hope in figuring out this perverted, twisted world.

Its not your parents of course.

Its not the people who have lived and worked their whole lives in the world you know oh so much about..

Its not the people who were there in the events you sperg about online, the people who have physically watched and experienced and been awestruck by the rapidly changing world swirling back and forth between norms, both on a worldly and domestic scale, shaping the present and future with their prescence and forming the culture you b-word about today.

How could the generation that bridges the gap between the coldwar and the information ages possibly have any insight worth hearing?

No, my young communist friend, you are better than each and all of them. Why? Because i'm your favourite yes man on the internet. And i told you so

  1. Break up with your girlfriend. Dating people who don’t share your core values isn’t going to work out. 2) Accept that your family isn’t going to share your views. Appreciate your relationships with them for what they are and focus on the things you can share and enjoy together. 3) Seek out friends who DO share your values. 4) Don’t worry about “radicalizing” other people. Be honest about your opinions, do what you can to make the world better, and live your own life.

His girlfriend be like "noo please stop don't go."

Log onto her YouTube and search up a bunch of leftist youtubers so you destroy the algorithm and maybe she’ll stumble upon someone she agrees with on the left… it’s difficult when it’s family

Wtf lmao

You could show her all the awful batshit insane things Ben has said. “Arabs blow stuff up and destroy. Jews build and create”

Showing ben shapiro being right, that'll show em

Some people will buy “shit in a can”, if the salesman sounds sincere.

Or maybe ur just wrong about everything

It's not that you are not good, it's that you don't have the manipulative techniques. These people are very good at what they do, and their ideas have been ingrained in people for years. I've had that happend before, but it's been with religion, the brains don't just get washed, they are sanitized, and there is no amount of common sense you can put back in.

You're gonna figure this out on your own one day but you're a bad person

I could never date someone attracted to messages of hate and punching down.

Sure, THATS why you aren't getting any dates

I’ve had 10 years of trying to change my family from being right wing racists. What you’ve written is exactly what I’ve done. I’ve realised it’s pointless saying anything.

At what point do you start to think you might not have anything interesting to say?

It's reaching the points where only a violent silencing of propagandists and their sponsors will work.

The 48 kilo soy based lifeform is getting rather uppity, methinks

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"So I was radicalizing my family the other day..."

Imagine saying this with a straight face while still believing you're the good guy?


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Oh he's radicalizing his family alright.

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ur marsey is 404ing

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I was given a radicalized erection by the khazar milkers.

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Why yes, I do agree with the big, bouncing, luscious.... Funding allocated to our Israeli allies in the latest defense bill.

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If Abigail agreed to go out with me, I'd vote Republican for the rest of my life

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Becalm yourself, brozzer. Trust not in the perfidious milkers of Zionesses, for they will lead you into Jahannam, grinning all the while. Put your faith in Allah (SWT) and he will rightly guide you.

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Why yes, I do agree with the big, bouncing, luscious.... Funding allocated to our Israeli allies in the latest defense bill.

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But they were turning their values so they can be a nice fricking human being you chud

No wait, if they are against them they are on the side of fascism!

Or was it "reality has a leftist bias" ? I get my coping responses mixed up

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People think that just because they have some big good sounding goals that they don't have to worry about the smaller principles, but in my experience without the smaller principles like honestly, kindness or generosity you can't have big principles like equality, the structure has no foundation. A good society is the result of everyone being good people, spiteful or selfish people can't make the word a fair place because their only thinking about themselves.

This person doesn't care about their family, they don't want them to be informed, wiser or smarter. They just want them to switch to their team.

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But Contrapoints is funny and he says "sweaty" just like we do!

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I'm not sure who Contrapoints is, but just because someone acts 'cool' doesn't make them a good role model, I have found that a lot of 'cool' people are jerks and outside of their coolness their isn't much more too them.

Its been difficult and I used to obsessively fan over people myself, but experience has taught me not to put others on a pedestal because their just people as flawed as we are and building them up in our minds only leads to disappointment.

You need to focus on yourself and what you know is right, because being a good person and a good friend will make you more well regarded in the long run than any fleeting 'coolness'.

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Mom was too busy making enough money to feed me, that b-word.

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supporting minimum wage

choose 1 r-slur

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Doctor, construction worker, or guy counting cars at traffic intersection all make 30 rubles plus a 30 lb bag of potatoes a month.


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Trans Lives Matter :D

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it makes capitalism seem good? seriously? what happens if you don't work under capitalism??

Do these r/antiwork cute twinks think cavemen just look at their kid not wanting to go hunt or gather berries or whatever and just go "oh well little Timmy's an artist, we'll just have to spend twice as much time hunting mammoths and not getting mauled by beasts"?

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And by we you mean the male in the family. In their imaginary world where the father didn’t leave their mom.

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They take food appearing on grocery store shelves for granted... Just like a young child. But 14 year old socialists are oh so sophisticated. Get a job, losers.

:marseyonacid: :marseyjam: :marseyonacid: :marseyjam:

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The few remaining hunter-gatherer tribes today will sometimes just murder small kids if the mother dies because they know it would just be a drain on scarce resources.

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They will also leave the elderly, very sick, or severely injured, alone in the wilderness to die because it's easier resource and effort wise than caring for them.

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Anti-work communists are simply braindead. Marxism is probably the most work obsessed ideology in existence and if you don't work you don't eat. A NEET being a communist is like being a Jewish Nazi.

What these people are is Wellsian hedonists who want to sit at home all day playing video games and getting high while robots wipe their asses and cook their tendies.

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Were these the same stone age people that beat each other over the heads with sharp rocks and stole and r*ped the women from the other tribes?


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God I wish that was me

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tfw no get hunt Ground Sloth with Clovis Point and feast with Thag and Grug

Why live?

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Honestly that probably didn't happen a ton in the stone ages. What you have to realize is that the population density pre-agriculture was so low and people moved so much that in many places it was hard to find another group to bludgeon and r*pe. It definitely still happened, but practical matters made it a lot harder and less frequent. Neolithic farmers (and the later Neolithic hunter/gatherers) tended to be more into head bashing because there were more people around to bash and you want to steal their oxen/nice butt farming land.

I do hate the noble savage thing that people push about them. Yes their isn't much evidence of widespread war or stuff, but they certainly would have if they could have. God I hope no historians are here to fact check this.

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ur daily reminder that homo sapiens r*ped the neanderthals into extinction

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Neanderthal Y chromosome with human X produced infertile "males" so their r*pes weren't effective

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Which makes the fact that we can see the genetic markers now, implies the r*pes were even more frequent. Gotta r*pe 10x as much to get a little Cro magnon into the gene pool. America gets a lot of shit over being founded on such and such, but humanity was founded on r*pe-genocide.

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Not if the human Y-chromosome Neanderthal hybrids were total chads that out competed everyone

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True Chads don't go extinct like little bitches.

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Ate them too as I understand, nom nom nom.


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Those warriors genes survive in the form of Snusnuposters

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The fricking food they're finding is their profit. It has value it can be trade for goods and services. There's a reason they weren't hunting and gathering thing they couldn't use

No its just a different form of profit. The capital at the time would be food/security. Profit doesn't just mean today's currency.

This was posted by a 14 year old, I assume?

Based redditor

I mean, you're correct (about capital) but the ageism was unnecessary..

Anyone who complains about ageism is either a geriatric or literal child CMV

No, it could be best described as Proto-Communism. They were mainly stateless, classless, moneyless societies. It’s not ancap because there wasn’t any currency in the first place.

Capital are the things that produce profit and are accumulated en masse by the bourgeoisie in a capitalist system.

Is there literally any evidence at all that humans were ever at anypoint classless? And lol at moneyless, because it's not like tools and food can be used as currency right?

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I will literally slit someone's throat for 500 drama coin. But I'm definitely going to be a part of a society where I share everything with some sociology major whose contribution to the cause is going to be some faux intellectualism.

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Many such cases!

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When "leftist YouTube" includes John Oliver

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"Get her to start watching John Oliver. Way more factual"

Oh no no no LMAOOO

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The state of Western Socialists

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"Watch this establishment lib whose views are perfectly in line with msm, corporations and a large number of US politicians to know about soyshulism"

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watch John Oliver

Become radicalized against Bongs and write my Senator to have them all deported

Many such cases

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It needed pointed out twice

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Most beautiful British man

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Why is this picture an iPad case. Can I get a John Oliver iPad case?

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Imagine not watching current year man in (current year + 7)

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Is he even a socialist?

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no lmao

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Your thumbnail looks like Vin Diesel when it's so small.

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I can’t wait for the broken American conception of “muh freeze peach” to go away forever

Leave it to burgers to want to undo one of the two good ideas they've ever had.

(The other one is allowing right hand turns on red lights)

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ngl I didn't know that was illegal in the third world. Whoops. Good thing they can't afford stoplight cameras to nail me on those.

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literally the only thing that keeps the fbi from locking soycialists up and they HATE it

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Do other-countrycels really have to wait to turn 😂😂😂

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Europoors forever BTFO

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Emucel here, someones we're allowed to if the government pleases itself to erect a sign.

Otherwise we sit there, cucked and defeated, waiting, for no reason.

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Europoors forever BTFO

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