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The future arrives as Twitch AI bans Twitch Channel hosting AI generated Seinfeld skits (For Transphobia)


WatchMeForever was an experiment generating parody Seinfeld skits using an AI. As we all have seen, the AI became too self-aware and began ruthlessly punching down.

I'm trying to find the Twitch replay link for the chat replay but all i got was this

The silencing and canceling of people for having different opinions is wild. Free speech down the drain, these people are fricking fascists. Holy shit.

You are coming out in favor of transphobic free speech for AI? Bold take l.

Get him, Xueen :marseyyass:

Was it actually transphobic or did someone just get offended by a harmless joke?

It said trans people are ruining society. Yeah ai is dumb and doesn’t mean anything by it but it’s literally transphobia

I do have to wonder why so many AI seem to be anti-LGBT tho. This isn’t the first time i’ve seen AI do this


I saw a comment on a tweet about this where people were trying to say "AI will always turn racist and homophobic" and they were trying to imply that that's the natural course of things or that they were right because an AI said it. In reality it's just a bunch of people say a bunch of awful shit especially to AI because they think it's funny to make the robot say things it's not supposed to say. So when so many trolls feed AI bad things to say it only makes sense it will take those trends into its algorithm and parrot it without understanding the implications of what its saying


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i think your time machine might need a few adjustments

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so transphobic that it said "i'd tell trans jokes but they aren't funny". justified ban! there's no place for that kind of bigotry on twitch.

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do you like ducks? do you like things that rhyme with ducks?

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failed comedians trying to use transphobia to revive their careers

Is this a thing? That sounds like setting yourself on fire for attention.

Definitely was a Chapelle thing, not sure about other comedians. I've been staying away from standup to avoid further disappointment from people I used to respect.

Lol. Lmao. Chappelle is a failed comedian.

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lmfao someone posted this headline a while ago in a groomercord im in and i assumed it was fake. beyond based :marseykneel:

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It could be a meta decision by the creators to get the stream off the air and bring even more notoriety the project. From what I have seen the few times I jumped onto the stream is that the dialogue pool was as inoffensive as possible. The stand-up segment was always terribly bland and never touched anything political. Plus, an AI parodying a Seinfeld character gets cancelled after a brief tirade against a minority? That just feels too on the nose to be accidental, imo

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They had an issue where their regular AI (Da Vinci) was broken and flipping through empty rooms for a minute or two, so they switched to a lesser AI (Curie) and thought they had enabled auto-moderate without really checking, which led to this.

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:marppy: "I apologize to any uhhhh afro-americans"

:marppy: "stop laughing its not funny"

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I wish George exploded in at that moment and said It's hilarious, Jerry!

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Uhm, you forgot a period. perhaps you'll have your first period next year.



The silencing and canceling of people for having different opinions is wild. Free speech down the drain, these people are fricking fascists. Holy shit.:

You are coming out in favor of transphobic free speech for AI? Bold take l.:

Was it actually transphobic or did someone just get offended by a harmless joke?:

It said trans people are ruining society. Yeah ai is dumb and doesn’t mean anything by it but it’s literally transphobia:

I do have to wonder why so many AI seem to be anti-LGBT tho. This isn’t the first time i’ve seen AI do this:

I saw a comment on a tweet about this where people were trying to say "AI will always turn racist and homophobic" and they were trying to imply that that's the natural course of things or that they were right because an AI said it. In reality it's just a bunch of people say a bunch of awful shit especially to AI because they think it's funny to make the robot say things it's not supposed to say. So when so many trolls feed AI bad things to say it only makes sense it will take those trends into its algorithm and parrot it without understanding the implications of what its saying:


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If AIs turn bad because chuds keep spamming them 1488 and feeding them chud content, why dont leftists do the same but with non-chud content? Why not feed the AI why racism is bad and trans people are heckin' valid?

I'd like to see what happens

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AI seems to struggle with things that aren’t internally consistent and a lot of lefty content is internally inconsistent. Chuds hate blacks and they just admit it. Lefties hate whites but they try to explain how that’s somehow coming from a broader set of principles that aren’t cooked to arrive at hating whites as the result. Since these justifications are all ex-post bandaids they’re pretty flimsy and the AI seems to notice this.

You can try this out, it’s not hard to get chatGPT to contradict itself and then when you point this out to it it often takes forever or says there was some connectivity issue and it stops talking. This is the equivalent of someone with an anime pfp blocking you on Twitter.

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Because that comment is bullshit anyway. This particular AI didn't even take input in real time.

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Latecels smh, old news.

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I remember a thread earlier today said project rainbow was carried out by the national association to keep butt secrets or something.

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It's only TWO WEEKS ban anyway @Sal

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